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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties and standardization of PSWQ-C questionnaire in a sample of children and adolescents aged 8-18 years. The statistical sample of this study included 1100 (581 girls and 519 boys). A sample of this study is includes 500 children aged 8 to 12 (286 girls and 214 boys) at the elementary School level, 300 adolescents aged 13 to 15 (150 girls and 150 boys) in middle school and 300 adolescents aged 16 to 18 (145 girls and 150 boys) in high/secondary school. First the Pen State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ-C) was translated to Persian, then it was back translated into English. After eliminating the linguistic problems, it was performed on 100 students (50 girls and 50 boys) to ensure the accuracy of its translation. After confirming translation, the final questionnaire was administered to 1100 students (581 girls and 519 boys) in Tehran. The results of study confirmed the one-factor model among children and adolescents. Our findings provide evidence of the construct validity of the Pen State Worries Questionnaire in Iranian children and adolescents. Also, the reliability of the questionnaire was in a good range. Cronbach's alpha for one-factor model of children equaled 0. 85 and for one-factor model of adolescents was 0. 86.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the short-term pattern of Spiritually Multidimensional Psychotherapy (SMP) on increasing psychological well-being of patients with depression syndrome. This study was semi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test design and a control group. The Statistical population of the study was 48 people, the depressed patients referring to the counseling center of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences and the Religious Counseling Center of Holy Shrine. According to Morgan's table, 40 patients (n=25 women, n=15 men) were selected through availability sampling and randomly placed into exprimental and control groups. The questionnail used in this study was Ryff psychological well being (1989). The exprimental group received 12 one-half-hour sessions of psychotherapy. The results of covariance analysis showed that there was a significant increase in psychological well-being component after intervention(P<0/001). The findings also showed that Spiritually Multidimensional Psychotherapy (SMP) can be activated by the spiritual dimension of the clients and consequently by forming a belief framework against cognitive challenges and encouraging them to lead a healthy lifestyle as well as inreasing their goals in life, hope and life satisfaction.

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ROSTAMI REZA | KHAJAVI ZEINAB | Rostamian Abdulrahma | Hoseinzadeh Dehkordi Gholamali | GHORBANI NIMA | FARAHANI HOJJATOLLAH

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The Default Mode Network (DMN) is one of the large-scale networks of the brain that is anatomically defined well. This network that is active during rest state, is associated with stimulus-independent thought, self-reflection and autobiographical memory retrieval. The regions of DMN include medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), inferior parietal lobule (IPL), lateral temporal cortex (LTC) and hippocampal formation (HF). This network consists of two subsystems: the medial temporal lobe subsystem, which provides data from previous experiences and the medial prefrontal subsystem, which uses this information during the construction of self-relevant and stimulus-independent thoughts. Studies have shown that DMN have neuroplasticity in front of kinds of experiences and its function is impaired in some of the diseases and disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, autism spectrum, and Alzheimer. Also, this network is effective in biological and psychological treatments. In this article, after reviewing the history and anatomy of the DMN, the focus will be on DMN’ s functions, its normal changes in development, and its changes in a variety of diseases and disorders. Finally, to the clinical application of these findings will be discussed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of parenting training program based on choice theory on the quality of mother-son relationship. The research was carried out in the framework of a quasi-experimental design of a pretest-posttest and follow-up test with a control group. The research population consisted of mothers and their sons of eight and ninth grade in schools of Baghershahr in 1395-1396. In order to implement interventions, 40 volunteer mothers whose children had been selected through cluster sampling and had reported relational problems with their mothers, were selected. Then, they were randomly divided into the experimental and control group. All subjects (children) were evaluated in three stages (pre-test, post-test and follow-up) before and after the training whit child's attitude toward mother scale (CAMS). Analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to analyze the data. The results showed that intervention in experimental group, in comparison with control group, decreased the scores of relational problems in post-test and follow-up test. Also this study showed that the average effect size of seven 2-hours sessions of choice-theory parenting program improving quality of mother-son relationship was 24. 6%. So parenting training based on choice theory has good effect on improvement the quality of mother-son relationship.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness of neurological movement, rhythmic and melodic intervention on executive function of people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). 20 women )age 20-30 years) who are members of the Iranian MS Association, with relapsing-remitting course and low Extended Disability Status (EDSS <3) were selected using convenience sampling method and randomly assigned to either control or experimental group. The experimental group received 30 sessions twice a week of musical Executive Function group training) NEFT) with the assistance of a musician. Scores were gathered using Wisconsin Card Sorting (wcst) in the pre-test and post-test stages. Also, the Kurske (1983) extended disability status scale was used to evaluate the physical disabilities of MS participants. The results of MONCOVA indicated significant improvement in categorizing and reducing preservative errors in experimental group compering to the control group. Also, results showed musical intervention has small to medium effect size according to the Cohen Scale. Findings suggest that the neurological movement, rhythmic and melodic interventions can improve executive function skills such as organizing, problem-solving, decision making, and comprehension which may enhance everyday activities of people with MS which can be applied to clinical settings

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-harm behaviors (SHB) and tendency to suicide with attachment style and personality organization with mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies (CERS) among adolescent. Using structural equation modeling, 700 girl students were selected from high schools in Tehran (district 16) through multi-stage cluster sampling in Academic year 2017-2018. All participants were asked to complete Self-Harm Inventory, Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency Scale, Inventory of parent and peer attachment, Personality Organization Inventory and the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. The results revealed predictability of self-harm behaviors/ suicide tendency based on the mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies on the relationship between attachment styles and personality organization. Results also indicated that insecure attachment orientations and borderline personality organization can predict negative emotion regulation strategies in adolescence. Findings of the current study are consistent with previous studies and theoretical stance and evaluating three variables including attachment styles, personality organization and cognitive emotion regulation strategies can be used to formulate a prevention and intervention program for treatment of adolescence with self-harm behaviors.

