The purpose of this study was to identify the barriers to the privatization of the sport facilities of the Iranian public universities and prioritization of them, that was conducted the survey method. The statistical sample of this study were members of the parliament economic and 44 principle commission, expert of the privatization organization, faculty member of economic and physical education and sport sciences field of the Iranian public universities, a member of the industrial town company, member of the commercial room's province, and investors that selected by purposeful. Qualitative and quantitative methods such as the study of the literature, Indepth interview, systematic coding, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) were formed the research process that was properly combined. The results showed that barriers of the privatization of the sport facilities inside of the policy- making and executive is priority order political (0.261), planning- strategic (0.226), management- administrative (0.158), cultural- social (0.133), legal (0.090), macro fund's investment (0.055), economy (0.052) and marketing (0.025). As well as the identified barriers inside of device quitter, are priority order planning- strategic (0.316), management- administrative (0.239), political (0.197), institutional modernization (0.117), cultural- social (0.101) and personal (0.030). Identified barriers inside of the private sector are priority order economic (0.482), micro fund's investment (0.295), cultural- social (0.170) and professional- expertise (0.053). Privatization policy needs to determine vision and creating a long- term and short- term plans to achieve them. The only in situations which privatization will be as an effective strategy for reforms and increasing the productivity of the university sport facilities.