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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: The main purpose of the present study is the investigation of mediating role of metacognitive beliefs in the relationship between goal orientation and students' anxiety in the tests. Methods: The methodology of this study is descriptive correlational. The sample of population included students of Payam-e-Noor University in Eghlid (Fars Province) during the years 1392-93. In this study, a 160-case sample was selected based on simple random sampling. The measuring instruments included metacognitive beliefs questionnaire, goal orientation questionnaire and test anxiety questionnaire. Using simultaneous correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis and Baron and Kenny's pattern (1986), data were analyzed by the use of spss-19. Results: The results of the study indicated that orientation of tendency performance and that of escaping performance have directly the power of predicting test anxiety. In addition, goal orientation has directly the power of predicting metacognitive beliefs, such as tendency performance orientation on negative beliefs, cognitive trust, cognitive awareness and uncertainty on controlling thoughts. Conclusion: The findings showed that reinforcing mastering and learning orientations, which are dependent on cognitive and metacognitive strategies, can decrease of students' test anxiety.

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Objective: This study examined the structural relationship of academic self-efficacy and epistemological beliefs with academic performance with the mediating role of study skills. Method: This study is descriptive (non-experimental) and study design is correlational plans type of the structural equations. Statistical population of the study formed all of secondary school students of Orumieh in 2015-2016 years of academic. Sampling was cluster random and determination the sample size for each of the sub-variable were considered 20 samples and 350 persons were selected as study sample. To collecting data was used of Patrick, Hicks and Ryan’ s the academic self-efficacy scale (1997), Schommer’ s epistemological beliefs scale (1991), Congos’ s study skills scale (2009) and to measure academic performance of students was used of average scores of students in the first academic semester 2015-2016. structural equation modeling was used to assess the structural relationship of academic self-efficacy, epistemological beliefs and study skills with academic performance. Results: the results of structural equation modeling revealed that academic self-efficacy, epistemological beliefs and study skills directly affect the academic performance of students and academic self-efficacy indirectly and through study skills affect the academic performance of students. so in this study the indirect affect of epistemological beliefs on the academic performance of students was not proved. Conclusion: these findings of study support the mediating role of study skills in the structural relationship academic self-efficacy and epistemological beliefs with academic performance of students.

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Aim: The aggression is a prevalent disorder that has made many problems for children, families and schools. Thus, The aim of this study was to determine the effect of prosocial skills training based on skillstreaming program on the social competence of male aggressive students. Method: This study was a field experimental study with pre-post-test and follow-up with control group design. The sample was consisted of 41 male students of elementary school in Ahvaz city (21 exprimental group and 20 control group) in 5 and 6 grades in academic year 2015-2016 that were selected by multistage cluster random sampling method and were assigned into two experimental and control groups randomly. Both of the groups completed the social competence scale as pre-test. Then, the intervention was administered in 17 sessions to the experimental group. eventually, the post-test was administered to both groups and after 6 weeks they received the follow-up. Findings: The results of covariance analysis showed that prosocial skills training causes an increase in social competence (P< 0/05). Also, the results indicated that the treatment still has an effect on the social competence after 6 weeks (P< 0/05). Conclusion: According to the results of this study, we can say that skillstreaming program training can be effective on increasing social competence and as a result, improvement of adaption level and life quality of aggressive children.

