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The usage type of lands that are used for the tourism purposes is having great importance, because tourism is a source based activity. In order to develop tourism activities, tourism planning and determining the environmental capacities - human subjects, is a process that communicates individual leisure with space and location (environments).Space is programmable zone or in the other word, space is a visible or invisible temporal-local volume. Spatial planning is an intellectual process for realization of the spatial planning objectives, according to political action. Existences of many ancient monuments convert Isfahan to one of most important tourism cities in Iran that increases the need for spatial tourism planning. This study is done in order to spatial planning of Isfahan tourism center emphasizing communication among usage of existing sports, medical, green spaces, with tourism attraction. In this study, poly-gon (surface) data of tourist attractions, green spaces, space, sports, health care, parks and parking existing in Isfahan were used. Data are related to the 1385 had been prepared by the municipality and governorates in the separate layers form.The method of research is descriptive analytical and local entropy analysis model was used to answer the research question. The hexagonal lattice as the basic unit was used for combining the basic data, the 500-meter-diameter hexagonal was intended, so 2386 hexagonals covered city. The research method is descriptive - analytical and local entropy analysis model was used to answer the research question. This study attempted to express the influence of some indices on the spatial tourism pattern. Expressed factors are not all of affecting factors, because tourist attractions have close relationship with other factors, such as hotels, restaurants, banks, security and fire units and …but because of the lake of information in this field we tried to evaluate indicators that suggest mentioned model. Results show two components as parking and bus stations in the city are most connected with tourism attractions and Health care institutions have the lowest relationship with tourism attractions that need to be further considered in future planning.

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New Urbanization, was formed in response to the modern unstable areas. ‎ The lack of incorporation of uses, densities in the context of the ‎ neighborhood, inappropriate Radius of Access to uses, the dependence on ‎ private cars and lack of pedestrian spaces, including the new urban ‎ problems. Looking in to the problems of urban decline in city centers and ‎ horizontal expansion of the city and its consequences, according to new ‎ approaches to sustainable development approach was considered by urban ‎ planners and Thus New Urbanism critical approach to modern urban ‎ planning with an emphasis on man's place in contemporary urban space, was ‎ formed. In this regard, the present study sought to evaluate the physical ‎ neighborhood of Tabriz Yaghchyan components such as User mixing, ‎ distributing density and pedestrian access to improve the living standards of ‎the New Urbanism approach, will be evaluated. Research methodology in ‎ the research is analytical and descriptive- applied type. It statistical ‎ population is yaghchian neighborhood, as well as methods of gathering data ‎ arelibrary and fieldwork.Both quantitative and qualitative analysis ‎ conducted using the software GIS. Our finding ssuggest that neighborhood ‎ Yaghchyan, in terms of compatibility, the radius of the performance of ‎ public services and pedestrian access, the position is desirable. Also The ‎ results of this study indicate that the high density in this neighborhood led ‎ to regular formations multiplicity and various parts of buildings that it ‎ pattern of diversity of housing in this neighborhood has led.

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This research was done to model the fire spread using Alexandridis model and cellular automata method in part of District Three of Neka Zalemroud forests. The effective factors on fire spread were elevation, slope, wind velocity and direction, vegetation type and vegetation density, based on the mentioned model (Alexandridis model). To simulate of the fire spread and evaluate its accuracy, the required data of actual fire including the fire start point, fire area, wind velocity and direction in fire time was provided. All effective parameters for actual fire confine were provided and coded in GIS. Finally the fire spread model was implemented using programming of Alexandridis model in MATLAB, regarding to Moore neighborhood and loading of digital layers of all effective parameters for actual fire confine. Some cellular situations and fire transfer rules were considered to predict the fire spread based on cellular automata method. The dynamic exhibition of the fire spread was presented by selecting the fire start point and number of burned and unburned cells was determined. Results of the model output including fire spread direction and form was compared with the actual fire confine to evaluate the accuracy of the used model qualitatively. The total precision and Kappa index were used to evaluate the accuracy of the used model quantitatively. The total precision and Kappa index were 0.88 and 0.74 respectively that it can show the precision of prediction of the fire spread model and the cellular automata method in modeling of fire spread in current research.

