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The city gateway is one of most fundamental elements of spatial and physical structure of the city that has special functions and applications. The city gateway links the urban peripheral environment with its internal built environment that is like a domain and, as an urban space, different spatial and functional relationships are constituted in that. The study of urban spaces with their distinguished qualities in terms of dimensions of the scientific and executive foundations in urban planning is of special importance. The environmental qualities of the city gateway have different elements and components and have reciprocal interaction with each other and cannot be directly measured. The interaction of the mentioned elements reveals the intricate nature of the environmental quality of an urban gateway. The present paper is basic in terms of objective and its methodology is based on the mixed-method (quantitative-qualitative) research which specifies the environmental qualities in the space of city gateway and determines the amount of their importance and prioritization. Based on the obtained results, it was revealed that it can be said with 99 percent confidence that the use of term of city entrance is not conceptually correct and it is necessary to use the term of city gateway in the studies related to the urban planning. In the present paper, based on the scientific foundations of subject matter, some elements, norms and expertized measurements have been defined and the results obtained from the specification and determination of importance and prioritization of features of environmental qualities in the process of studies and organization of city gateway include respectively 1-environment, 2-functional, 3-time, 4-cognitive, 5-social, 6-landscape, 7-management, 8-spatial, 9-morphology and single body.

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In the recent century, due to the reduced energy consumption and excessive use of non-renewable resources in the building sector, passive solar heating is one of the architectural design strategies for efficient energy use. Trombe wall and Greenhouse are the most important passive systems. This project, by conducting field-laboratory studies, evaluated the energy consumption in five different models from the combination of a Trombe wall a the Greenhouse with a chamber in the first and second six months of the year in the cold climate of Ardabil city. In this research, the idea is not to consume, but to use green energy and minimize energy consumption through the absorption of renewable energy in the building, in this regard; architectural design can play a very important role. This research is semiexperimental and uses a simulation research method. In order to achieve the goals of the project, the Design Builder software has been used to analyze the conditions. According to the studies, it is realized that with the installation of the Trombe wall with window and adding shading to the southern side of the building, the average temperature will be 20/67° C in the winter and 22/84° C in summer, and the comfort temperature will be 18-22° C in all months of the year. We can also receive a enough daylight during the day and we can achieve environmental sustainability and reduce costs apart from achieving comfort in the environment, and reducing non-renewable energies.

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house is an environment for the formation of social activities to satisfy a part of physical and mental requirements. By observing the contemporary design construction industry, it is easy to notice the absolute ignorance toward behavioral, cultural and residential patterns of users. By considering this problem, the main purpose of this paper is to emphasize on the role of behavioral patterns, lifestyle and user’ s culture in their housing patterns as one of the most important tools of understanding the behavior of residents. In addition, due to the changes in the lifestyle and human’ s needs, the housing patterns have also evolved and have resulted in new spatial arrangements. This research examines the changes in housing pattern and people’ s lifestyle in “ Maragheh” over time Zand era to today. In this article methodology of research in literature review section is descriptive-analytical method and in field studies by qualitative method, 32 houses were reviewed and interviewed with fifty inhabitants, a semi-structured questionnaire and an anthropological questionnaire with interview analysis. The relationship of lifestyle to body structure is explained. And results shows that for proper design houses in each area, we need to probe that area’ s people’ s lifestyle, behavioral patterns and daily and annual activities properly. Also probation of their housing patterns.

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The pluralism of contemporary era in styles and creation of different artworks has led to various and sometimes contradictory definitions in aesthetics. As a result, aesthetic criteria have become disarranged. Aesthetic criteria, make measure and differentiate possible and therefore it is important to define and identify it. The purpose of his research is to study the effect and relation between porosity quantative measure and observer’ s aesthetic preferences in architectural faç ades. In this research, after literateure review, using preferences studies’ methods in empirical aesthetic approach, 320 subjects were tested. The participants scored 32 visual representations made from 8 main faç ade of Tabriz historic houses with targeted manipulation. Aesthetic of porosity is investigated and analyzed, based on scores given to each visual stimulus. Based on the findings, the porosity According to research findings, it can be concluded that porosity, as a visual property, influences the aesthetic preferences of architectural faç ades and in a certain amount and range, increases preferences and appreciation. This property can also serve as a scale for aesthetic assessment and evaluation of the architectural faç ades and also function as an architectural strategy in designing faç ades.

