Both prostaglandin E2 tablet and an intracervical balloon catheter have been shown to be effective of cervical ripening. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of vaginal prostaglandin E2 tablet with an intracervical Foley catheter for preinductiom cervical ripening.
A Randomized, prospective study was conducted in the Mirza Koochakkhan Hospital in Tehran. Patients with a Bishop ≤ 5 were randomly assigned to recieve either prostaglandin E2 tablet or a Foley bulb. Prostaglandin E2 tablet was used according to the manufacture’s recommendation. Immediately after bulb extrusion or 6 hours after prostaglandin E2 tablet course completion oxytocin was started if the patient was not in labor.The groups were comparable with respect to maternal age, gestational age and initial Bishop scores. Forty-Five women were entered into the Foley group and 45 were entered into the prostaglandin E2 tablet group. The Bishop score after preinduction ripening (6.64, vs 6.76, P=0.544) and the change in bishop score (3.62 vs 3.67 P=0.786) showed no difference between the groups. The preinduction time (3.44, vs 6.52 hr, P<0.001) and total time (8.47, vs 15.99 hr, P=0.006) were significantly shorter than the Foley group. Both patient’s hotelling days (2.000 vs 2.125, days P=0.034) and costs (58435.294 vs 63183.750 RL, P<0.001) were significantly shorter than the Foley group. There was no difference between the groups in mode of delivery, rate of hyperstimulation, oxytocin use fetal weight, Apgar score, nonreassuring fetal heart rate and spontaneous labor.Use of the Foley catheter resulted in a shorter pre induction time, hotelling days and costs than vaginal prostaglandin E2 tablet did.