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Correct timing of fruit harvest may lead to increase in production efficiency, decrease in transportation and storage costs and prevent loss of quality. A 3-replicate factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design was conducted in order to investigate the effect of harvest time and storage on qualitative properties of red grape, the variety of Fakhri shahroud. Sampling was done in four stages (one sample before fruit ripening, two samples at the time of ripening and one sample after ripening) and the samples were stored at 0.5-1oC and 90 – 94% relative humidity. The results showed that with increase in storage time, the pH and taste index of the grapes decrease. A significant negative correlation between pH and acidity of fruit samples at the 99% probability level was observed. With increase in harvest time, the Bx and dextrose of the grapes increased. As harvest time was approached, the taste index of the fruits began to increase. Evaluation of interaction effect of harvest time and storage showed that samples which were harvested at 35th day, before transporting to the morgue, had the greatest taste value.

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One of the main problems of Shiraz city’s green space is the change of color and visual quality of turf during cold months. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate tall fescue in order to find if it is suitable for replacement. This experiment was in the form of complete random blocks and it was done during two consecutive years. Each treatment had 4 repetitions. Data were analyzed using SPSS software, version 16.0, and the means were compared using t or LSD tests at a significance level of 5%. The results showed that tall fescue was superior to normal sport grass in cold months with respect to its chlorophyll, catalase, protein, prolin, and soluble sugar content, as well as its visual quality and root depth. Prolin fluctuations in tall fescue were very high which showed that these types of grass can increase the plant’s prolin content under stress. Therefore, there is a fivefold increase in the prolin content of the grass in cold months (cold tension) compared to the beginning of spring (best condition for growth). However, this change does not exist in sport grass. Based on the obtained results we can conclude that tall fescue can resist environmental tension, especially coldness, using different mechanisms, and is a good substitute for normal sport grass.

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Woad (Isatis cappadocica Desv.) is a herbal plant, native to central and western Asia and from Brassicaceae family. In this research, we have investigated the effects of different irrigation levels on plant morphological and physiological attributes including canopy area, roots and shoots dry and fresh weight, roots length, proline concentration, shoots soluble carbohydrates content and antioxidant enzymes activity in a 4-replicate completely randomized design pot experiment. Irrigation regims consisted of replenishment of 100, 75 and 50 percent of soil water depletion (I100, I75 and I50) from the root zone. Results showed that drought stress had not significantly affected plants canopy area. The lowest and highest shoots fresh and dry weights were recorded in treatments I100 and I75-50, respectively. Roots fresh and dry weight and proline concentration were greater in I50 than the remaining irrigation levels. The shoot soluble carbohydrates content and root length were greatest in I50 level followed by I75 and I100. Also, there was an increasing trend in antioxidant enzymes activity from the second to fourth week after the commence of irrigation treatment. In I50, activity of ascorbat peroxidase, peroxidase and catalase enzymes were greater than the other irrigation levels. Superoxide dismutase was found to indicate greatest activities at the presence of I50 and I75 levels of irrigation.

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In order to evaluate the effects of biofertilizers and nitrogen application on oil, yield and its components in spring rapeseed Var "Hayola 401", a field experiment was carried out by a split plot design based on a randomized complete block design with 4 replications, in Agricultural Research Station ( Dr. Nakhjavani) of Urumia during 2007- 2008. The main plot included of three levels of nitrogen (0, 75 and 150 kg N ha-1 from urea source) and sub plot included four levels of biofertilizers (seed inoculation with azotobacter, seed inoculation with azosprillum, seed inoculaton with azotobacter and azosprillum and seed without inoculation as control). The analyses of variances showed that the effect of nitrogen, seed inoculation with bacteria and interaction between them on seed yield, harvest index, number of pods/plant, number of seeds/pod, and oil yield were significantly different at 1% probability level. Fertilizer combination of seed inoculation with azotobacter and azosprillum and nitrogen (150 kg/ha) showed the highest seed and oil yield (3142 and 1334 kg/ha, respectively). Using 150 kg/ha nitrogen fertilizer integrated with seed inoculation (azotobacter and azosprillum) increased seed and oil yield by 170.5% and 151.0%, respectively, compared to the control. According to the results, the application of Azotobacter and Azospirillum with nitrogen fertilizer can be effective in increasing grain and oil yield in rapeseed.

