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The Caspian Sea is the world's largest closed lake that is very important. Bony Fish are the most important and most valuable fish in the sea, which unfortunately its reserves in recent years for various reasons is declining. To study the biological effects of environmental factors on fish and white fish migration Caspian Sea (Rutilus frisii kutum) in the pre-op area Miankaleh (Golestan Province), sampled from 20 October 1392 to 30 April 1393 was conducted. Hunting by cooperatives blade (net blockade) in the study was performed. The total catch per unit of fishing effort in the research livestock cooperatives mentioned provinces, 63.18 kg is achieved. The combination of white fish in the study area was 21.10 percent. Most of the catch per unit effort (one step seine operations per day) white fish was in March. Whitefish from 1 to 8 years of age distribution of the age groups 5-3 years, in total, about 2.81 of a combination of age, respectively. The most frequent age group was 4 years 6.39 of the great fishing that the average length of 36-32 cm included and an average weight of 1350 to 800 grams. The maximum longitudinal length frequency whitefish in class 5/45-5/40 cm in the frequency of about 28.36% of white fish as well. The maximum weight of the fish abundance, between 750-450 grams, which is 85.35% of white fish in the 6 month study, to be allocated. Sex composition of 700 samples studied fish in the basin southeast of the Caspian Sea, including 239 male and 371 pieces of fish material. The composition of the male sex is 55.1. But in terms of qualitative changes in the store, we see that the most important low growth factors such as length, weight and age white fish than a decade ago. The concentration and distribution of the fish to migrate, to a large extent dependent on physical conditions such as temperature, sea currents, substrate and type of wind that stimulate fish to migrate and spawn in the south-eastern shore of the Sea Caspian is very effective.

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The Galliformes are one of the most threatened groups of birds which hunting and other forms of exploitation are applying for different purposes such as: food preparation, entertainment or other commercial purposes. Hunting and over exploitations have been leading that the high percentage of Galliformes species (26.4%) are placed as threatened with extinction in the IUCN Red List. Therefore, in order to take effective conservation actions and preventing of over hunting of Galliformes and also to ensure their survival we introduce the RCA as a certain and quick method to identify the game birds by offending hunters. In this method, specific probes are designed for Alectoris chuka r based on differences in nucleotide regions of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene. Specific probes created a closed molecule after hybridization with DNA and were evaluated by attaching to the target and amplification in isothermal condition. The amplification product could be easily visualized on agarose gel electrophoresis or by adding fluorescence staining in UV. In conclusion, regarding the simplicity of RCA reaction and no need to special laboratory instruments, this method provides a strong tool for identification of gamebirds (Chukar and Pheasant) and resolve their management and conservation problems.

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Quaternary climatic oscillations have influenced the species and forced them to habit in safe localities called refugees. Long time isolation has been resulted in genetic divergence that could be distinguished by phylogeographic studies. Geographic distributional patterns compared in six species using mtDNA markers in different localities mainly the Central Iran. Barrier software applied to reveal genetic barriers and probable corridors. Comparison of geographic distributional patterns indicates incongruent models in these species that is one of features of refuge localities. It seems that each species has responded to climatic fluctuations in different ways. At the end, genetic barriers and probable corridors have investigated in the Central Iran.

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Leopard (Panthera pardus) is one of the most widely distributed of all big cats, with Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor), ranked as an endangered taxon, as an invaluable subspecies (IUCN redlist). The underlying causes of leopard population perish are the degradation of their natural habitats, a significant reduction in the population of prey, and hunting. The purpose of this study was to determine the composition of the Persian Leopard diet in the Tandoreh National Park (TNP) of Iran. We collected 51 scats between June and December 2012 in the study area (TNP). Six wild species, two domestic mammals and one unidentified bird were identified. Pika (Ochotona rufescens) were determined as the most prevalent (25.8%) prey. Further, Urial (Ovis orientalis arkali) was also an important prey for its high frequency of occurrence in the scat analysis (22.6%). Moreover, Sheep (Ovis aries) (3.2%), domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) (3.2%), and birds (1.6%) were least frequently observed in the collected materials.

