Background and objectives: To provide security, preserve autonomy, and protect territorial totality, as well as reaching goals and causes, any government and state needs strong, solid, and systematic armed forces. Following the stability of Islamic Republic of Iran, for the same aforementioned goals, it has established a range of armed forces, namely the Army, Sepah, Basij (mobilization force), and the Police force, each of which serves specific duties and missions in the Islamic Government. This study aims at establishing the role and stance of armed forces in realization of Islamic Government based on the views of Imam Khamenei.Methodology: In this study, the author has tried to discuss the stance and role of Iranian armed forces in realization of Islamic Government and the way they help reaching its goals by referring to Imam Khamenei’s thoughts and provisions when possible. This is a mainly discursive library research and enjoys a large array of internet sources too.Findings and results: The way Imam Khamenei views it, security is the ultimate need in every country and also humanity in general, and armed forces are the most critical providers of national stoutness security. In addition, each of the armed forces has a unique responsibility in the state and help further strengthen the Islamic Government. This includes protecting the borders of the country, defending against domestic and foreign threats, enforcement of the law, encouragement for good deeds and prohibiting bad ones, realization of a model of Islamic Government, country, and armed forces.