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Migration from rural to urban areas is a common phenomenon.Many consequences of this phenomenon in rural areas (origin) and cities (destination). Several studies have been conducted in the context of rural-urban migration. Despite the massive migration from rural to urban areas, is still a significant number of villagers (especially adults) living in rural areas. But so far, research in to the causes of Persistence of or survival of adult villagers in rural areas, and Absence migrated to the city, has not been done. Considering the contributing factors in Persistence of survival of adult villagers in rural areas. The purpose of this research is to find an appropriate response to this question. What factors contribute to the Persistence of survival of the rural adult population.Sooleghan rural area located near metropolitan Tehran, and yet many of the adult population in its place as the case study Is selected this research.This research answered the following questions: What factors are effected in the survival of the adult population in rural areas? for answer the above question, searching for answered the following questions.1. What factors encourage and facilitate the sustainability of rural villagers affect adults..2. Obstacles to migration from rural to urban areas, to what extent the survival of the population are affected.This study based on the descriptive analytically research method using extensive field studies and documents, including interview, observation and questionnaires completed 160 rural households in the causes of Persistence of or survival of adult villagers in rural areas.The results showed that the adult population studied villages affected by contextual factors encouraged Persistence of the village and forced stay in the villages or barriers to migration from rural to urban, in the village remain.

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Natural events such earthquake can cause to big damage especially growth population and increasing city-sitting and stopped extension city so decreasing city-damaging is a main aim to program city-making. The study surveys evaluation damaging of gorgan's buildings.Method of the study is describing-analyzing that knowing different ways to evaluate buildings that depend on building conditions. Studied zones, methods of field concepts that were used and analyzed by GIS, such spatial geostatistical analysis and studied interior by Kringing method to supply forecasting maps and evaluations with compactions ideal factors from damaging city-buildings at earthquake that 17.33 % of gorgan's zone has possibility of damaging and human events. Biggest zone of the zone that is old using invaluable material for buildings. Analyzed results showed that 25.58 % of gorgan's zone is based on 2800 number protocol that have less-damage that build at new houses at recent years. Natural events such earthquake can cause to big damage especially growth population and increasing city-sitting and stopped extension city so decreasing city-damaging is a main aim to program city-making. Natural events such earthquake can cause to big damage especially growth population and increasing city-sitting and stopped extension city so decreasing city-damaging is a main aim to program city-making. Natural events such earthquake can cause to big damage especially growth population and increasing city-sitting and stopped extension city so decreasing city-damaging is a main aim to program city-making. Natural events such earthquake can cause to big damage especially growth population and increasing city-sitting and stopped extension city so decreasing city-damaging is a main aim to program city-making.

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During the last decades, rapid urban population growth resulted in physical development of cities. This population explosion and its resulted unplanned development, specifically in developing countries, lead to adverse consequences such as construction in agricultural land and approaching and settlement in areas exposed to natural hazards. Using various criteria, land suitability analysis (LSA) could be an important proceeding to accomplish sustainable and safe urban development. GIS, with the ability of analysis of spatial relationships, helps urban policy makers to relate different information sources and perform sophisticated analysis. The present study deals with land suitability analysis of the central county of Sabzevar to reach urban development‚ considering eight criteria, i.e. slope, height, aspect, distance to fault, distance from main roads, distance from surface water, land cover, and soil type‚ using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP). In this method we calculated land suitability index for the studied area with selecting different criteria, defining the weight of each criterion, producing criteria maps in GIS environment, and finally integrating them. Eventually final map was classified into five class of much higher, high, medium, low and much lower suitability. The results showed that about 60% of the evaluated scope is in high and much higher suitability overall and also 16% of the scope is in the areas of low and much lower suitability that the major cause of this unsuitability can be the existence of Joghatai Mountains in the north of the area. According to the research, North‚ East and North East of the city are the most suitable directions for urban development.

