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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this survey was to identify the types of teacher’ s bullying behavior and its prevalence in school in Tehran, this was done by classifying sampling in schools. After confirmation by the experts, the researchermade questionnaire was tested experimentally and Cronbach's alpha was calculated. EFA of data from 1046 students showed that there were three components of physical, psychological and verbal bullying, and CfA revealed its appropriateness. Another of physical, psychological and verbal bullying were observed in boys 'schools while psychological, physical and verbal bullying were observed in girls' schools. Students who were never experienced physical, psychological and verbal bullying were 81. 64, 73. 33, and 76. 86 percent, respectively. Physical and verbal bullying are more prevalent in boys and a similar pattern of psychological bullying was seen in both gender. The lowest and highest level of all types of bulling was observed in District 1, 19, 13, 10, respectively. While psychological bullying had a similar pattern in various grades, the maximum amount of the physical bullying was seen in the eighth and the minimum was seen in the fifth grade. The maximum and minimum amount of the verbal bullying was respectively.

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Current studies show that specific pathological features separating chronic depression from non-chronicremain largely unknown. In his psychopathological theory, Lynch has introduced two constructs namely overcontrolling and social connectedness that can not only explain the depression but also its chronicity and treatment resistance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the strength of these two constructs in distinguishing chronic depression from non-chronic depression. The study sample consisted of 20 patients with chronic depression, 16 patients with non-chronic depression and 17 healthy subjects (n=53) who were selected using purposeful sampling. The data were analyzed using MANOVA. The findings showed that overcontrolling and social connectedness were able to distinguish patients with chronic depression, patients with nonchronic depression and healthy subjects from each other; however, analyzing each variable individually, reveal that ambivalence over expression of emotions did not differentiate between patients with chronic depression and patients with non-chronic depression. Also the personal need for structure could not differentiate between the groups. The implications of the findings are discussed.

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The purpose of the present study was to examine the moderating role of positive and negative affectivity on the relationship between attachment styles and dyadic adjustment. Participants consisted of 378 married individuals (194 women, 184 men). All of whom completed the Adult Attachment Inventory (AAI), The Glombok-Rust Inventory of Marital State Questionnaire (GRIMS), and The Positive and Negative Emotionality Scale (PNES). The results showed a significant positive correlation between secure attachment style and positive affectivity with dyadic adjustment. Insecure attachment styles (avoidant and ambivalence) and negative affectivity showed a significant negative correlation with dyadic adjustment. Analysis of data also revealed that the relationship between secure and insecure ambivalence attachment styles and dyadic adjustment were moderated by negative affectivity. Increasing levels of negative affectivity was accompanied stronger relationship between secure and insecure ambivalence attachment styles and dyadic adjustment. It can be concluded that attachment styles as well as positive and negative affectivity can predict dyadic adjustment.

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Hearing impaired children having undergone cochlear implant, despite of progress in communication skills, do not have satisfactory relationships with their peers. The main purpose of this study was to design a familyoriented personal-social skills training program and to examine its effect of it’ s on behavior problems of cochlear implanted individuals. In this experimental study, 16 families that have cochlear implanted adolescent were selected based on entrance criteria, including mothers and their two-year old child with cochlear implanted ranging from 12 to 19 years old, from 328 families. Consequently, they were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. The behavioral part of Social Skills Rating Scale for measurement of behavioral problems was used. The designed program includes the onset of communication, finding friend, etiquette, use of body language in interaction, affection and emotion management, conflict and it’ s solving, self-assertiveness, cooperation, responsibility, citizen and decision making. Multivariate covariance was employed in order to analyze the data. The results showed that family-oriented social skills training program reduces internalizing (F=10/33, P<0/01), externalizing (F=30/83, P<0/01), hyperactivity (F=19/41, P<0/01) and general behavior problems (F=46/14, P<0/01). The study revealed that family-oriented social skills training program is effective in decreasing the behavioral problems of cochlear implanted adolescent which can be employed to decrease behavior problems and improve social adjustment, as these skills can be an integral part of rehabilitation program.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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issues in family, which in many cases can lead to the development of emotional and behavioral symptoms in the person who has been betrayed. In this regard, the present study was undertaken with the aim to identifying the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment group counseling on feeling of loneliness in women suffering from the trauma of infidelity. The research method was experimental and the design was quasiexperimental using pretest-posttest with control group. The statistical population included women victims of infidelity referring to counseling centers and family courts in Tehran, Iran, in 2017. Thirty couples were selected via purposeful and available sampling method based on the study’ s criteria and randomly assigned to experimental (n=15) and control groups (n=15) (finally were investigated through dual assessment of pretest-posttest). All participants were asked to complete UCLA Loneliness Scale (Russell, Peplau & Cutrona, 1980). In addition, the participants in the experimental group attended 8 sessions of 90-minute acceptance and commitment group counseling and the control group received no training. The results of univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated that acceptance and commitment group counseling significantly decreased the post-test average scores of feeling of loneliness in experimental group. Thus, it could be concluded that acceptance and commitment group counseling is an effective method in reducing feeling of loneliness in women suffering from the trauma of infidelity and can be used by counselors and therapists in the field of family therapy.

