Background & Aim: Job burnout is a delayed reaction to chronic stressors in the workplace, which has many adverse effects on the nurses and the organization in which they work. The present study aimed to predict job burnout based on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, emotional intelligence, and the types of nurses’,personalities. Materials & Methods: The current study was cross-sectional analytic research conducted using quota sampling on 250 nurses working in Teaching Hospitals in Kermanshah, Iran. Initially, Maslach’, s job burnout questionnaire was completed by all the people studied in the research, and then the people who had high job burnout entered the second stage of the research. Then, they completed Berfield’, s job satisfaction, Neo’, s 5-fold personality traits, Schering’, s emotional intelligence, and Blaw’, s job commitment inventories. Data were entered into SPSS software v. 23 and were analyzed statistically. Results: The findings showed that 84% of nurses had burnout. The level of job satisfaction, emotional intelligence, organizational commitment, and scores of five personality traits in the nurses was higher than the average. None of the variables of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, emotional intelligence, and personality type could predict job burnout, and job burnout was higher in the group of nurses with less than five years of experience than the other groups. Also, job commitment had a significant relationship with age and work experience. Regarding the five personality traits and in all five categories, most people were in the average group. The most job burnout was in female and married people and in nurses with low income. Discussion: The present study showed that none of the variables of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, emotional intelligence, and personality type could predict job burnout, and no significant relationship was found between these variables and job burnout. The results of this study help nursing managers and officials to consider the lack of relationship between the variables in the management planning of the health organization to reduce job burnout in this way and preventing wasting of financial and time resources in the wrong direction to reduce job burnout.