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Purpose: The aim of this study is to answer the question of what is the inclination of the soul and the ways to deal with it, while emphasizing the essence of the incense of the soul by emphasizing Nahj al-Balaghah and Imam Khomeini's mystical thoughts, emphasizes the important issue that human beings Kamali will face a stubborn enemy called Nafs Amara, who uses various tricks to make sin easy and beautiful. The researcher's motivation in this paper is to achieve the process of induction of the kid by the soul, to explain the dimensions and effects of this subject on various anthropological issues. Materials and Methods: Using content analysis method and qualitatively and using library resources, the author first deals with the semantics of nostrils, then analyzes the synonymous and key meanings of this word such as delivery, decoration, and talbis. Findings: The defecation of the soul is so complex and precise that no one is safe from its deadly danger at any level except the Infallible (peace be upon him). It is also a skeptical and hierarchical matter that is directly related to the level of cognition and faith, position and position of individuals, which if ignored and not treated in a timely manner, the ground for deviation and fall from the human level is provided. Conclusion: The results show components such as: mindfulness and awakening, thinking and contemplation, guidance, benefiting from the advice of the Qur'an, piety and foresight, meditation and self-calculation, among the most practical strategies to deal with the challenge of selfsufficiency with emphasis on the teachings of Nahjul Balagha and They are the thoughts of Imam Khomeini.

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Purpose: A conservative estimate from the 2009 Global Corruption Perceptions Survey suggests that people who paid bribes spent 7 percent of their annual income on bribes. Also, every year something like 2-5% of the world's total production is exchanged as bribes. According to studies conducted in the world, more than 300 billion dollars are spent annually in the health and treatment sector, of which an average of ten percent is lost in corrupt transactions. High levels of corruption have profound negative consequences on society's health and well-being. The above numbers and statistics all indicate the existence of an important and undeniable problem in organizations and the health system, which causes the budget and expenses spent in this sector not to be spent properly and at the target location. This issue can leave its bad effects on the health system and the beneficiaries in this system (household or consumers, suppliers, providers and buyers) and bring negative and destructive consequences. Materials and Methods: the research method is based on "combined approach",The first phase of the research based on the method of "documentary review" and "grounded theory" was carried out by extracting corruption variables in the healthcare system. In the second phase, the variables were examined through the estimation of "face validity" and the consensus of the elites' opinion showed that the metrics have the necessary sufficiency to measure the variables of "perception of corruption". In the third phase, based on the "survey" method, the questionnaire tool was distributed to measure "validity" and "reliability" in the group of citizens (as the target group of the healthcare system) and this questionnaire was distributed among 130 people who referred to hospitals in Tehran and the city. Findings: In order to validate the items related to citizens' perception of corruption in the healthcare system, it was subjected to "exploratory factor analysis" to identify the underlying factors in the items. After that, the reliability estimation based on the "internal stability" technique was done for the items and factors and the items with weak alpha coefficient were removed. In the final stage, based on Cronbach's alpha estimation, to estimate the "structural validity" of the research tool, a "second-order factor model" was designed for citizens' "perception of corruption" and the final measurement model was fitted. Conclusion: Validation of the research tool showed that corruption in the healthcare system can be measured with four factors: "financial corruption", "interactional corruption", "structural corruption" and "supervisory corruption", and the research questionnaire has been introduced with 26 items.

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Purpose: The spread of the disease has led to emerging spiritual conflicts among individuals. The issue of "prayer and obedience" is one of the pervasive conflicts in the field of spiritual health and in the form of the following proposition: "Unless God has said that whoever submits his request to God, his prayer will be answered,But there was no improvement! "Since the consequences of this conflict will have a direct impact on the reduction of one's relationship with God, it was necessary to examine, explain and analyze some of these conflicts in the following article to resolve them to the main Our goal is to achieve the holy peace of people. Materials and Methods: The method of reviewing the article is qualitative and descriptive-exploratory-analytical. After communicating with patients and extracting this belief, some answers are provided. Findings: Shows that prayer is directly related to the law of causality. Prayer is inherently desirable in itself, regardless of whether it satisfies human needs. But the reason for not answering some human prayers is related to divine wisdom. Conclusion: Clinical experiences show that as a result of the transition from spiritual conflict, spiritual health is achieved in patients.

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Purpose: The principle of the effect of general human attitudes on individual and social lifestyles is a new phenomenon in lifestyle research, while the principles and quality of effectiveness of general human attitudes from the perspective of religious texts have not been studied. In line with this ideal, the purpose of this study, while revealing the infrastructure of general human attitudes from the perspective of religious texts and their impact on human behavior, was to assess and study the existing views in this field. Materials and Methods: This research has been done qualitatively (library and filing) and has evaluated and analyzed the subject according to reliable scientific sources. Findings: After reviewing, analyzing and exact refining of the foundations and the quality of effectiveness of general human attitudes with emphasis on the verses of the Holy Quran, the findings of this study indicated that different views of Islamic teachings towards human issues and his general attitudes have caused a major gap in the Islamic approach towards the West one in this way of impact. Conclusion: Considering that in the Western lifestyle, human behaviors are evaluated materialistic, this method causes that many human behaviors could not be subject to interpretation and the study of people's lifestyles could not be a right approach to improve people's lives,but according to the verses of the Holy Qur'an, any behavior in the Islamic way of life should at least enjoy cognitions and attitudes such as the attitude towards existence, human, the transcendent origin of the universe as a support for human behavior.