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One of the factors which affect the quality of rice during milling is internal fissures created during and after drying operation. In many industrial countries intermittent drying method is hired to reduce the moisture content of rough rice in order to reduce the drying time and maintain the quality of the final product. A high percentage of rice breakage during milling process, at least in Iran, necessitates performing the intermittent drying process and optimize it for Iranian varieties. In this study, the effect of this method (drying-tempering) and continuous drying method (no tempering) on fissuring percentage of Hashemi (long grain) and Koohsar (medium grain) varieties was investigated. The experiments were carried out at constant drying and tempering temperature of 60oC, drying durations of 20, 40 and 60 min, and tempering durations of 0 (continuous drying), 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240 min. The results revealed that the tempering process significantly reduced the drying time and fissured kernels percentage. Moreover, for both varieties it was observed that the rice fissuring decreased significantly by continuing the tempering process until certain durations. Overall, for optimization of intermittent drying process in terms of the considered qualitative parameters, i.e. reducing energy consumption and losses, conducting 160 and 200 min tempering process after 40 min drying was found appropriate for Hashemi and Koohsar varieties, respectively. In addition, according to the higher fissuring for Koohsar (medium grain) compared to Hashemi (long grain), it can be concluded that physical properties such as kernel slenderness ratio is effective on its fissuring.

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Dendranthema grandiflorum L. is one of the widely cultivated flowers around the world for producing of cut flowers. Nanometer-sized silver particles are used in various applications as an anti-microbial compound. This experiment was carried out to study the effects of silver nanoparticles (0, 5, 10 and 20 mg/L) and sodium silicate (0, 50, 100 and 150 mg/L) on longevity and quality of cut chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum L.) flowers. A factorial experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design with 16 treatments, 3 replications, 48 plots and 192 cut flowers. The cut flowers were pulsed for 24 h with pulse solutions and then transported to 300 mg L-1 8-hidroxy quinoline sulfate and 3% sucrose. The characteristics such as vase life, loss of fresh weight, number of bacterial colonies in stem, lipid peroxidation, and activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) were measured. Results showed that all treatments had positive effects on the vase life of flowers. Pulse solution with 10 mg/L silver nanoparticles and 100 mg/L sodium silicate and interaction between them, increased vase life compared to the control (3.21, 4.46 and 8.50 days, respectively). In addition, the flowers pulsed with silver nanoparticles and sodium silicate exhibited higher activity of SOD, compared to control. The present study showed that using proper concentrations of silver nanoparticles and sodium silicate can enhance the vase life of cut chrysanthemum flowers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of process conditions and b-cyclodextrin and sodium chloride addition to oil on shrinkage kinetics during deep-fat frying of potato strips. b -cyclodextrin was added to oil at 0.3 and 0.6 g/l and sodium chloride was added at 1 and 3%. Then, potato strips were cut into 1.2×1.2×4 cm3 pieces and fried at 150, 170 and 190oC for 90, 180, 270 and 360 seconds. The results showed that by increasing process temperature from 150 to 190oC, shrinkage of fried potato strips is increased. Moreover, increasing process time during deep-fat frying led to increasing of this parameter. Also, by increasing process temperature and time, shrinkage was increased. In additioin, sodium chloride and b -cyclodextrin treatments in both concentrations, separately and simultaneously, decreased the shrinkage, compared to the control samples, from 0.314 to 0.278 (11.46%) on average. Due to the lack of suitable experimental models in the literature for shrinkage modeling during deep-fat frying, a number of experimental models were proposed to model the parameter. The average correlation coefficient between the experimental results with the results of the models was high. Application of additives that affect the surface tension such as b -cyclodextrin and sodium chloride can be considered as a promising strategy to improve the qualitative and quantitative properties of fried products, including reducing the samples shrinkage rate.

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In order to evaluate the productivity of 20 bread wheat promising lines using multivariate statistical methods, an experiment was conducted based on a randomize complete block design under terminal moisture stress, in 2011-2012. Factor analysis showed that the three first factors explained 66% of total variance. Plant height, peduncle length, 1000 kernel weight, harvest index, biological yield, peduncle weight and shoot weight were detected as the most effective traits on the grain yield. In addition, the bread wheat lines number 17, 14 and 15 out-performed the other lines under the terminal moisture stress condition. Cluster analysis using Ward method grouped the lines in four clusters, i. e. the first cluster consisting the best lines with the highest grain yields. Discrimination function analysis confirmed the clustering results. The results of stepwise regression analysis indicated that the days to 50 percent physiological maturity, plant height, total leaf area, harvest index and biological yield were the most effective traits on grain yield under the conditions of present experiment (i.e. they explained 86 percent of the yield variance). Results of path analysis showed that the harvest index and biomass yield left the maximum direct positive effects on the grain yield. The latter traits can, therefore, be hired for indirect selection of drought tolerant bread wheat lines under terminal moisture stress condition. The line 17 with a greater earliness and the maximum relative grain yield was recognized as the most suitable line under the conditions of the present experiment.