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Aim: The purpose of this research was performing of meta-analysis on research that had proceed to investigate the effect of concept mapping instruction on academic achievement indexes (cognitive, meta cognitive and emotional) by empirical and semi-empirical methods. Method: The meta-analysis performed on 28 researches that of these researches obtained 90 effect sizes. These researches have printed at periodicals and journals such as SID, Noormags, Magiran and Sivilica. Findings: After the checking of entrance and exit criterions, the quantitative findings of the selected research analyzed by CMA 2 and SPSS softwares. The meta-analysis resultsshowed concept mapping instruction has significant and positive effect on the academic achievement indexes of learners and obtained combined effect size. /72 that according to Cohen criterion is a large effect size. The results also showed constructing concept maps by own learners has larger effect size than researcher-made concept maps. Conclusion: with regard to obtained effect size, it is suggested to education authorities to actualize the instruction of concept mapping in the classes of universities and schools for increasing learners academic achievement.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim: The purpose of research was to investigate the mediating roles of hope emotion in the relationship between intelligence beliefs and school well-being in a causal model. Method: The study method was a descriptive-correlation and statistical population included of all students of high school in the city of Lordegan in the 2016-17 academic year (3008 person), which 456 students were selected through multistage cluster sampling. For collecting data, used from Implicit Theory of Intelligence Scale (Abd-El-Fattah & Yates, 2005), Hope Emotion Subscale (Pekrun, Goetz, Titz& Perry, 2005), and School-Related Well-Being Scales (Kaplan & Maehr, 1999). Research hypothetical model was tested by path analysis and AMOS software. Results: The results were marker direct effects of incrementalbelief and fixedbelief on school well-being. Furthermore, emotion of hope showed direct effect on school well-being. In addition, results of boot strap test showed the mediating role of hope in the relationship between incrementalbeliefand school well-being. Conclusion: Results of this research indicated the importance of emotion ofhope based on intelligence beliefs in school well-being.

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Object: Self-talking plays an important role in the relationship between incidents and emotions. Self-talking is defined as an internal dialogue that may be performed loudly or slowly and silently, through which one interprets his thoughts and feelings, changes his assessments and beliefs, self-educates or reinforced himself. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of positive self-talking on self-efficacy and educational motivation of Pre-university students. Method: The statistical population consisted of all pre-university students studying in the school year of 2014-2015 in Mahabad city. By voluntary sampling, 45 volunteers participated in the study. By random substitution, 22 subjects were selected as the experimental group and 23 subjects were selected as the control group. The plan was unequal with the control group. Before the training, pre-test was performed and the students of the experimental group received 10 sessions self-talking training; at the end of the training, post-test was done. Measurement tools included Hartre's Educational Motivation Questionnaire and Sherer General Self-efficacy Test. Results: Data were analyzed using multivariate covariance and Bonferani's post hoc test. The results showed that self-talking had a significant effect on self-efficacy (0. 01), exogenous motivation (0. 05) and internal motivation (0. 01). Conclusion: According to the findings, we can say that positive self-talking can be used to increase self-efficacy and academic motivation.

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Aim: the aim of this study is to present a model for the academic buoyancy based on the satisfaction of psychological needs, motivational orientation and self-directed learning. Method: this study uses a descriptive correlational research design with structural equation modelling. The research population includes all of the high school second graders in Kamyaran in the academic year of 2017. 501 students were selected as the sample using cluster sampling method. La Guardia et al. (2000) basic psychological needs, Vallerand et al. (1992) motivational orientation, Fischer et al. (2001) self-directed learning and Dehghanizadeh and Husseinchari (1391) were employed as evaluative tools. SPSS and LISREL software were employed to analyze the collected data. Findings: Findings show that there is a direct and meaningful influence of psychological needs, motivational orientation and self-directed learning on the academic buoyancy. Conclusion: Results show that the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, motivational orientation and self-directed learning can predict academic buoyancy of the students to a great extent. Further, these three variables’ improvement can increase the academic buoyancy of the students.

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AIM: aim of this study was investigating structural pattern of educational procrastination to objective orientation and attribution styles including mediator of students educational motivation. Method: correlation method was used for this study. Statistical society was students at second high school level at bojnourd in 1395-96 academic year. By using random clustering sampling method 6 girls and boy high school were selected. also 3 classes in each school were involved. This sample consisted of 400 persons (171 boy and 231 girls). Data was collected by 1 solomon and ruth blome educational procrastination questionnaire 2 objective orientation questionnaire (elyot and mick gerigor, 2001). piterson and seligmans children and teenagers documentary questionnaire(1982)and hartler educational motivation questionnaire. Results: findings showed suggested pattern was grace ful and fit for data. Pattern processing showed direct course coefficients which terminated to motivation including mastery orientation, advoidance function, negative documentary method, and direct course coefficient of educational motivation toward educational procrastination are significant at 0. 05 alpha level. Further more all of indirect effects of the pattern are significant. Degree of significance on indirect effects of pattern showed all of these effects are significant at 0. 05 alpha level. Conclusion: regarding direct role of mastery goal in reducing procrastination, while offering training policy in this field more emphasize must be on training skills and proficiency rather than score and degree orientation. Also teaching some tips for overcoming on pessimistical attribution styles increase educational motivation and as a consequence decreases educational procrastination.