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Huso husois one of the most important commercially valuble sturgeons of Caspian Sea. Vision is an important sense particulaurly for fishes likeH.huso. It is assumed that H. husoas a benthic fihsh may have weak color vishion and accurecy and therefor retina structure was studied. Such study not only show importance of vision to fish species but also obtained information bring about considerable relationship between feeding, envirenment and animal behaviour with vision. Eyes wen dissected out and cornea and lens were remoted. Retina alone was first fixed in Bouins solution for 24 hours and secondly in 70% methanol for another 24 hours. Tissue has dehydrated, cleared and made in to blocks of paraffin.5μ thick sections is transverse and sagittal planes were taken and stained by hematoexyline and eosin. Some section of the best tissue band selected and transfered to 45oC water. Then it was cleared and dehydrated and photography with electron microscope. Histological and SEM observations showed that H.husoretinal photoreceptors was comprised of both rod and cone cells. Single, twin and double cones were found. Presence of different types of cones render the colour vision inH.huso. The number of cone cells in dorso-temporal quadrant was more compared to others. So dorso-temporal region with higher cone density play a role in benthic feeding of fish. Also H.huso possess weak visual sense.

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Karaj River as one of the most important water sources of Tehran city, has special importance. This study consisted of diversity and distribution of Macro benthos on Karaj River that was conducted during years 2014-2015. It was started in fall 2014 and it was finished in summer 2015. In the mentioned area, the total of five study stations were selected based on environmental impact, Macrobenthos fauna samples were taken by Quadrat with dimensions of 50 × 50 cm such that were repeated 5 times at each station with seasonal frequency. Samples were fixed with 4% formalin, were separated in a lab, and then identified and counted. In surveys conducted, 23 genuses from 21 families and 5 orders of Macrobenthos were identified. The results show the station 4 in winter season had most abundance (1067) and the station 5 in spring season had the less abundance (254) of specimen. Insecta had the most abundance (88.8 % of total) and Malacostraca had the less abundance (0.1 % of total) between five classes were identified on Karaj River. The genera of the Simulim with the number of 879 per square meter the highest abundance and The genuses of the Asellus and Atherix With the number of 1 per square meter the lowest among the species had been identified. During this study the average of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index was calculated 1.73, Simpson dominance species was calculated 0.74 and Margalef richness species was calculated 3.31. According to the biological values of Hilsenhoff (HFBI), the water quality status of Karaj River at stations 2 and 3 were evaluated excellent, at stations 5 was evaluated very well and at stations 1 and 4 were evaluated well. Overall according to the results, it was determined that aquatic insects constitute the dominant population of the benthic fauna in Karaj River. In winter season the classes: Insecta, Turbellaria, Gastropoda, Malacostraca and Clitellata had the greatest density and diversity compared to other seasons.

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The aim of this study was evaluation of the effect of nisin (0.15%) and sodium acetate (1%), individually and in combination together, to increase the shelf life of fillet and gutted whole rainbow trout. In total, 120 samples were examined in 5 time, 8 treatments with triplicate. Behavior of Clostridium botulinum in the samples stored at 4oC was tested in zero, 4, 8, 12 and 16 days. The results showed that the greatest growth of C. botulinum was observed in control treatment (without any preservatives) (log 8). However, in single preservative treatments, bacterial growth was slower than control treatment (log 5 on day 16). The lowest of bacterial changes was seen in combination of nisin and sodium acetate treatments. It was found that the effects of sodium acetate and nisin particularly in combination together have been more influenced on behavior of C. botulinum than single treatment (synergism effect) It is anticipated that the use of preservatives, especially in higher concentrations and range of standard, trend of bacterial growth significantly decrease compared with the control and can be used to control microbial count.

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Biological stimulation and pheromone communication play an important role in reproduction process in the behavior of mammals. Pheromones can perceive via olfactory system in the urine, feces or from dermal skin glands, to stimulate both endocrine and behavioral reactions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of (Z) -9-Tricosene on the number of primary spermatocyte cells, spermatogonia, number of Leydig cells, epididymis tube diameter and thickness of seminiferous tube with different concentrations in male wistar rats. In this study, four experimental groups were considered that consisted of three treatment groups and one control group. Treatment groups were in normal water condition and regular food and 1ml injection of three pheromone concentrations (100, 200, 300 micro gram per kilogram), respectively. And control group was exposed 1ml distilled water injected. Twenty eight injection was performed during eight weeks from above pheromone every other day, and some results were taken. The results of our study indicated that after treatment with (Z) -9-tricosene pheromone, meaningful difference was observed between the number of primary spermatocyte and Leydig cells in the four study groups (P<0.05). Therefore, different concentrations of pheromone have considerable effects on amounts of primary spermatocyte and Leydig cells. But, meaningful difference was not observed for other subjects (P>0.05). Indeed, different concentrations of pheromone have no considerable effects on amounts of spermatogony, thickness of seminiferous tube and epididymis tube diameter.