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Premature leaf yellowing of Alstroemeria cut flowers prior to petal fall is the most important limiting factor of the flower postharvest life. In this study, cut flower Alstroemeria cv. Bridal were treated for 24 hours with different solutions including gibberllic acid, benzyl adenine, natural essential oil carvacrol with two concentrations of 50 and 100 mg L-1, 5-sulfo salicylic acid in two concentrations of 1 and 1.5 mM, sucrose in two concentrations of 5 and 10%. Ethanol and distilled water were used as controls. After treatment, flowers were placed in distilled water. The traits including vase life of flower and leaf, relative fresh weight, water uptake, chlorophyll and carotenoids contents were measured. The results showed that both concentrations of gibberellic acid (50 and 100 mgL-1) had the highest effect in delaying of flower aging for 3.33 and 3 days, respectively, compared to the control. Relative fresh weight and water uptake also were higher in mentioned treatments, than the other treatments. The gibberellic acid (50 and 100 mg L-1), benzyladenine (100 mg L-1) and 5-Sulfo salicylic acid (1.5 mM) treatments led to the postponement of leaf yellowing relative to the remaining treatments. Also, in the mentioned treatments chlorophyll content was found to be greater than the other treatments, but carotenoids level was lower, compared to control treatments. Overall, the increase in quality and shelf life of Alstroemeria cut flowers cv 'Bridal' due to both gibberellic acid treatments (50 and 100 mg L-1) was found to be greater than the increase due to the other examined solutions.

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Fruit ripening stage at harvesting time is potentially a major contributor to olive oil yield and quality. Therefore, one of the main causes for low olive oil quality, at least in northern Iran, is harvesting fruits at improper time. In this study, effect of fruit harvest time on oil yield and quality of four olive cultivars, Zard, Rowghany, Arbequina and Coratina was investigated at Roudbar region, Guilan Province, northern Iran. The fruits of all studied cultivars were harvested at four different times and the characteristics such as fruit maturity index, oil percent, free fatty acid, peroxide value, K232, K270, and sensory quality of oil were evaluated. The results showed that in contrast to free fatty acid and peroxide values which increased with progressing fruit ripening, oil sensory quality for all studied cultivars were decreased. In addition, while a delay in fruit harvesting time resulted in an increased K270 value, no such changes were observed for K322. Overall, delay in fruit harvesting was concomitant to increase in oil percent and decrease in oil quality. According to the results of this study, the optimum harvest time for olive cultivars Zard, Rowghany, Arbequina and Coratina at Rodbar under the conditions of this experiment seemed to be at fruit maturity indices of 3.47-4.21, 4.42-5.2, 3.9-5 and 3.9-4.25, respectively.

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The market sales of ready to use fresh cut fruits have grown rapidly in recent decades. Kiwi fruit is an important fruit that its marketing as fresh cut has increased in recent years. The main limiting factors in shelf life of fresh cut fruits are microbial spoilage, drastic softening and browning. In this study, the effects of oxalic and citric acids, both at 0, 2, 4 and 6 mM concentrations, with or without ultra-sonic treatment were investigated on the increasing the shelf life of fresh cut kiwi fruit. After treatments, the fresh slices were stored at 2oC for 7 or 14 days and assessed for several traits and analyzed. Results showed that, oxalic and citric acid treated slices, in comparison to the control, had greater marketability, as well as higher flesh firmness, titrable acidity, ascorbic acid content, total phenol content and antioxidant capacity and smaller bacterial forming colony unit (CFU). Among the treatments, 2, 4 and 6 mM oxalic acid and 6 mM citric acid treatments were found more appropriate than the reaming treatments. Application of ultra-sonic treatment, despite the reduction of microbial load and maintaining antioxidant capacity, had no effects on marketability of fresh cut kiwi fruit. Hence, application of organic acid treatments as dipping can be used to increase the shelf life of fresh cut kiwi fruit.