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Assessment of climate change impacts is quite necessary in the temperature extremes. In this study, the changes in maximum temperature of Iran were comparatively examined in two future periods (2041-70 and 2071-99) and based on the output of general circulation models of Hadcm3 under existing scenarios (A2 and B2) than the base period (1981-2010). Also, in the field of uncertainty analysis in occurrences prediction of future maximum temperature, the outputs of two general circulation models of Hadcm3 and CGCM3 under all existing scenarios (A2, A1B, B1 and B2) were carried out for comparison examination onto the results of the 7 representative climatic stations of Iran.For this purpose, after examining the ability of statistical model of SDSM in simulation of base period (2010-1981), the daily future values of maximum temperature were downscaled in the studied stations scales.The results of spatial distribution of maximum temperature showed that in the future decades, mountainous areas and high lands located in northern areas of Iran, during spring, and the central areas of Iran, during summer, will experience the greatest increase in temperature. This is while; during both seasons of warm period of the year the areas adjacent to the southern coasts of Iran will experience the lowest temperature increase. Meanwhile, the largest increase in maximum future temperature for spring and summer in compare to base period are estimated according to A2 scenario about (2-4 degrees Celsius) and according to B2 scenario about (1-2oCg), respectively.In uncertainties analysis related to model-scenarios, it was found that CGCM3 model under scenario B1 had the best performance in the simulation of future maximum temperatures among different scenario-models. Also, the increase in maximum temperature has been more severe based on various scenarios of Hadcm3 model than the CGCM3 model.

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Second homes tourism is one the important tourism patterns at rural areas which has had positive and negative effects on different aspects of rural space, especially on physical appearance of rural areas. Effects of tourism on host society, concurrent with the development of tourism have complexities which need more investigation. This paper aims to examine the satisfaction of villagers from rural architectural style prevalent in the construction of second homes in the Kalardasht County done. This is an applied research carried out in a descriptive-analytical method. Library research and field works have been used for data collection. The population of the study included 9 rural settlements situated in Kelardasht County in which construction of second homes have been significantly impressive. Based on Cochran formula, 200 households were selected from the villages of the study area. The sample households were randomly selected from rural residents.Having reviewed the research indices, we may conclude that in the study area, the average satisfaction indices, which are less than or equal to 3, show the low satisfaction of residents with the architectural style of second homes constructed in their villages. The study also found that the residents of Avijdan village have expressed the lowest level of satisfaction (2.53) and residents of the village of Othman Kala have expressed the highest level of satisfaction (3.40) with the architectural style prevalent in the construction of second homes in their villages. In order to compare the mean of research indices in the sample villages, we used one way analysis of variance, which uncovered significant differences in sample villages. In a way that there have been significant differences in the satisfaction level of the villager in rural areas of Lash Sar and Osman Kala compared to villagers in Avijdan.

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Rivers are unstable environments which under the natural and human factors influence, change their direction and pattern. These changes are not the same in all parts of the river, and depending on the factors affecting it, occurs the different levels of change. The study area is part of the Bashar river which contains three intervals between nations Blvd.Yasouj to that part of the river town Mithraian welding is an interval. The purpose of this study is investigating and detecting river bed geometry changes in the period being studied. In this study, the factors affecting on river bed geometry changes and the rate of change and its impact on development of the Yasooj were investigated. The method of this research is a comparative analysis which using direct and indirect observations and images and maps, the type and extent of geometry changes in waterways is studied and between the four periods, and four spatial interval is analyzed.Also, the 1335 aerial photography, 1362 aerial photography, images of IRS in 1384 and 1393 Google earth images have been used. Accordingly, the riverbed in four periods digitalized in Arc Gis. And then, the riverbed changes, and river location displacement in the river examined in each period, and every four intervals.The results of the data analysis, satellite imagery and aerial photographs indicated that River beach in the study area has been relocating.According to data the first period and the fourth period variability is greater than the other intervals. During the surveyed period at intervals of choice for the most influential factor in changes in morphology, land use, geology and tectonics of the track bed had been. As a result, any type of urban development around the river requires River changes management in the intervals being studied.

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In the world countries from truism rural is known as experienced catalysts for reconstruction and social development in the rural areas. Rural tourism is as an infrastructural function can continue and expand via participation and dependency to other society economical and cultural addition, rural tourism play important role to growth and evolution of rural addition, the linking of rural tourism with national development play important role on country development. The nature of this study is practical and it’s doing method is analytic-descriptive and of the casual-comparative type. The number of this project population is 3643 persons that includes residents of Onar village (as the village with tourism activities) and the residents of Kojang as the village without tourism activities from Meshkinshart city in the Ardabil province. Collection of needed data in this project has been done through field and documental method. Field method based on questionnaire. Also, Spss software has been used in order to analysis of data through statistical methods (descriptive and illative). The face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by professors and experts, and its reliability was confirmed based on Cronbach's alpha (0.87 Results of T-Test shows that there is a significant difference between respondents of Onar village and Kojang in reinforcement of educational infrastructures, empowerment, social cohesion, satisfaction, access to social services, employment situation, membership of civic complexes, education situation, life quality and employment security. Also, these results shows that there is no significant difference in social responsibility, social participation, reducing of conflicts, social cooperation, and local dependency between respondents. Finally, according to the study results, a number of recommendations in solving the wheat farmer’s problems are also presented.