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Objective: Testanxiety is an important and influential factor in the academic achievement of students, and the study of its related factors has always been of interest to educational psychologists. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between the test anxiety with internal and external educational motivation and academic engagement among secondary school students in Hamadan. Method: Using Cochran formula, 346 people were considered as sample size. To collect data, the Hartler Motivation Questionnaire (1981), Sarason test anxiety questionnaire (1984) and Zarang Educational Inventory (2012 were used. Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation and multiple regression (step by step). Results: According to the research findings, The relationship between internal motivation and anxiety, positive and significant test, external educational motivation and test anxiety are negative and significant, and the relationship between Academic engagement and test anxiety is also positive and significant. Also, based on the findings, the test anxiety can be predicted using the formula y = 35. 916-0. 134x1 + 0. 45x2 + 0. 03x3 based on variables, internal and external motivation and test anxiety, with a coefficient of 0. 115. Conclusion: Based on these results, paying attention to the mutual role of motivation and academic engagement and test anxiety in students can improve their educational performance.

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taghvaeinei ali

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Objective: This study aims to consider the effect of metacognitive strategies on help seeking and academic procrastination probation students in Yasouj University. Method: It was a semi-experimental design with pretest-posttest and control group. The statistical population of the study included the probation students in Yasouj University. 40 students were selected through random sampling method and randomly assigned to two groups composited of treatment group (20 students) and control group (20students). Treatment group encountered with 8 metacognitive strategies. Data gathering process was performed by procrastination scale and help seeking scale in pretest and posttest for all participants in two groups. Gathered data analyzed using analysis of covariance by SPSS-21 software. Results: The results showed that there is significant difference in academic procrastination and help seeking among treatment group and control group. These findings reflect that metacognitive strategies is an effective plan for reducing the academic procrastination and increase help seeking among probation students. Conclusion: this intervention by reforming underpinning ideas among students have effective role in improvement of help seeking and reducing academic procrastination.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of cognitive and metacognitive strategies on numeral memory, mathematics self-efficacy and problem solving of students. Method: Experimental study was used with pretest-posttest design with control group. The study population consisted of all students in Urmia. Tower of London and numerical mathematics self-efficacy questionnaire and Wechsler Memory scale were used. Sample consisted of 60 members that assigned to 2 groups (30 number in experimental and 30 number in control group). The experimental group in 10 sessions of cognitive strategies-and metacognitive During these meetings, no teaching was given to the control group. Results: Considering the results of multivariate analysis of covariance different experimental group and control group mean to solve the problem with the amount of f = 44/69, 0/001 alpha level is significant. The difference between mean numerical memory test groups and control the amount of F = 12/44 at 0/001 and the mathematics self-efficacy alpha with a value of f = 8/88 in 0/004 alpha level is significant. Conclusion: Training cognitive and metacognitive intervention was effective on problem solving, number memory and mathematics self-efficacy. Therefore, based on the results of this study, the use of cognitive and metacognitive learning alongside other interventions has been proposed.

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Aim: This research was carried out to investigate the role of grit and its dimensions as well as intelligence in predicting students' academic achievement. Method: The method of this research was correlational. The population was 5200 students of the sophomore and higher students of Bu-Ali Sina University whom 379 were chosen with Multi-stage cluster sampling. The research tool was the 12-question grit questionnaire of Duckworth (2007) and the culture-independent three intelligence scale of Cattell (1940). The reliability of grit questionnaire in the present research was 0. 836 by Cronbachʼ s alpha Cefficient. Findings: The findings showed that grit and intelligence can predict the academic achievement by%26, separately grit by%43 and intelligence by%18. about grit subscales, it was as follows: consistency in interst %32 and perseverance of effort %24. Grit and intelligence are related to academic achievement by 0/48 and 0/31, respectively. about grits subscales it was as follows: Consistency in interst 0/44 and perseverance of effort 0/39. Conclusion: It is included that grit is a more significant factor than intelligence in predicting academic achievement. This fact as a new view can show the need for considering students' grit by teachers.

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