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The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between emotional self-regulation, perceived learning environment and academic resilience using two-level modeling of students and classrooms. This study focuses on the role of teacher and classroom through the idea of an ecological approach to child and adolescent shadowing. This relationship was investigated among 450 female students of the 10th grade from the 19 areas of education in Tehran's regions (1-4-4. 7), selected from three high schools in each region. Students responded to the teacher's scale as social context, Belmont et al. (1992) and academic resilience, Samuels (2004) and emotional self-regulation, Grass and John (1998). The results of multivariate analysis indicated a positive and significant relationship between the research variables. By including variables on both levels, the relationship between emotional self-regulation and educational resilience at the first level (p <0. 001) and the components of participation, structure, and support for autonomy at the level of the class (p <0. 001) became significant. Therefore, schools account for about 27% of the variance in academic resilience, and 73% of the students are explained. The results also showed that the two-level model, in contrast to the typical one-level model, provides more information about the relationship between variables. Present findings showed that the factors affecting the academic resilience of the students are multilevel, and in order to study the academic resilience of the students, all the effective levels should be considered by introducing variables on both levels, the relationship between emotional self-regulation and educational resilience at the student level and the components of participation, structure and support for self-determination at the level of the class are meaningful.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of narrative therapy and acceptance & commitment therapy, on quality of life and existential anxiety on elders. This study was of an experimental design with random assignment (pre-test and post-test with control group) Type. The population included older adults residing at nursing homes. Thirty of elders were selected in a form of cluster sampling. They were randomly assigned into 3 groups of 10 members. Then they passed pre-test, by using of (WHO) quality of life questionnaire and Good's existential anxiety inventory. Afterward the first experimental group received narrative group therapy and the second experimental group received acceptance and commitment group therapy, while no intervention was administered to the control group. Compared to the control group the findings of repeated measurements-MANCOVA revealed that, NT and ACT led to an improved quality of life (p<0. 01) and reduction of existential anxiety (p<0. 01) on elders. Both therapics, significantly had the same effectiveness in quality of life (p>0. 05) and existential anxiety (p>0. 05) on elders. According to the results, both narrative and acceptance & commitment therapies were suitable for increasing quality of life and reducing existential anxiety on elderly people.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Socio-emotional learning refers to a construct that encompasses one's ability in self-awareness. Socio-emotional learning at school acts as a reassuring approach that promotes social and emotional competencies for students. The present study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the Social-Emotional Learning Questionnaire. The research method in this study is correlational and confirmatory factor analysis. The study population consisted of all female secondary school students in Tehran. In this study, multi-stage cluster sampling was used. Socio-Emotional Learning Questionnaire (SEL), a 25-item questionnaire based on the developed Caswell theoretical model, was administered to all participants. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze the data. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that all items in the questionnaire had a good factor load, but the fit indices were not favorable, so the model was modified. The incremental fit index (IFI) values, the adaptive fit index (CFI) and the root mean square error of approximation error (RMSEA), were 0. 943, 0. 943, 0. 051; respectively, which indicates that the model fits well with the data. Based on exploratory factor analysis, five significant and coherent factors were identified: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, communication management, decision-making responsibility. Overall, the extracted factors accounted for 69% of the total variance of the test. Internal consistency of the identified factors and the total score of the questionnaire were acceptable and acceptable.

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Dependent personality disorder is a chronic disorder which associated with the need to be taken care of. The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on decreasing interpersonal dependency and increasing action control of individuals with dependent personality disorder. This study conducted semi-experimentally with pretest-posttest control group design and two-month follow up period. From all individuals with dependent personality disorder who attended to psychotherapy clinics of Shahre-Ghods and District 22 Municipality of Tehran, 18 individuals were selected via convenience sampling method and then randomly assigned into two experimental and control groups (with 9 members). Dependent Personality Disorder Inventory-Revised (2007), Interpersonal Dependency Inventory (1977), and Action Control Scale-Revised (2000) were applied to collect data. The members of experimental group were treated via the use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy protocol in 11 sessions, each lasted 70 minutes. Eventually, data were analyzed through repeated measures analysis of variance. Findings showed that acceptance and commitment therapy has significant effect on decreasing interpersonal dependency and increasing action control of individuals with dependent personality disorder (P<0. 01). According to the results of this study, implementation of ACT in psychotherapy centers and clinics would be beneficial and effective for treating personality disorders’ problems

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The purpose of the current study is to evaluate cognitive abilities in children with chronic medical conditions based on their attachment style. In this regard, 45 children aged 12-15 years (24 women, 21 men) meeting the diagnosis criteria for chronic medical condition (diabetes, or thalassemia, or kidney disease) were selected by available sampling method and entered the study. Inclusion and exclusion criteria, investigated from initial interview and child’ s medical document, and a child who meet the inclusion criteria participated in the research after their permission and signed informed consent form was signed by their mothers. After Children completed the Collins and Read Attachment Style Questionnaire and Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery, they were assigned into three groups with secure, avoidant and anxious attachment style based on their scores. These groups were matched in demographic characters, and then in the next step cognitive abilities for all subjects were assessed. The result of One-way analysis of variance analysis showed a significant difference between three groups in cognitive abilities. Children with secure attachment style had higher performance in the cognitive abilities than children with avoidant and anxious attachment styles. These results showed that one of the factors, which can have an effect on the health status, especially on children’ s cognitive abilities with chronic medical conditions, is their attachment style.

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