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This study was conducted to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative characteristics and grain yield stability of 10 promising lines of rice, compared to cultivar Khazar as the checking variety, in Rasht, Roudsar and Talesh cities of Guilan province, Iran, in three years. The experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design with three replications. Characteristics such as grain yield, plant height, tiller number, panicle length, filled grain in panicle, 1000 grain weight, length, and shape of grain, days to 50% flowering and maturity, amylase content, gel consistency and gelatinization temperature were measured. The simple and combined analyses of variance were performed on grain yield data. Simple analysis of variance revealed significant differences within the genotypes. Results of combined analysis of variance indicated that there were significant differences among the grain yield of the genotypes in different years and locations. The interaction effects of location × year and location × genotype weren't significant; however, the interactions effects of genotype × location × year were significant. Stability analysis was also performed with Lin and Binns method. According to the stability analysis, lines no. 4, 7 and 8 were characterized as stable lines because of having low coefficient of variation and mean square within location. It seems, from our data, that appropriate breeding schemes based on hybridization and selection for these traits may bring about an improvement in cooking quality of rice.

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Nowadays use of the edible coatings has been increased because customers tend to buy horticultural products that retain their freshness. The benefits of edible coatings are biodegradability, inhibition of respiratory gas exchange, inhibition of exchange of aromatic and flavorful compounds, and product protection against mechanical damage. The aim of this investigation was to study the effect of chitosan on preservation of quality and storage life of sweet lime by measuring physic-chemical properties of fruits. The measured parameters in the study were firmness, TSS, titrable acid, pH, vitamin C, weight loss and chlorophyll content. The experiment consisted four treatments of chitosan solution (control, 0.5, 1 and 2%). The results showed that chitosan had significant effects on all measured parameters (p<0.01). Chitosan-treated fruit had firmness, vitamin C and titrable acids more than those of the non-treated control group during cold storage. The highest firmness was observed in 2% chitosan treatment and the lowest firmness was recorded for the control treatment. Fresh sweet lime fruit treated with chitosan 2% had the lowest percentage of weight loss (5.95 %) and the highest TSS (10.6 g/100 ml), titrable acids (0.077 g /100 ml) and vitamin C (44.59 mg/100ml). According to the results of this study, it could be suggested that 2% chitosan increases the shelf life of this fruit.

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In order to evaluate the morphological characteristics and lodging-related traits and comparison of improved cultivars of rice plant resistance to lodging, a field experiment was carried out in randomized complete block design with three replications in 2012 at the Rice Research Institute of Iran )Rasht(. Rice cultivars were Kadus, Khazar, Gohar, Dorfak, Sepidrood and Deylam and local rice cultivar (Hashemi; susceptible to lodging as a control). Plant height, stem length, internode length for the first, second, third and fourth internodes, diameter, thickness and cross- section area of third and fourth internodes, ratio of fresh weight and dry weight of third and fourth internodes to internode length, breaking resistance, bending moment and lodging resistance of third and fourth internodes and pushing resistance were examined. Khazar cultivar with greater thickness of third and fourth internodes (4.11 and 4.26 mm), diameter of third and fourth internodes (8.33 and 9.46 mm), cross- section area of the third and fourth internodes (40.96 and 52.32 mm2) and ratio of fresh weight of third and fourth internodes to internode length (301.48 and 444.15 and ratio of dry weight of third and fourth internodes to internode length (49.46 and 50.38, breaking resistance of the third and fourth internodes (14.43 and 20.87 N, respectively) was found to be the most resistant cultivar. Khazar cultivar with a plant height of 121 cm was found to be the tallest among all studied cultivars. Considering the strong correlation found between thickness, stem diameter, cross- section area of third and fourth internodes and ratio of fresh weight and dry weight of third and fourth internodes to internode length with breaking resistance and pushing resistance, it seems that these traits could be considered as indirect indices in selection for higher resistance of rice cultivars to lodging.

