Objective: Testanxiety is an important and influential factor in the academic achievement of students, and the study of its related factors has always been of interest to educational psychologists. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between the test anxiety with internal and external educational motivation and academic engagement among secondary school students in Hamadan. Method: Using Cochran formula, 346 people were considered as sample size. To collect data, the Hartler Motivation Questionnaire (1981), Sarason test anxiety questionnaire (1984) and Zarang Educational Inventory (2012 were used. Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation and multiple regression (step by step). Results: According to the research findings, The relationship between internal motivation and anxiety, positive and significant test, external educational motivation and test anxiety are negative and significant, and the relationship between Academic engagement and test anxiety is also positive and significant. Also, based on the findings, the test anxiety can be predicted using the formula y = 35. 916-0. 134x1 + 0. 45x2 + 0. 03x3 based on variables, internal and external motivation and test anxiety, with a coefficient of 0. 115. Conclusion: Based on these results, paying attention to the mutual role of motivation and academic engagement and test anxiety in students can improve their educational performance.