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Purpose: Parenting styles are one of the important issues that guarantee the comprehensive growth and self-awareness of children. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a Quranic parenting style on the self-awareness of children. Materials and Methods: This case-control study was conducted by pre-test-post-test method. The statistical population included male and female sixth grade students of Ghaemshahr in the academic year 2021-22 with 2456 students. The sample size was determined 100 people (50 people of each gender) based on Cohen's table and cluster random method. The Fenigstein, Sher & Buss (1975) self-awareness questionnaire and the Quranic parenting training package developed by the researcher (1400) were used to collect data. Before training mothers, pre-test was performed among students of both groups. Then, the model of Quranic parenting was taught to the mothers of the case group in twelve 90-minute sessions during one month. After the training, the post-test was performed among the students of both groups. Data were analyzed by univariate analysis of covariance using SPSS v. 22 software. Findings: The findings showed that the mean scores of selfawareness of the students in the case group in the post-test were 10. 12 points higher than the pre-test,But in the control group, slight changes (0. 480 scores) were observed and the Quranic parenting style was 36. 3% effective in students' self-awareness (ƞ, 2=0. 363). Conclusion: Increase of the mean scores of the post-test in case group compared to the control group, confirms the effectiveness of the educational intervention.

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Purpose: Premenstrual dysphoria is a mood disorder that occurs at certain times of the menstrual cycle. The present study was conducted with the aim of the effectiveness of compassion-based treatment on emotional ataxia and aggression in women suffering from premenstrual dysphoria. Materiasl and Methods: The current study is a semi-experimental type in which a pre-test-post-test design was conducted with a control group with measurement at the baseline after the intervention and a 3-month follow-up with the control group. 30 women aged 25 to 40 diagnosed with premenstrual dysphoria referred to psychological counseling centers in Sari in 2019 were selected and randomly assigned to the experimental group (treatment based on compassion) n=15 and the control group (n=15) were assigned. All participants completed the demographic questionnaire, emotional non-verbal communication questionnaires of Toronto (1994), aggressiveness questionnaires of Bass and Perry (1992), in three stages. The intervention sessions were conducted face-to-face in compliance with health protocols. Hypotheses related to the effectiveness of the research intervention were analyzed using multivariate covariance analysis and Lametrics post hoc test and using SPSS-19 software. Findings: The results of the present study showed that there is no significant difference between the three groups in the mean of ataxia and aggression in the pre-test stage, which indicates the homogeneity of the two research groups in the pre-test stage, but there is a significant difference between the two groups in the posttest and follow-up stages. Which can indicate the effectiveness of the intervention on the mentioned variables and also the stability of the effectiveness in the follow-up phase. Conclusion: Considering the effectiveness of compassion-based treatment, this treatment should be prioritized.

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Gharaee Hojjatullah | Hoseini Ahangarii Seyed Abedin | Jahanyan Razie | Oghli Reza Ebrahim | Gholami Amir Hossein

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Purpose: Student life is one of the most sensitive stages of people's lives, which can also be prone to some behavioral damage, like risky behaviors. The present study was conducted in order to investigate the relationship between Quranic Intimacy and the incidence of risky behaviors among students. Materials and Methods: The present study is a descriptive and analytical study of correlational and cross-sectional type. The research community was all students of Hamadan and Tabriz Universities of Medical Sciences, and the sample population was selected using stratified and random sampling. The tools used in this research included: the Quranic intimacy scale and the risk taking of Iranian youth scale. To analyze the data, the statistical test of percentage and frequency, mean and standard deviation, Kolmogorov–, Smirnov test for normality of data, independent t-test, one-way analysis of variance and Pearson correlation were used. All analyzes were performed using SPSS software version 24. Findings: 690 students participated in the study (50% male). The results of the statistical analysis showed that familiarity with the Holy Quran has a significant and meaningful effect on reducing the occurrence of risky behaviors. This effect was observed in all dimensions of risky behaviors including: dangerous driving, violence, smoking, unsafe sexual behavior, alcohol and drugs abuse and psychotropic substances (P<0/05). Conclusion: According to the positive effect of intimacy with the Holy Quran on risky behaviors, the reduction of these behaviors in each of its dimensions, it is necessary to strengthen and improve the relationship with the Qur'an. Therefore, in this direction, short-term and long-term planning and the implementation of various educational programs and the promotion of the Qur'an and intimacy with it at the micro and macro levels and in various age groups, especially students, are necessary.

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Purpose: The aim of present study was comparison the effectiveness of group therapy based on compassion and group reality therapy on psychological hardiness in mothers with autistic children. Materials and Methods: The study was quasi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow-up design with control group. The research population was mothers with autistic children referred to counseling and psychotherapy centers for autistic children of Tehran city in the second half of 2018 year. The research sample was 45 people who were selected by available sampling method and randomly with lottery assigned into 2 experimental groups and 1 control group. Each of the experimental groups was trained for 8 sessions of 90 minutes, separately with methods of group therapy based on compassion and group reality therapy and the control group was placed on the waiting list for training. The data were collected with the scale of psychological hardiness (Kobasa et al., 1982) and analyzed with the methods of analysis of variance with repeated measurements and Bonferroni's post hoc test in SPSS software. Findings: The findings showed that both intervention methods of group therapy based on compassion and group reality therapy in compared to the control group led to increase the psychological hardiness and all its three components including commitment, control and challenge in mothers with autistic children and the results remained in the follow-up phase (P<0. 05), but between the intervention methods there was no significant difference in the increase of psychological hardiness and all its three components among them (P>0. 05). Conclusion: The results indicated the effectiveness of both intervention methods of group therapy based on compassion and group reality therapy on increasing psychological hardiness and all its three components and no significant difference between them. Therefore, the use of the mentioned methods along with other effective treatment methods can play an effective role in improving the psychological hardiness.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to design a structural model for predicting marital adjustment based on religious orientation mediated by lifestyle. Materials and Methods: The research method was descriptive-correlation. The statistical population included all married clients to counseling centers in Tehran in the first half of 1400. By the rule of 10 people for each measured variable, the sample size was determined to be 250 people and multi-stage cluster sampling was selected using random sampling method. Modified paired adjustment questionnaire, religious orientation questionnaire and LSQ lifestyle questionnaire were used to collect data. Data analysis was performed through descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling with the help of SPSS27 and AMOS24 statistical software at a significance level of 0. 05. Findings: The results showed that the research model fits with the collected data. The result of modeling structural equations with the presence of mediating variables showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between internal religious orientation and lifestyle. There is a negative and significant relationship between external religious orientation and marital adjustment. Finally, the results showed that lifestyle plays a mediating role between inner orientation and marital adjustment. Conclusion: Religious orientation is one of the effective factors in marital adjustment and lifestyle affects the effect of this factor on marital adjustment. Therefore, in order to increase marital adjustment, it is necessary to pay attention to the role of mediating variables such as lifestyle.