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In order to study the intercropping of basil (Ocimum basiilicum L.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) under different levels of nitrogen supply and weed competition conditions, a field experiment was carried out in split-split plot arrangement based on a randomized complete block design with three replications during 2010 and 2011 at Sari Agricultural Science and Natural Resources University. Experimental factors included weed treatment (weed free and weed infested), three levels of nitrogen fertilizer (0, 50 and 100 kg ha-1), and different planting ratios (monoculture of cowpea and basil, additive planting ratio 25, 50 and 75% basil). In weed control conditions, the maximum yield of cowpea (684 kg ha-1) and dry matter yield of basil (420 kg ha-1) were belonged to 20, 50 percent of basil ratio and 50 and100 kg ha-1 nitrogen fertilizers, respectively. The highest amount of essence yield in weed free and weed infested were 69.24 and 70.40 percent as compared to the basil monocropping which belonged to 50 and 25 percent of additive basil intercropping with 100 kg ha-1 nitrogen application, respectively. Also, the dry weight of shoot and oil yield in monoculture treatments were significantly higher than intercropping. The leaf percent and the ratio of leaf and flower to stem in basil plant were significantly lower in monocropping than intercropping. In weed infested conditions, the highest percentage of stem (62.18) and basil dry yield (160 kg ha-1) were recorded in 25 percent of basil ratio and 100 kg ha-1 of nitrogen application. Also, the highest system productivity index (1517) and land equivalent ratio (LER=1.31) were belonged to 50 percent of basil ratio and 50 kg ha-1of nitrogen fertilizer in weed free conditions which shows that intercropping is more efficient than monocropping.

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In order to study the effect of drought stress on growth of new hybrids of maize an experiment was carried out at Safi Abad Agricultural Research Center, Dezful, Iran. The experiment was arranged as a split plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Treatments consisted of four levels of drought stress (irrigation after 75(±5) (Control), 95(±5) (mild stress), 115(±5) (moderate stress) and 135(±5) mm (severe stress) evaporation from a Class-A pan as main plots and three hybrids of corn (SC704 late-maturing hybrid as local check, Karoon late-maturing hybrid and Mobin medium-maturing hybrid) as subplots. Based on the results, the highest grain yields of 6570 and 6590 kg/ha were obtained under control and mild drought stress conditions, respectively, while the lowest grain yields of 5660 and 4280 kg/ha were obtained under moderate and severe drought stress conditions, respectively. Karoon and SC704 had the highest and the lowest grain yield of 6370 kg/ha and 5160 kg/ha, respectively. Karoon and Mobin hybrids had a greater ability to maintain their yield under drought stress conditions, compared to SC704. Drought led to increase in root depth and Mobin hybrid had the maximum root penetration of 26.6 cm. Drought stress also led to early maturity in the maize hybrids and plants of Karoon hybrid grown under drought were matured 5 days earlier than the non-stressed plants. Increasing the severity of drought led to decrease in dry matter yield by about 56.2 percent compared to control, indicating the key role of water availability in dry matter production. Moderate and severe drought stresses decreased the root dry weight by 4.8 and 9.7 percent, respectively, compared to control. Karoon hybrid had the highest harvest index of nearly 48 percent. Severe drought stress increased the protein content and Mobin hybrid had the highest protein content of 9.34 percent. According to the results, Karoon hybrid was matured 5 days earlier and had greater harvest index and grain yield compared to the control.

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This study was carried out in two years, 2012 and 2013, to determine the effects of salinity and different kochia plant densities on yield and some physiological characteristics of sorghum (cv. Sepideh) at Salinity Research Center, National Salinity Research Center, Yazd, Iran. Treatments consisted of water salinity levels: 2 (control), 6, 10, and 14 dS m-1 of NaCl as main plots and different kochia (K. indica) densities: 0 (weed free sorghum, D0), 80 (D1), 60 (D2), and 40 (D3) cm between kochia plants on the sorghum row as sub plots. Results showed that at each salinity level, increase in kochia plant density was accompanied by reduction in sorghum dry matter, leaf area index and crop growth rate. Decreases in dry matter and leaf area index of sorghum due to kochia were more pronounced when grown at salinities of up to 6 dS m-1. Chlorophyll content index at 6, 10 and 14 dS m-1 were 23, 32 and 40% lower than the non-saline control. Increase in irrigation water salinity was accompanied by increase in canopy temperature. Canopy temperature of plants subjected to 14 dS m-1 of salt was higher than the non–stressed control by 13.6%. The weed free sorghum treatment had the highest canopy temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to control both salinity and Kochia indica to avoid meaningful decreases in sorghum yield.