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foehn pour warm and dry under certain conditions on the slopes of the mountains are caused by the wind. When the amplitude of the adiabatic air humidity climbs to the summit of the mountains, If you have enough moisture saturation and the formation of clouds or rain lost its moisture, dries With the passage of the mountain range behind the wind, will sink into the bottom of the valley or plain. The data used in this research include fires and meteorological data. Information on distribution time, place and the fire of the Department of Natural Resources Gilan, Mazandaran and Golestan period (1390-1384) collected data from weather elements such as temperature, humidity, wind and pressure for the three northern governorates and Semnan provinces, Tehran and Qazvin was obtained from the National Weather Service. The synoptic situation day to analyze the fire ground level pressure data, geopotential, air temperature, relative humidity, zonal and meridional wind components, sensible heat flux and instability index (omega) of the website of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP / NCAR) was received. After weather conditions in the southern and northern slopes of the Alborz action synoptic maps of the three days prior to the event every forest fire GrADS software and using MODIS satellite images of the mountain clouds in time event was screened.This phenomenon (foehn) is not a local event, but the influence of the general circulation of the atmosphere and the system is moving west wind, And the ripples and the range of moisture conditions and rainfall, wind strength and weakness of will. Moving West to East West winds associated with this phenomenon.

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Travel service offices as the ultimate provider relationship rings tourism products with consumers, have an important role in the success of the tourism industry. However, the success of these offices as well as depending on a number of internal and external factors. The external factors include those factors that are outside of its control and management offices and Government policies and related mainly to qanoongazai. Therefore the same effect for all offices. On the other hand the internal factors in relation to policies and programs in each State shows a different Office. This was a special form of internal factors influencing the success of domestic tours in the city of Mashhad. In the current conditions of the travel office 209, its features regarding tourism activities, but on the other hand buy ticket types as the most important activity of the offices, they failed to represent the goals and tasks assigned. On the basis of this study during the formation of the conceptual model research of factors affecting domestic tours, داخلیِ proceeded to complete a questionnaire of 62 Office of the travel services in Mashhad. Information collected upon entering the Spss software using logistic models, especially tables and logistic regression analysis. The results of this study showed that in the current circumstances only 45.2% of the offices regarding the holding of a variety of tours in the city of Mashhad have activity. On the other hand among the 20 independent variables used, only signing MOU with other offices as the most influential factor in the success of domestic tours were identified. Which shows torgerdani in the city of Mashhad as a real place to your online career.

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Increased or decreased rainfall compared to long-term average conditions, caused two phenomena such as floods and droughts. Drought is one of the climatic events that exhibit different forms in the vast expanse of Iran and influence natural life of habitants. Drought, rising temperatures and evapotranspiration, increased consumption patterns and poor management are the fundamental elements of a water crisis.ZayandeRood river because of these reasons is faced with severe economic challenges, social and management of water resources. In this paper, the surface water supply index (SWSI) was investigated catchment hydrological drought. The results showed that the years 1377 and 1378 are the most arid years in the basin that the amounts of SWSI are -2.52 and -2.55. The most humid year is 1371 and the amount of SWSI is 2.88 the frequency of the SWSI was demonstrated that during the period, with 43% of the basin has the highest frequency in normal conditions and after it been poor drought which has a frequency of 22%. Calculations have shown that in 31% of cases, the severity of drought conditions in the area have been different.The findings indicate that the climatic drought is the vital effective factor in the Zayande Rood Basin’s water crisis with high intensity and stability in relation to its past.According to SWSI, in a period of 23 years there exists drought state for 7 years (31%). Normal state for 10 years (43%) and humid state (26%) for 6 years. The lowest SWSI volume was in the year 1999 at -2.55 indicating the most intense hydrologic drought and 1992 with 2.88 as the most humid year in the study region.Despite other factors like water-consumption pattern, population growth, industrial use and water transfer to other regions the causation of drought is due to the climate and hydrologic droughts, the natural phenomenon. Drawing policies based on appropriate scientific water management knowledge accompanied with risk management indexes the damage level on this Basin can be reduced.

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