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Purpose: Undoubtedly, slips of spiritual health are diseases and abnormal injuries that cause disorders, disorders and social disorders and lead to degeneration, oppression and regression of society, which are usually Every human community, large and small, is struggling with these plagues and slips. Methodology: This study is based on the Holy Quran and Nahj al-Balaghah and authentic hadith books by research, analytical-descriptive method. Findings: Imam Ali (pbuh) lived in the atmosphere of that day in Kufa and its environs with various ups and downs and various challenges with various people, and with his divine and indefatigable personality about the examples of slips, causes, and ways to deal with They have mentioned extensive and instructive material in Nahj al-Balaghah and Gharr al-Hakam and in Dar al-Kalam with their expression and expression, which in this article have components such as: arrogance and selfmagnification, misplaced prejudices, aggression, narcissism., Superstition, restriction of liberties and tyranny have been obtained and presented. Conclusion: The present study showed that the slips of spiritual health in the words of Amir al-mu'minin Ali (as) can be used as a complete model of a healthy spiritual life for the pathology of spiritual health to reform humanity.

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Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to design a model of academic vitality based on meaning and life expectancy with the mediation of happiness in female secondary school students in Hamedan city. Materials and Methods: The research method was correlation and structural equations. The statistical population included all the female students of the second secondary school in Hamedan city, and the statistical sample was selected based on the number of items used in the questionnaires in the amount of 370 people using the multi-stage cluster sampling method. Oxford scales of academic vitality, life expectancy, meaning of life and happiness were used to collect data. For data analysis, structural equation test was used in Amos 22 software environment. Findings: The results showed that the meaning and hope of life have a direct and positive effect on the happiness and academic vitality of students (p<0. 01). Also, happiness has a direct and significant effect on academic vitality (p<0. 01). According to the results, the indirect effect of meaning and life expectancy on academic vitality through happiness was also significant (p<0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results, it can be said that hope and the meaning of life create motivation and a positive mental state and are effective in increasing happiness, and on the other hand, happiness plays an important role in increasing the freshness and vitality of the academic environment, which has the effect of increasing academic vitality.

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Purpose: Professional ethics is the process of rational thinking with the aim of preserving and spreading professional values. Among various professions, nursing is one of the professions that is based on ethics, and compliance with ethical standards in nursing practice is more sensitive and important than other cases, because compliance by nurses is one of the effective factors in the quality of care and recovery. It is patients. Materials and Methods: This research is developmental in terms of purpose and descriptive-exploratory in terms of type. The research method is grounded theory (foundation data theory) and the data collection method is an in-depth interview with 15 male and female experts related to the topic and the data analysis method is open, central and selective coding according to the framework of the foundation data theory method. Findings: The research findings show that culture, management style, education, personality traits, moral intelligence and spiritual values are the most important influencing factors (precursors) of nursing professional ethics. All factors are presented in the form of five categories: causal conditions, contextual conditions, intervening conditions, strategies and consequences of nurses' professional ethics and its model. Conclusion: The development of professional ethics among male and female nurses is not accidental. Things such as the existence of ethical management, training, appropriate organizational systems and infrastructures, and comprehensive and effective communication based on organizational ethics provide the necessary motivation and stimulus to move towards this goal.

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Purpose: Bullying at school is one of the problematic behaviors of adolescents, which has recently attracted the attention of researchers and experts in the field of psychology in the last three decades, and has been the focus of many studies. Therefore, the purpose of the current research was to design a model of bullying tendency based on neurological function with the mediation of ataxia in students. Materials and methods: The method of the current research is correlational and structural equation modeling (SEM). The statistical population of the research was made up of all 560 male students of the first secondary school in the ninth grade in 28 non-profit schools in District 5 of Tehran in the academic year of 2019-2019. 240 people were selected as the sample size by two-stage cluster method. The tools of data collection were the Illinois Bullying Questionnaire, the Rescue Neurological Function Questionnaire and the Toronto Dyslexia Questionnaire. In this research, SPSS22 and Amose 23 software were used to analyze the information obtained from structural regression equation modeling. Findings: The results of the research showed that the path coefficient of neurocognitive function (β,=-0. 41, p = 0. 001) and ataxia (β,= 0. 45, p = 0. 001) is significant to bullying tendency. Conclusion: According to the results, the indirect relationship between neurological function and the tendency to bully through aphasia is significant with β, =-0. 35 at the significance level of p≤, 0. 01.