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Postharvest improvement of water relations and water uptake of cut flowers and control of microbial contamination of preservative solutions is one of the most important strategies in maintaining postharvest quality and prolonging of cut flowers vase life; especially for leafy flowering stems such as alstroemeria. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different peppermint’s essential oil concentrations (0, 300, 600 and 900 ppm) along with sucrose levels (0, 3 and 6%) in a factorial experiment based on the completely randomized design with three replications. Water relations, cell membrane integrity, leaf yellowing disorder and bacterial contaminations of preservative solution of alstroemeria cut flower were evaluated under different treatments. Based on the results, application of essential oil (600 ppm) and sucrose (6%) significantly increased water uptake, cell membrane integrity and photosynthetic pigments, and decreased leaf yellowing disorder and bacterial pollutions, leading, consequently, to higher vase life (14 days) relative to the control cut flowers. It appears that application of peppermint’s essential oil (due to anti bacterial compounds such as menthone and menthol) and sucrose (due to food supply and cell membrane maintenance) could be recommended for addition to the preservative solutions of alstroemeria cut flowers.

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Wheat is an important source of human food. Cadmium and mercury bind to sulfhydryl groups of structural proteins and enzymes and cause inhibition in activity and decrease in protein production or interfere with the regulation of the enzymes. To study the effect of protein expression under different levels of cadmium and mercury, the experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications in Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran. Experimental factors consisted of two Gonbad and Tajan bread what cultivars, heavy metals in seven levels (four concentrations of mercuric chloride in 5, 10, 15 and 20 µM and cadmium chloride at two concentrations of 0.25 and 0.5 mM) and sampling time after 8 and 16 hours of treatment. The Bradford method was used for quantitative analysis of proteins and 12% SDS-PAGE and two dimensional electrophorese techniques were hired for analysis of their expression. The results showed that under cadmium and mercury stresses, the total protein content increased compared to the control. Two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins under cadmium stress showed differential expression of the protein spots on the plant leaves, than the control. In general, changes in the expression of proteins under the effect of cadmium stress were divided into two main categories: Spots 9, 10, 13, 14 and 16 belonged to proteins with reduced expression and the spots 1, 2, 8, 19 and 20 belonged to proteins with increased expression, in comparison to non-stressed control. These spots of up regulated proteins were directly related to the defense system against the heavy metal stress.

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In this study the effect of different levels of moisture content of maize grits (10, 13, 16 and 19%) as an attribute of physicochemical properties of extruder-derived puffed products, was investigated. The results showed that with increasing maize grits' moisture content, water absorption index (WAI) and water solubility index (WSI) were decreased. Moreover, with changing in feed moisture content from 10 to 16%, the volume and sectional expansion index (SEI) increased but further increase of moisture content to 19% caused a reduction in these parameters. The textural tests also revealed that with increase in moisture content, the compression energy (Nmm), maximum force (N) and time to achieve the first major peak (s) were increased but the number of peaks was decreased. With increase in the moisture content, specific mechanical energy (SME) was decreased, due probably to the reduction in the viscosity of melt. With increase in the moisture content the L and b values were increased but the value of the samples were decreased due to the reduction of Maillard reaction rate. Our data confirms that the moisture content of maize grits may play an important role in the quality of produced extruded snacks and a high quality product can be achieved by optimizing this parameter. In this research, the maximum volume of the extruder product was obtained in 16% of moisture level.

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To evaluate the effect of on-farm seed priming and methods of zinc sulfate application on some growth indices of two corn cultivars, an experiment was conducted as factorial in a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Research Farm of Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran. First factor was method of zinc sulfate application containing four levels of no-application, broadcasting in soil, banding and foliar application. Second factor included on farm primed and non primed seeds and third factor consisted of two corn cultivars (Es-sensor and Biaris). Results showed that seed priming with zinc sulfate foliar application increased maximum of leaf area index up to 4.5 that was 48% higher than non primed and no zinc sulfate treatment. In cultivar Biaris bandig application of zinc sulfate and in Es-sensor both of seed priming and zinc sulfate foliar application led to the highest maximum dry matter production. In general for cultivar Biaris banding or foliar application of zinc sulfate especially after seed priming was necessary to maximize the dry matter production by increasing crop growth, net assimilation and relative growth rates. Crop growth rate in cultivar Biaris and relative growth rate in both cultivars were more affected by zinc sulfate application methods. Net assimilation rate in non primed condition was greater in both corn cultivars when subjected to banding application of zinc sulfate but in on farm primed treatment the net assimilation rate was greater when zinc sulfate was sprayed in foliar feeding treatment. Seed priming and foliar application of zinc sulfate increased the SPAD values by 6.2 and 30.5% respectively.