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The present article mentioned that our architecture knowledge of industrial complexes (in comparison to the other kind of buildings and complexes) is limited. Apart from the lack of architectural research on industrial complexes, another major challenge in this field is the reductionist nature of their architecture definitions proposed in prior researches. Therefore, the goal of this article is to provide a comprehensive concept of architecture in these complexes. The study is based on systems theory as a holistic approach as well as primary and secondary categories of Smith Capon (meaning, function, form, spirit, construction and context). The research method was reflecting on Persian and English words related to industrial complexes such as industry, production and so on. The collected data is analyzed by logical reasoning. The results confirmed that these categories, their interactions and their periphery, as three general structural features of systems, can create a comprehensive boundary between the architecture of industrial complexes and the architecture of other complexes.

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Light plays a profound role in evoking meaning through architectural spaces. This has been strikingly manifested in the architecture of religious monuments particularly in mosques. From long ago, architects and builders have been exploring lighting effects reflected in many mosques and religious monuments, while figuring out the created meaningful visual effects in such architectural spaces. From an insightful perspective influenced by Islamic teachings, Iranian architects consider light a spirit casted on the structure to create a meaningful depiction. This paper attempted to examine how the concept of light in Quran has influenced the Iranian architectural style. It is assumed that implications from Quranic verses portray a transition from darkness to light and the contrast between light and dark, which can be considered a valuable role-model in the Iranian architecture. The research methodology involved an interpretivequalitative approach, and content analysis of Quranic scripture. The results of research indicate that the contrast of light and darkness, as well as involvement of light and shadow (dark) in architecture and the guidance through darkness to the light are amongst valuable concepts manifested in Iranian architecture, the concepts which are repeatedly referred to in Quranic instructions and have been of a great value in creating spiritual space. Light and shadow function as an allegory of the two valuable concepts of light and darkness in Quran, and guidance from shadows (darkness) to light, besides physical and spiritual aspects, is semantically worthy of consideration.

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In the face of the arrival of modernism in the Middle East, the first achievement of the Republic of Turkey led by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was disconnection from the visual symbolic past. Turkey succeeded in rebuilding itself and became a role model for its neighbor, including Iran during the Pahlavi regime. Thus, the impact of modernism on the symbolic and visual structures of the past is particularly important. Therefore, the influence of Cubic architecture on the avant-garde architecture of these two leaders is essential. The current paper aims at investigating this process and its roots. This is a qualitative comparative analytical research method with a morphological analysis strategy. Data was collected with reference to library sources. For morphological analysis and comparative study, Saad Abad and Chankaya palaces were selected. Then, the indices were determined and compared. The results show that the intercultural exchanges in the twentieth century significantly transformed the urban and residential culture in Iran and Turkey. Therefore, one cannot speak of producing "universal" pure architecture in an abstract space far from the influence of local conditions or of pure "local" architecture while one place is entirely dependent on other places. Saad Abad and Chankaya are not just influenced by local or universal architecture but rather influenced by the impact of the locally and universally features. Therefore, the morphological comparison of Saad Abad and Chankaya palaces is more than the content of the cubic architecture. It is not merely a modernist imitation of Western architecture, and the past (local) architectural traditions of these countries have not been completely abandoned, and in fact they have been interconnected or compatible with the traditional and modern concepts and forms.

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Although there are different studies about the relation of within-domain and betweendomain stimuli with creativity, the impact of their variation has not been discussed. Moreover, there are just few studies concerning the relation between the different stimuli and divergent and convergent thinking in architecture students. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of stimuli variation on students’ creativity as well as divergent and convergent thinking. In these experiments, between-domain and within-domain stimuli are used simultaneously, consecutively and alone. Participants are architecture students in “ Architectural Design I” at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. This course is their first design experience. The creativity of design products is scored. Judges grade originality and practicality for each product. The outcomes are analyzed by ANOVA. The results demonstrate that variation has no effect on students’ creativity. divergent thinking and novelty are improved by using within-domain stimuli alone. In none of the experiments the practicality and convergent thinking have been affected.

