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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study examines how the social capital rate is among the religions groups in Torbatejam city. The statistical sample includes 400 individuals and is chosen based on the Cochran's formula among the Torbatejam citizens as statistical population. The method of study is survey and the measurement tool is questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was measured by Cronbach’s alpha formula. The general meaning of religion in society is a great achievement. The results of the study show that particular religion or religious belief has no impact on social capital. According to the results, the beliefs of religious groups have minimal effect on social capital. The greatest impact on social capital in this city and the media belong to social security.

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Human beings live in a world which is full of social emotions and there are such emotions in our all relationships. This study investigates the pattern of social emotions among the Kerman youths and explains mental- social factors of public issue of social emotion. In order to examine this relationship, theories of Turner, Hochs child and Weiner are used. This study is carried out through survey and questionnaire technique among the young people in Kerman in 2001. Sample of the study was selected based on stratified and systematic random sampling method and 400 participants took part in this study. Multiple correspondence test results showed that youths in Kerman experience more negative social emotions such as sadness, fear, anger, disgust and shame rather than positive social emotions. Hypothesis tests show that there are significant relationships between gender, educational rate, employment status, and social emotion. Also, there is a positive relationship among social trust, religiousness, self-esteem and social emotion, and also a negative relationship between the different ages of the young age group (19-35 years) with social emotions were confirmed. The results of regression show that social trust, self-esteem and education variables could explain 47% of social emotion changes.

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Today the Consumption Preference and consumption orientation are the main topics of cultural researches and studies. Evaluation of it as a scientific problem and expanding it in Iran is important. This paper aims to examine the factors associated with the consumption of consumer preference based on survey research among 390 families residing in the Tabriz city in 1390. To DO this, we developed a systematic random sampling method. In this study, the theories of Simmel, Veblen, Bourdieu and the theory of the Frankfurt School and cultural factors related to consumer preference has been used. Among the most important results of this study we have the following:1- Correlation between consumer preferences was r= 0.089. That is, the correlation between consumer preferences means was not significant in more than 0.05 levels.2- Correlation between consumer preferences and economic and social status equal to r= 0.000. The result is that the relationship between them was significant in less than 0.05.3- Correlation between consumer preferences against mass media campaigns was r= 0.007. The result is that the consumer preferences had significant correlation with mass media campaigns. The significant level was less than 0.05.

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One of the most important problems in the present situation is the generation gap developed in recent years between the parents and the youth; in such societies the prevention of such diverse gap is much safer and easier compared with the treatment of the problem; therefore, this issue should be taken into consideration. This research is an attempt to gather data with 400 persons, namely 200 youths and 200 parents as a statistical sample in Yazd city. The questionnaire used in the study is religious direction; the validity and reliability was validated on 30 candidates as the pre test sample; the data were analyzed using T test ANOVA and SD.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This Paper is a social Psychological explanation of the causes & effects of media persuasion: A study on Effective Factors in the audiences’ tendency towards the use of advertisements & commercial Messages, the Internet and Satellite networks, the economic decisions making & actions. The Statistical population includes 227,790 young citizens and in Zanjan from whom we chose 381 citizens as the sample size and based on the multi-stage cluster and quota sampling method. The measurement too was questionnaire in Likert Scale. The data were analyzed through statistical package prepared for Social Sciences. Based on the Beta Value in Multiple Regression Analysis, the rate of audiences’ tendency towards the use of commercial advertising & messages, rate of media persuasion, attitude to advertising and message source, employment status, rate of trust to advertisers, gender, family, consumerism rate, and rate of advertising and message attractiveness had the highest effect on the dependent variable (rate of audiences’ decision making & economic action) and these Factors could explain 60% of the change in dependent variable.

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Leisure time is one of the most common and main phenomenon that ignoring it leads to some disastrous effects and consequences from which we can mention some social diseases, social and mental deviation. So the main aim of this thesis is to identify the relationship between economical, cultural and social capitals with different ways of passing the leisure time. In order to find the relationship between these variables, we used Boudreaux, Parker, Weber, Fukuyama and Lin’s theories. The study methodology is survey and measure tool is closed questionnaire. The statistical population includes the high school students in Naghadeh city in 2010-2011. They were 17177 students from which we chose 376 ones as sample cases by Cochran and class sampling method. In order to test the hypothesis, based on variable measuring level, we used Pierson correlation, multiple Regression and T tests. The results show that there is meaningful relationship between Leisure time and main variables. Finally, by using multiple regressions, we found that two variables, social and, cultural capital explain 34% of changes in the dependent variable. Also the effect of cultural variable was much more than the other Variables.