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The present study aimed to investigate the Effectiveness of Combining two reality therapy and logo therapy approaches on quality of life and Psychological Adjustment of Female Householders. This research is a semiexperimental with pre-test and post-test with unequal control group. The research community consisted of all women householders covered by the Relief Committee of Mashhad who have been referred to the advisory committee of the Relief Committee in 1395. The sampling method was convenient sampling and the sample size was 30, and data was collected using questionnaires including World Health Organization Quality of Life and Psychological Adjustment Assessment Questionnaire (Adult Form) and consequently data were analyzed by 18 spss software. Results showed that, the mean scores of quality of life and psychological adjustment in the post test of the experimental group were significantly higher than the mean scores of post-test in the control group, while the findings of the covariance test showed that the difference between the pre-test and the posttest was significant. Therefore, it can be concluded that the combination and integration of therapeutic approaches related to clients' problems increases the effectiveness of treatment. Also, it was shown that the combination of logo therapy and reality therapy the quality the life and psychological adjustment in female householders.

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The purpose of the present study was to investigate of causal relationship between cultural values, self-efficacy and test anxiety among Second-Grade High School Students of Urmia city. Research method is correlation form and type of Its structural equations modeling and the statistical population included all the second-grade high school students in Urmia City during 2017-2018 school year. Sampling method category randomized and volume of sample according to krejcie Morgan table were 357 people. data gathering, we have been used three questionnaires including Srite and Karahanna (2006), general efficiency Scherer and et al. (1982), and Test Anxiety Question of Sarason (1984). To organize, summarize and analyze the data the confirmatory factor analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The results of Structural equation modeling showed from the components of cultural values, the two components of a Masculinity/ Femininity and Power distance exert their positive effect through selfefficacy. But the mediating role of selfefficacy was not confirmed on the other two components of cultural values (individualism/collectivism and uncertainty avoidance) with test anxiety.

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Procrastination is a common problem among university and school students. To address this problem., the current research was carried out with the aim of studying the combined research effect size in the field of procrastination and academic performance. A systematic review and meta-analysis method were used in this research. Along the same lines, 30 projects through PRISMA method from web the Data (Pupmed, Springer, ProQuest, Scopus, Elsevier, Science direct, Google Scholar, Magiran), between the year 1984-2018, 1380-1396 were conducted in accordance with research objectives to perform current study. After evaluating the criteria for entrances and lay away requirements research, the correlation effects of the research were analyzed by CMA software. Also, two models of random effect and fixed effect were calculated. According to the results of heterogeneous analysis, the randomized model was selected through Q and squared I indices. The findings revealed that the size of the combined effect of the investigated research after the removal of 3 effects size was-0. 307. The combined effect size of the research was calculated based on the mean Cohen’ s index. The results of heterogeneous analysis revealed of the existence moderating variables in the research as well. The results of this meta-analysis pertaining to theoretical and empirical foundations are indicative of the relationship between procrastination and academic performance variables. Given the results of this metaanalysis, it can be concluded that for academic performance to be successful, it is essential to address the problem of procrastination among university and school students.

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