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Purpose: This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of academic counseling based on the cognitive-behavioral approach on resilience, motivation, and academic emotions of students with academic failure. Materials and Methods: In terms of the purpose of the present research, it was a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test and posttest design with an experimental group and a control group. The statistical population of this research is all the students of boys' high schools in the 12th district of Tehran, the second grade of the second round, in the academic year of 2019-1400. Among them, 30 were selected by purposive sampling, 15 were equally assigned to the control group, and 15 to the experimental group. In order to collect data, the research measurement tools included Vallerand’, s academic motivation questionnaire, Pekrun et al. 's (2002) academic emotions questionnaire, and Martin and Marsh's (2009) academic resilience questionnaire. The subjects of both groups completed the questionnaires at the beginning of the research. Then the experimental group received academic counseling based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, while the control group did not receive any intervention. After the end of the interventions, both groups completed the questionnaires again. Analysis of the data obtained from the research was done in two descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential parts. In the descriptive part, frequency distribution tables were used, and in the inferential part, data analysis was done with the covariance analysis method to check the differences between and within groups. SPSS software version 25 was used for the statistical analysis of data. Findings: The results of covariance analysis showed that academic counseling based on a cognitive behavioral approach had a significant effect on academic resilience (F = 20. 11), academic motivation (F = 42. 22) and academic emotions (F = 34. 88) (P<0. 01). Conclusion: Academic counseling based on a cognitive-behavioral approach can improve academic resilience, academic motivation and academic emotions of students with academic failure. Therefore, it is suggested to use this approach to control emotions and increase the motivation and resilience of students in schools through group training.

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Purpose: The addicted to online games is increasing, and considering its negative consequences, the present research was conducted with the aim of determining the effect of anger control education on decreasing anger and anxiety and increasing social adjustment of students addicted to online games. Materials and Methods: This study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was semiexperimental with a pre-test, post-test and follow-up design with a control group. The research population was the fifth grade students of district 2 of Sari city in the 2021-22 academic years. The sample size based on G Power software for each group was determined 15 people, who this number was selected by purposive sampling method and by random method replaced into two experimental and control groups. The experimental group 12 sessions of 90 minute underwent the anger control education, and during this time the control group did not receive any education. The research tools were the addiction to online games questionnaire (Wang and Chang, 2002), children's anger inventory (Nelson and Finch, 2000), children's anxiety scale (Spence, 1997) and children's social adjustment scale (Dokhanchi, 1998) and the data were analyzed by methods of variance analysis by repeated measurement and Bonferroni post hoc test in SPSS-26 software. Findings: The findings showed that the anger control education decreased the anger and anxiety and increased the social adjustment of students addicted to online games, and the results remained in the follow-up phase (P<0. 001). Conclusion: The results of this research indicated the effect of anger control education and its permanence on decreasing anger and anxiety and increasing social adjustment of students addicted to online games. Therefore, professionals and therapists can use anger control education along with other treatment methods to improve psychological characteristics, especially to decrease the anger and anxiety and increase the social adaptation.

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In this research, the state of academic guidance of students of the first year of secondary education in Tehran has been investigated. The statistical population of the research was made up of teachers of the first year of secondary education in Tehran with a sample size of 363 people. The research tool was a questionnaire with 83 items on a 5-point Likert scale. Data analysis was done through one-group t-test. The results showed the current state of academic guidance of the students of the first year of secondary education in Tehran regarding the components of intelligence and talent. Student's motivation, interest, desire and spirit. Abilities and skills. Giving comprehensive information to parents. family economy. Cultural and social background of parents. The existence of expert teachers. Professional commitment of teachers in correct guidance. Continuous training of teachers. Desirable counseling and psychological services. Using an expert in the field of educational guidance planning. Improving the level of knowledge and qualification of educational guides. Conducting intelligence and aptitude tests. Student's academic records. Providing advice and online tests. Considering the needs of the country. Student guidance without coercion. It is not appropriate to pay attention to the labor market.

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Purpose: The purpose of this research was to investigate the prediction of cell phone addiction based on metadiagnostic factors (emotional dysregulation, metacognitive beliefs and uncertainty intolerance) and anxiety. Materials and methods: The research method is quantitative and correlational. The statistical population of the research was all male students of the second year of high school in Tehran in the academic year of 2019-2019, numbering 125, 110 people. The sample size of 400 of these people was selected based on Klein's model (2016) and the available nonrandom sampling method and the Mobile Phone Addiction Questionnaire (MPAQ) Sawari (2013), the Emotional Dysregulation Scale (DERS) Gratz and Romer (2004), Metacognitive Belief Questionnaire (MCQ) by Cartwright-Houghton and Wells (1997), Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS-27) by Friston et al. (1994) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) by Beck et al. (1988) answered. The data were analyzed with Pearson's correlation coefficient and multivariate regression using SPSS version 24 software. Findings: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between emotional dysregulation, metacognitive beliefs, uncertainty intolerance and anxiety with cell phone addiction (P<0. 01). Also, the results of multivariate regression analysis revealed that 72. 4% of the variance of phone addiction is explained by metadiagnostic factors (emotional dysregulation, metacognitive beliefs, and uncertainty intolerance) and anxiety. Conclusion: The findings of this research show that emotional dysregulation, metacognitive beliefs, intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety play an important role in predicting mobile phone addiction in second year high school male students.