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Nowadays generational differences have been mattered more than the last decades. Generation gap is a difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents. This study aimed to evaluate generation gap in values between the youth and elderly people in Babol city. This study was conducted among 240 youth and elderly people (12 young people between 18 -30 years of age and 120 older adults over 60) in Babol city. Methodology of this research was survey and data was collected by a questionnaire consisting of a standardized questionnaire (Schwartz value classification) with 58 questions in Likert scale with a confirmed reliability and validity. Data was analysed by SPSS using descriptive analysis and T test. Results showed that there were significant differences between two groups’ individual values (P<0.05). However, it should be emphasized that all cases which mentioned were important for both youth and elderly but the level of importance and priority were different. Having a descriptive- analytical vision and even experience or directive observation of this phenomenon shows a deep change between cultural- intellectual space of these two generations which needs more consideration.

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Today life quality is one of the most important concepts in sociology. Regarding the planned indicators, countries and cities annually present the life quality in order of rank throughout the world. The main goal of this research is to assess the effect of social trust on life quality. Theoretical framework in this study includes Bourdieu, Putnam, Fukuyama, and Burt for social capital and Zan for life quality. At methodology section, survey method is used and the measurement tool was questionnaire and interview that needful information collected of 391 students in from Islamic Azad University of Bojnurd. Sampling method is proportional stratified random one and the sample size is selected in random systematic form. Analysis of data is done by SPSS software. Analysis information is done in two descriptive and analytic levels. At analytic section, non parametric tests (kruskal Wallis), ANOVA and multiple regressions were used. According to findings, there was a significant relationship between interpersonal trust and life quality but no significant relation was observed between generalized trust and life quality. They also show that there was a significant relationship between the social trust and life quality. At multivariate analysis, significant relationship was observed between interpersonal trust, life style and trust in Institution and. It can explain 14 percent of variance changes related to the life quality.

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In this study, identity status according to the body management is conducted among the students of Islamic Azad University in Tabriz and different levels of body management body Management aspects is determined based on the type of identity status. The research was a survey and the data gathering tool was a questionnaire made by Bennion and Adams. Another questionnaire is the researcher made one that is the criterion variable, namely, body management, its aspects, and some demographic variables. The statistical population includes the students of Islamic Azad University in Tabriz who were over 26,000. The sample size was 384 that was chosen though the Cochran formula and stratified sampling method based on their gender and field of study. The results indicate that there was not a significant difference between students' body management and identity status. The difference in the health of body management is significant in terms of identity status. The body management among females is slightly higher than male students. Among the unmarried students, management body is 52.55 and in the singles, it is 48.82.

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The objective of this article is to pose the subject of Management Role and Contents of Media in Decreasing of Radio Guilan Addressees. According to announcement of measurment unit of Guilan Center of Radio and Television Organization, Radio Guilan addresses have been about 20 percent in year 2009 which this rate in comparison with years 2002 up to 2006 has a considerable fall.The method used for recognizing the reasons and in another word, answering to research-oriented questions, has been qualitative method. Also, among the techniques available in qualitative method, expert interview technique has been used, too. The under-studied sample community was constituted by some expert, powerful and pioneers of Radio Guilan. It is necessary to mention that in this research, the position of produce professions such as programmer, broadcaster, writer and reporter have been considered because of sensitiveness of these professions and their effectiveness in optimal transferring of message or vice versa. Central findings of this research confirms that the experts, among other factors, considered that the type of management of Radio unit is effective in decreasing of addressees. In the next stages, the role of programs producers has been distinguished and the reason of the experts was that the content or message will not be produced by itself and the contents are influenced by the producers. So, the quality and particulars of produced messages have been considered effective in fall of radio addresses by the addressees. The reasons of more interviewees has been that, because of lack of suitable management of message, the direction of powers (forces), in one hand, and sending the optimal message, in the other hand, has been damaged, which in their viewpoints, accuracy in selection of elite personnel of the produce section especially by emphasizing on expertise and choosing of managers with respect to the criteria of media management can be appropriate solutions to increase radio addresses. And, waiting and thinking on some key terms, Pringle and Star stated that the media management includes: “the duties of programming, organizing, and mobilization of resources, direct and control and also summarized the media manger skills in three skills: technical, human and perception”. Also, about the content, Mac Coil stated that: the most obvious and the most accessible witness of mass media activities, are the works which are produced and broadcasted in this medias.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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