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Pectin is a complex polysaccharide compound with food and anticancer properties. NO as a signaling molecule. It plays role in various physiological process. It may have pro or anti apoptotic role in cancer cells. In this research the effect of apple pectin (AP) and modified citrus pectin (MCP) on NO releasing and apoptosis induction of human prostate cancer cell, LnCap, is under investigated. The cells were treated with different concentration of AP and MCP for 6, 24 and 48h. The amount of NO and proliferatin inhibition were studied. At first SNP treatment indicated that NO has an inhibitory role in LnCap cells. The results showed that long term incubation of cells with AP and MCP caused significant changes in NO release and proliferation rate. Under this condition cell cycle arrested in Sub-G1 phase though apoptosis was occurred. Therefore, AP and MCP could induce apoptosis in LnCap cell via NO release.

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In this study mono and poly culture system on two species of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is compared and the effects of the culture system on the specific growth rate, total production and survival rate studied. three treatmentswere considered in this trial as follows: Grass Carp in a single species culture system (n=20) (Tank No.1), Common Carp in a single species culture system (n=20) (Tank No.2) and poly culture of Common Carp (n=10) and Grass Carp (n=10). Culture tanks were individually equipted with a closed circulating water system. The Avarage final weight of the Grass Carp in mono and poly culture system 25.08 and 18.79 and for Common Carp were 46.08 and 37.5 mg, respectively; and there were no significant difference between the two culture systems (P>0.05). The specific growth rate (SGR) and total production of two species of grass carp and common carp in mono culture system greater amounts than the poly culture system, but there were no significant difference between the two culture systems (P>0.05).The results showed that for two species of common carp and grass carp higher growth and production of mono culture system, but this difference was not significant compared to the poly culture system.

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Study of hormone profiles is one of the most important methods for detecting regulator mechanisms of reprodution process in fish. The present study was carried out with the aim of determining sexual steroid hormones, calcium ion and alkalinephosphatase enzyme (ALP) during different sexual maturation stages in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) during 6 months. A total of 24 fish (including 12 males and 12 females) at different sexual maturation stages (I-IV) were selected and blood samples were taken. Testosterone and progesterone levels showed significant difference both in males and females at different sexual maturation stages (P<0.05). Esteradiol (E2) levels increased significantly in females with sexual maturation stages improvement. ALP enzyme levels increased significantly in males and females with improving sexual maturation stages and reached to a maximum at stage IV (P<0.05). Calcium ion level increased significantly in females with sexual maturation development (P<0.05). In comparison, progesterone and E2 levels in females were more than males at all stages. ALP levels showed significant different between males and females at all sexual stages (P<0.05). In conclision, it observed a direct significant relationship between sex steroid hormones, calcium ion and ALP both in males and females. It seems that with determining of desired indices, it could be help to detect status and accurate time for propagation in Silver Carp.

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Bahrekazemi M.

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The effect of three levels of stocking density (50, 75 and 100 fingerlings per m3) on growth and immune factors of Salmo trutta caspius was studied.1000 fingerlings (7.25±0.44 g) were stocked in 9 concrete ponds. body weight and length gain of fishes were decreased with increasing density. Specific growth rate was significantly decreased and feed conversion ratio was significantly increased. There was no significant difference between treatments in survival rate (P>0.05). Analysis of hematological parameters showed no significant difference between treatments (P>0.05), the highest amount of blood total protein was observed in treatment 1. The amount of complement C3 was the same in all treatments. The highest amount of complement C4 and Immunoglobulin were measured in treatment 2 and the highest cortisol level was observed in treatment 3. According to the results, an increase in stocking density of S. trutta caspius can reduce the efficiency of fish farming. However, this increasing density had no significant effect on immune factors and stress.

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