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The discussion of the principles and foundations of human education in the doctrines of life is one of the most important issues that has been emphasized a lot. In this connection, the philosophy of education as a special activity is responsible for leading people to know and choose safe paths to become happy. The purpose of the current research is to examine the philosophical foundations of human education in the Qur'an by using the philosophical teachings of human education. The findings and results of the research have shown: the foundations of human education in the Qur'an are based on epistemology, ontology, anthropology, theology and values, and the philosophy of human education in the Qur'an is based on principles such as: naturalism, moderation, rational education, thinking and Consideration, dignity, perfectionism, family orientation and social differences are based. It should be noted that the type of research is based on the fundamental objective and the method of collecting data, documents and also searching in virtual and internet networks has been done.

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Purpose: The present study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy on the difficulty of emotional regulation and aggression in female adolescents with depressive symptoms. Materials and Methods: The research method of the present study was quasi-experimental with pretest, posttest and control group design and follow-up period in two months. The statistical population of the present study included female adolescents with depressive symptoms who referred to education counseling centers in Babol city in the academic year of 2021-2022. 30 female adolescent with depressive symptoms were selected through purposive sampling method and randomly accommodated into experimental and control groups (15 adolescent in the experimental group and 15 adolescent in the control group). The experimental group received dialectical behavior therapy (10 sessions) during 10 weeks (90 minutes). The applied questionnaires in this study included Adolescent Depression Questionnaire (Kutcher, 2002), Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Gratz & Roemer, 2004) and Aggression Questionnaire (Buss & Perry, 1992). The data were analyzed through mixed ANOVA and Bonferroni follow-up test via SPSS23 software. Findings: The results showed that dialectical behavior therapy is effective on the difficulty of emotional regulation (F=42. 50,Eta=0. 60,p<0001) and aggression (F=31. 83,Eta=0. 53,p<0001) of female adolescents with depressive symptom. Conclusion: According to the findings of the present study, dialectical behavior therapy can be used as an efficient method to decreace difficulty of emotional regulation and aggression of female adolescents with depressive disorder through employing techniques such as bearing distress، emotional self-regulation، mindfulness and effective communication.

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Purpose: The value system in educational systems effects on other aspects of the educational system. Therefore, the current research was carried out with the aim of identifying the dimensions and components of the value system of female' high schools in secondary school period of Tehran city. Materials and Methods: This study in terms of purpose was applied, in terms of time was cross-sectional, and in terms of implementation method was qualitative. The research population was universal and organizational experts in the field of value system of high schools, who were selected as a sample according to the theoretical saturation principle number of 25 people were selected as a sample by purposeful sampling method. The data were collected by the method of expert interviews in 1400 (validity by triangulation method and reliability by the coefficient of agreement between coders was appropriate) and analyzed by thematic analysis method in MAXQDA software. Findings: The findings showed that the value system of female' high schools in secondary school period had 60 subthemes in seven main themes,So that the main themes were included self-reliance, universalism and benevolence, success, managerial, power, security and conformity, and tradition and motivation (each main theme includes five subthemes). Finally, the themes network of the value system of female' high schools in secondary school period was drawn. Conclusion: Specialists and planners of educational systems can take an effective step towards improving and promoting the value system of female' high schools according to the identified themes.

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Purpose: One of the most common mental problems among tinnitus patients is anxiety. Therefore, the present study was Effectiveness of combined of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness with transcranial electrical stimulation on reducing anxiety in chronic tinnitus sufferers. Materials and Methods: The research design was semiexperimental with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group, and the statistical population included all patients with tinnitus who referred to Tharullah Arak Medical Complex in 2022. The size of the statistical sample was 30 people (15 people in the experimental group and 15 people in the control group) from the mentioned statistical population, who were selected by available sampling method and randomly placed in two control and experimental groups. During 8 sessions, the experimental group was first subjected to transcranial electrical stimulation for 20 minutes and immediately underwent cognitive therapy intervention based on mindfulness for 60 minutes, and the control group received only their usual treatment (transcranial electrical stimulation). In this research, Beck's anxiety questionnaire was used to collect data. In order to statistically analyze the obtained data, univariate analysis of covariance test was used. Findings: The average scores of anxiety before and after the intervention in the experimental group were 10. 93 and 6. 80, respectively, and in the control group, 11. 40 and 8. 53, respectively. The results of covariance analysis showed that the average anxiety in the experimental group has significantly decreased after the combined intervention of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness with transcranial electrical stimulation in comparison with the control group (P<0. 01). Conclusion: The results of this research indicate that the combined intervention of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness with transcranial electrical stimulation has significantly improved anxiety, so the use of this intervention is recommended for chronic tinnitus sufferers.

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The family is the most important social institution in which human personality is formed and influences society. Family members are also influenced by social customs and laws in society. Accordingly, custom has an important role and influence of the family. In fact, custom is one of the effective factors in various dimensions of family law, so that the spread of correct custom and following it will lead to the observance of their real rights, and otherwise, the foundations of the family and thus the foundations of society will be shaken. will be. Therefore, in Iranian law, following Imami jurisprudence, special attention has been paid to custom and its role in the field of family law. Therefore, in this article, the position and role of custom in determining the economic rights of women in the family is examined. The findings of this study indicate that jurisprudential and civil laws in women's financial rights, including: determining the amount of dowry, alimony, dowry and the return of engagement gifts are greatly influenced by custom. This research has been done descriptively and analytically.