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Walkability has a vital role in identification of space identity and understanding of environment quality, and for this reason it has attracted multiple theoreticians. Given the recent attempts of planners and designers for the encourage people to walk, several models and methods are provided to measure the walkability potential. But, each one only considers certain aspects of the pathways. The lack of comprehensiveness methods led to conducting this study in which a few methods and models such as, Space Syntax, SPACES, Pedestrian Discomfort, and PAWDEX method indices are combined together to provide a rather comprehensive method in assessment of the walkability which can be used in case studies. For this purpose, at first, the main pathways in BagheFerdos and Zaeferanie districts are studied (the case studies in this article) through the method of Space Syntax and then the elected pathway in each district is assessed based on the three other methods. Based on the Space Syntax theory, the sequence of spaces positioning next to each other has a direct impact on the way of using a particular space. According to the final obtained scores, the walkability potential of Fayazi street (the elected street in Baghe Ferdos district) is found to be more than Asef street (the elected street in Baghe Zaferanieh district). Each street requires its design advancement and unique planning. At the end of the article, some approaches are provided to achieve this goal.

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With the emergence of space syntax theory in architecture, the possibility of transforming architectural plans into graphs was created and then the graph theory was introduced as one of the main methods for analyzing the spatial layout. The centrality criteria is regarded as features which can be used for quantitative analysis of spatial layout. In this regard, the present research seeks to use the concepts contained in the centrality criteria for analyzing space relationships, especially in functional plans. For this purpose, the emergency department of hospitals is selected as one of the most functional applications. In order to analyze the emergency plan, it should be noted that there are some areas in which their relationship and spatial layout play a vital role in their performance. Thus, an emergency plan, which includes both the therapeutic and urgency domains, was developed in the present study in order to analyze the performance of these domains and their associated spaces. As a result, the spaces and existed domains were first encoded in the plan and then, the plan transformed into a graph by using the space syntax theory of the plan. In this regard, the Cytoscape software was used to calculate the centrality criteria. The results of the analysis indicates that using some centrality criteria, especially the criteria for the betweenness and closeness centrality, we are able to analyze the layout of the domains and their associated spaces in the plans.

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The dualism of creativity and innovation versus impressionable, linkage and kinship among works have always been debated in art and architecture, especially after modernity. This research attempts to express the process of intertextuality and describes that architecture is not only created by relying on the ingenuity and dominance of the originality of the idea of the architect and not created suddenly, but it is created by instinctive fascination with the experience, method, effect and other tools of the artists. The architecture of adaptation and reading is broad; it is heterogeneous and never-ending in the works of others, and always in dialogue with another. In the process of intertextuality, our effort is to search for similarities and analogies of architectural works which should be attributed to the human desire to finding ancestry and origin, genealogy, and the term "kinship myth". Research is based on the defense of the hypothesis that architecture is a kind of discourse that speaks of the interconnectedness and kinship between works as opposed to the hegemony of singularity and uniqueness of the work. It is in the criticism of traditional critique that, in the body of their criticism, they attribute the value of the work to the originality of the idea and the product of its creator creative mind, and some works are downgraded to the level of a copy of the other works. But in the intertextual approach, no other text is merely unique, and it is certainly formed in the dialogue between the layers of the artist's mind and one or more previous texts. Research is applied in nature and relies on analytical-interpretive method. The extracted data were analyzed based on logical reasoning, the results of which are presented in graphs. The nature of research is an applied research and relies on the analytical-interpretive method. The extracted data were analyzed based on logical reasoning, the results of which are presented in graphs. Using the intertextual interpretive approach, the analysis of authentic opinions is focused on the concept of intertextual reading, and finally, several works of Iranian architecture are presented in order to recognize the reading and creating of intertextual architecture.

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