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Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the social factors affecting addiction and to provide a sociological analysis of drug addiction and finally to investigate the effect of addiction on social health. Materials and methods: The method used in this research is a survey method and due to the comparative nature of the research, it is of a comparative causal type. In order to achieve the goal of the research, first, a questionnaire including the measurement of personal characteristics, the level of religiosity, the level of feeling of anomie, the level of connection with society, economic and social base, family opportunities and the level of communication with delinquent friends, as variables affecting addiction. And it was completed through interviews with 63 drug users who visited the clinic and 89 students of Payam Noor Gonbad (non-users). Then, relying on the research done on social health in Iran and identifying its components, an analysis of the impact of addiction on social health was tried. Sampling method of full coverage consumer group and nonconsumer group sample is available. Findings: According to the results, 70% of drug users are between 20 and 25 years old. 80% of users have accepted the suggestion of drug use from their friends and 86. 5% of non-users believe that users should be avoided. Also, the results of the t test showed that there is a statistically significant difference between consumers and non-consumers in terms of the investigated variables. Also, the logistic regression analysis, which reveals the contribution of each variable in the explanation of the dependent variable, showed that according to the socio-economic base variable, the amount of communication with delinquent friends and the amount of feeling of anomie had the largest contribution in the explanation of the dependent variable. Conclusion: Examining the concept of social health and its components also showed that the problem of addiction actually challenges various components of social health such as the absence of poverty, absence of violence, social justice, social security, life satisfaction, social participation, social cohesion and social acceptance. confronts in such a way that it is possible to improve the status and index of social health in the society by solving the problem of addiction as a problem.

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Purpose: In today's era, education and education in general form an important part of people's lives. In addition, the quality and quantity of education plays an important role in the future of people. The present study was conducted by comparing the effectiveness of Adlerian group counseling and dialectical behavior therapy in academic vitality, social adequacy and life expectancy of unsuccessful male students in Zanjan. Materials and Methods: The current research design is applied and its method is semi-experimental. The statistical population of this research includes 587 male high school students who failed in the entrance exam of 2020, of which 45 were voluntarily selected and randomly divided into three groups of 15 (one control group and two experimental groups). In the first group, the intervention was based on the Adlerian group counseling protocol, and in the second group, the intervention was based on the group dialectical behavior therapy protocol, and the third group, as a control group, did not receive any intervention. The required data were collected in three periods: pre-test, post-test and follow-up. The tools of this research were used in all three stages of the academic vitality questionnaire (Dehghanizadeh and Chari, 2013) based on the academic vitality scale (Martin and Marsh, 2006). Data analysis was done using repeated measure analysis of variance by SPSS-24 software. Findings: The effect of dialectical behavior therapy method on academic vitality, social adequacy and life expectancy of students was more than Adlerian group counseling method (P<0. 001). Conclusion: Based on the findings of this research, it can be concluded that dialectical behavior therapy can be used to restore academic vitality, social adequacy and life expectancy in students who have experienced academic failure.

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Purpose: Ethical standards play an essential role in all different fields in a way that it seems that it can be effective in improving cognitive, behavioral and communication performance, so this research aims to determine the effectiveness of teaching the components of moral intelligence on self-control and scientific optimism in first secondary school students. Materials and Methods: The research method was semiexperimental with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of the research was formed by all 441 male students of the first secondary school of the ninth grade from 5 public schools in Babol city in December of the academic year 2023. A number of 30 people were selected by simple random sampling based on the research entry criteria and randomly replaced in two groups of 15 people, experimental and control. Two questionnaires including Tangney et al. 's self-control questionnaire (2004) and Tschannen‐, Moran et al. 's (2013) scientific optimism questionnaire and Borba et al. 's (2005) moral intelligence component training program were used. The data was analyzed using multivariate covariance analysis. Findings: From the findings, it can be concluded that teaching the components of moral intelligence was effective on selfcontrol (P=0. 01 and 69. 739) and scientific optimism (P=0. 01 and 104. 096) in first high school students at the level of 0. 01. Conclusion: According to the results of the research, it is suggested that school counselors use moral intelligence component training to increase self-control and scientific optimism.

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Purpose: The purpose of compiling this research is to examine the lifestyle of Shia in Imami jurisprudence. One of the important issues that many fans of Islamic culture and thought are trying to adjust their lives to is real Shia indicators. Some people think that just by claiming friendship and support of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), they will be among the true Shiites,At the same time, by carefully referring to Islamic sources and traditions, we realize that real Shia has certain criteria that distinguish people's lifestyles from others. Materials and Methods: based on the importance of this issue in this research, which was conducted using a descriptiveanalytical method,Shia lifestyle was investigated and explored in individual, social and religious aspects. Findings: The results show that Shia jurisprudence has many guidelines in the personal dimension of people's lives about the value, importance and effects of patience, faith and trustworthiness. From the social aspect, the most important goal of the Immaculate Imams (AS) is to establish justice and social justice, and along with that, family, social health, order and order, anti-arrogance, and in the field of business, work conscience are among the issues emphasized by them. Conclusion: In relation to the religious lifestyle of Muslims, Shia jurisprudence in the individual aspect emphasizes individual acts of worship such as prayer, fasting, and following divine commands to the Shias, and in the social aspect, the duty of Hajj and congregational prayer is considered to be a demonstration of the authority of Muslims. Payment of Zakat and Khums are emphasized as Islamic taxes and Jihad and enjoining good and forbidding evil.

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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify and identify the factors affecting the improvement of the academic performance of Shahid and self-sacrificing students of Islamic Azad University units in Tehran province. Materials and Methods: The research was carried out in terms of the data objective of the foundation. The research community was formed by academic professors with the academic rank of associate professor and above, and officials and researchers of Shahid University. Based on theoretical saturation criteria, 17 people were selected in a targeted way. Data was collected by semi-structured interview using maxqda12 software. Findings: As a result of 84 primary concepts (open coding), 32 main concepts (core code) were obtained in 7 dimensions (selective code), which in the form of a paradigm model including a core category with 8 components, causal factors with 4 components, background factors 6 components, strategic factors with 6 components, intervening factors with 6 components and consequences with 2 components were presented. Conclusion: The growth and development of any society depends on the educational system of that society and the level of scientific and practical ability of the students of that society in the future. Explaining academic performance allows university planners to predict strategies to improve university performance.

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Noori Saleh | Javadi Hossein

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Purpose: The marriage contract is required to have a religious face in the Islamic law, it includes moral teachings and special manners, the guarantee of their implementation is the conscience and individual ethics of the people in the society. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the moral obligations arising from the marriage contract and its impact on the strength and health of the family system in Iran's civil rights. Materials and Methods: The present research in a descriptive-analytical method and using library resources, while using the concepts of commitment and moral obligations, analyzes and evaluates the most important examples of moral obligations that are effective in the health of the family system and can be demanded in marriage. The traveler studies "good company", "loyalty" and "assistance" from the moral and legal basis. Findings: According to the findings of the research, the mentioned three cases are the "moral obligation" of the spouses towards each other, and each spouse can demand its implementation from the court in case of violation by the other party and enjoy a legal enforcement guarantee. Conclusion: The results of the research showed that the institution of family and family education has a role in promoting the society's culture and the stability of its social foundations. He included them in the civil rights and declared them claimable by the spouses.

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Purpose: Paying attention to the basics of ethics to achieve and understand certain guidelines of human behavior is one of the necessities of the theoretical field of ethics. Epistemological foundations are among the foundations raised in the field of meta-ethics, which determine the general criteria in the recognition of moral judgments and propositions, search for and value epistemological sources and ways. The purpose of this article is the epistemological position of moral laws according to Professor Jafar Sobhani. Materials and Methods: This article is descriptive-analytical and library type. Findings: The results showed that Professor Sobhani had Shiite beliefs and used the two terms rational and intrinsic goodness and ugliness. Why did they use an intellectual place and an intrinsic place? The position of ontology that they believe that moral propositions are taken from somewhere and are somewhere in existence. And they used the term inherent. And if the term "good" and "ugly" says intellectually, it confronts the Ash'are group, which is the name of this epistemological position, the intellect understands and says that this is good or bad. The boat is on the shore and the child is drowning in the water. Sharia states that taking the boat without the owner's permission to save the child is bad and considered theft. Conclusion: Shia says that priority must be given to saving the child and then ask for the consent of the owner of the boat. Professor Sobhani is a supporter of intellectual goodness and ugliness and believes that the intellect has the power to distinguish and in Sobhani's epistemology, they believe in intellect one hundred percent.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the Affective and Emotional Temperament on self-harm behaviors satisfaction mediated by the childhood trauma. Materials and Methods: The Method of the present study was descriptive-correlational research using structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The statistical population of the research was all students between the ages of 18 and 25 in the city of Mashhad that 630 of them were selected through convenience sampling technique. From 630 questionnaires that were distributed among the participants, a total of 623 questionnaires fulfilled the required analysis criteria. The instruments for data collection included The Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory, The Affective and Emotional Composite Temperament (AFECT) scale and Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. The data were analyzed using Pearson’, s correlation coefficient and the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique. Findings: The results indicated that the hypothesized model had a good fit with the observed data. Affective and Emotional Temperament showed a significantly correlation with selfharm behaviors. Path analysis indicated that the relation between Affective and Emotional Temperament and self-harm behaviors mediated by childhood trauma. Concluion: Considering these variables are important in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of self-harm behaviors as well as in promoting mental health among general population.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of forgiveness training and mindfulness training on cognitive flexibility in men with substance abuse disorders. Materials and methods: The method of quasi-experimental research was pre-test, post-test and follow-up with a control group. The statistical population included all male drug users who referred to the de-addiction camp in Zabul city in 2019, 60 of whom were selected by convenience sampling and randomly assigned to three groups, two experimental and control groups. The experimental group of forgiveness training received 8 sessions and the experimental group of mindfulness training received 12 training sessions. The data were collected using the cognitive flexibility questionnaire and analyzed using the variance analysis method with repeated measurements. Findings: The results showed that men with substance abuse disorder who underwent forgiveness training had more flexibility than the control group who did not receive training. And men with substance abuse disorder who underwent mindfulness training had more flexibility than both the control group that was not trained and the group that underwent forgiveness training. And these results remained stable in the 3-month follow-up. Conclusion: In this research, forgiveness and mindfulness training has a significant effect on the cognitive flexibility of men with substance abuse disorder, and compared to the two methods of mindfulness training and forgiveness training, the mindfulness method has a significantly higher score in cognitive flexibility than forgiveness training. in men with substance abuse disorder.

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The dominant culture in any society plays a very constructive role in the lifestyle of people. Marriage and puberty, as the most important events in life, are directly influenced by the culture and values of the society. On the other hand, the wide spread of imported and imitation customs and cultures among families and their distancing from religious and Islamic cultures and values, especially in the current era, has caused a change in lifestyle. One of the most important parts of any ethnic structure is its rites of passage, which is a cultural thing and has a social function. These rites are intertwined with people's beliefs and can be investigated as a cultural phenomenon among different ethnic groups. Focusing on the popular culture and literature of the people of Kerman and Jiroft, the present research seeks to identify and compare the rites of puberty, marriage and the influence of religion on these rites of these two cities. In this research, the two stages of puberty and marriage in Kerman and Jiroft were discussed and analyzed in a comparative way. The article tries to examine and study two basic categories of rituals related to Kerman and Jiroft. The approach of the present research is qualitative, of the type of in-depth anthropology and the means of gathering information, documentary studies, participatory observation and interviews. In the present research, efforts have been made by focusing on the theories of evolutionism and diffusionism, functionalism, rituals and rites related to maturity, marriage. to be investigated in the city of Kerman and Jiroft. Based on the results of the research, the aforementioned rites and rituals have been transferred from one generation to another over time, and during this transfer, some have remained constant and others have undergone changes. Also, with the rapid development of technology and technology and the impact of imitation and imported culture, some rituals and ceremonies are fading. He named the third.

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Education, as one of the scientific, cultural and educational structures, despite having a huge human force, including caring and educated teachers and gifted and creative students, has been somewhat involved with the difficulties of research, which does not have a clear strategy for research, and this has caused It cannot define and institutionalize the place of research and researcher and their role in the progress and development and excellence of the society, and it only causes a large part of scholars to stay away from research, but it also reduces the motivation to study and creates the ground for depression and job burnout. In order to solve their problem, higher education institutions and research centers, but also education, should adjust to the necessity of reforming and changing the research structure and mechanisms and techniques and research management methods, and seek to increase the productivity of research, including effective measures in this field of the program. He pointed out the strategic planning of the existence of structures, methods, guidelines, organization of the use of technological equipment and human resources, and culture building, so that problems and weaknesses can be identified and solved with appropriate solutions, and the ground is prepared for the scientific and research dynamism of cultural workers. The realization of this important matter requires the determination of the authorities. and the custodians of education in order to be able to take a step in updating science and knowledge and cultural workers. In this direction, in order to realize the research goals of education and culture, examining the extent of cultural researchers' adherence to research ethics has been an inevitable thing, and knowing it in order to promote The qualitative and quantitative level of research and increasing the research efficiency of educators is very necessary. Therefore, in this article, the level of adherence to research ethics among the cultural researchers of Arak education is analyzed in order to provide a suitable model for promoting adherence to research ethics among educators.

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Carefully in the field of global cultural development, it can be understood that the western systems, especially the American system, relying on Jewish financial and human and propaganda capitals, are strongly and with a strange insistence trying to spread and promote homosexuality among their own people and other nations. . Supporting and promoting different fronts of homosexuality is an important and purposeful cultural strategy and shows the existence of a long-term and precise plan for the West and Zionism,Homosexuality is a corruption that socially leads to the collapse of the family unit, the extinction of the generation and the corruption of the society,The goal of the satanic system is to promote homosexuality, to change the nature of man and his tendencies, to destroy the family, to create a deformed being devoid of the spirit of questioning, to subjugate man and tame him against any demands of the ruling political and cultural system and system. Dominion is global. The country of Iran is also not safe from the damage of this promotion and studies show that sooner or later it will affect the youth and especially the governance system of the society. In this article, programs and educational measures and measures to prevent the promotion of homosexuality have been considered.

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Purpose: Informal learning is regarded as one of the most common and, at the same time, the most efficient learning methods at the level of modern organizations. It is assumed to be one of the most typical and usual learning types in the work environment which results in knowledge and skills. The present study is aimed at designing and validating teachers’,informal learning leadership model at three dimensions and levels. Materials and Methods: exploratory sequential approach was applied as a mixed-method design in the present study. Hence, content analysis was used in the first stage of the research design. Then, in the second stage, a quantitative research was carried out on 269 participants who were elementary school teachers in the context of Tabriz city. Cluster sampling was used via model testing model. SPSS and Smart PLS 3 were used for analyzing quantitative data. Findings: the results of the study indicate that teachers’,informal learning leadership model is implemented efficiently at three levels: opinions (3 variables), strategy (5 variables0 and behavior (8 variables). According to the results of the study, strategies had the highest effect on teachers’,informal learning. Also, due to the lack of organization and discipline in informal learning, school management’, s opinions and attitudes have key significance in teachers’,informal learning. Furthermore, for integrating and consolidating all the abilities in line with enhancing teachers’,informal learning level, the behavioristic dimension in school management should be taken into consideration as a facilitator. Conclusion: According to the findings of the study, thanks to applying teachers’,informal learning leadership, teachers’,mental health in the classroom context are enhanced and promoted. Consequently, teachers’,role and contribution to students’,learning become more evident and highlighted.

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Purpose: Humans need essential skills to carry out their affairs in life. Human education alone is not the answer to real needs, but Islam has addressed both material and spiritual needs so that people can achieve mental, physical, social and moral health. This study was conducted with the aim of rethinking the objectives of teaching the Islamic life skills curriculum for sixth grade students. Materials and Methods: This research is of a mixed type due to the use of a qualitative approach as well as a quantitative approach. The first statistical population was all specialists in Islamic education, the sample size was reached by snowball method with the participation of 17 people with the theoretical saturation of information. The second statistical population was 33 curriculum specialists from various universities in the western provinces of the country, 30 of whom were selected through Cochran. The opinion of the first group was collected through a deep, semi-structured interview, in the second group, the information was collected and validated with a researcher-made questionnaire. The quantitative validity of this research in the form of face validity and reliability coefficient using Cronbach's method is. 702 is. Qualitative validity of the trinity method and reliability was done with the techniques of verifiability, reliability and self-review. In the first part, after the interview, the data were summarized and analyzed in three stages of coding, and in the second part, the validation of the information was done with the single-sample t method. Findings: A desirable model of Islamic life skills curriculum objectives was obtained with 3 main categories and 17 core categories. Conclusion: By acquiring skills,Self-knowledge, empathy with others, knowledge of nature can achieve the skill of knowing God, and with the Islamic religious style, one can finally reach divine nearness and eternal happiness.

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