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To investigate the effect of nitrogen and zinc elements on the quantity and quality characters of sunflower plants (Jamah1cultivar), a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted at the University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran in 2013. The experiment consisted of three nitrogen levels: 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1 as the first factor and three levels of foliar application of Zinc including: 0 (control), 1.5 and 3 g L-1 of zinc sulfate solution as the second factor. Results showed that, application of nitrogen significantly increased the grain yield, biological yield, head diameter and 1000 seeds weight. The greatest grain yield, biological yield, 1000 seeds weight and head diameter were obtained at the 300 kg ha-1 of N treatment; it increased the latter attributes by 46.1, 7.2, 28.8 and 21.2% compared to 100 kg ha-1 respectively. In contrast to the potassium and oil content of the seeds, application of nitrogen fertilizer significantly increased the N, P and Zn content of the seeds. Foliar applied zinc led to significant increase in grain yield and all yield components; the grain yield increased by 21.5% at 3 g L-1 of zinc compared to the control. Foliar application of zinc also led to significant increase in the seed nitrogen, phosphor and zinc content. Application of 300 kg ha-1 of N along with 3 g L-1 Zn were found more appropriate for achieving maximal sunflower grain yield under the conditions of the present experiment.

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Mycorrhizal fungi can be integrated in soil management to achieve low-cost sustainable agricultural systems. Hence, the effects of non-using (M1) and using (M2) of mycorrhizal fungi on reduction of phosphate fertilizer consumption, growth and yield of maize under different levels of phosphate fertilizer (P1: zero, P2: 20, P3: 40, P4: 60, P5: 80 and P6: 100% recommended) were investigated in a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The effect of phosphorus on all traits was significant. The effect of mycorrhiza on all traits (except ear length was) significant. Maximum number of grains per row (28.67) and plant height (214.75 cm) were obtained at treatments of P6 and P5, respectively, and minimum values of these traits were achieved at P1 treatment. Furthermore, the effect of M×P interaction on LAI, CGR, ear length, number of seed rows per ear, 100-seed weight, grain and biological yield was significant. The greatest LAI, CGR, ear length, number of seed rows per ear, 100-seed weight, grain yield and biological yield were obtained with M2P3 treatment and the smallest of these traits were detected with M1P1 treatment. Therefore, M2P3 treatment may be recommended for achieving the maximum maize grain yield.

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A two-year study was conducted to determine the effect of three depths of furrow and three plant row spacing, on irrigation water efficiency, yield and yield components of watermelon (Crimson Sweet cultivar) using a strip split plot arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Three depths of furrow (15, 35 and 55 cm) were considered as horizontal factor and three plant row spacing (25, 50 and 75 cm), were considered as vertical factor. Yield losses of 27 and 43 percent were observed in furrows with the depth of 15 cm, compared to 35 and 55 cm depths, respectively, but there was no significant difference between the furrows with 35 and 55 cm depth. Reduction in the number of fruits per plant was the main cause of yield loss in the 15 cm-deep furrows. Unlike the trend observed for fruit yield, efficiency of irrigation water at furrow with a depth of 15 cm was significantly greater compared with the two furrow depths of 35 and 55 cm. Fruit yield in 75 cm (4500 plant ha-1) row spacing was 21 and 23 percent lower, than the 50 and 25 cm intervals, respectively. The efficiency of irrigation water was no significantly different in various distances between the rows.

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This study was conducted to determine the optimum planting date and density for a selected population of Behbahan onion for two years. Experiment was conducted as a split factorial based on RCBD design with four replications. Main plots consisted of four planting dates from 6 September to 23 October with 15 day intervals. Sub plots consisted of combinations of three row spaces (20, 30 and 40 cm) and three plant spaces (5, 7.5 and 10 cm). Marketable yield, bulb weight and diameter, total soluble solid and bulb dry matter percentage were measured. Analysis of variance showed significant effects (at 1% probability level) of planting date, row spacing and plant spacing on marketable yield. Planting at 21 September produced the greatest marketable yield (42460 kg ha-1). Marketable yield decreased by delaying the planting date. Plants with 20 cm row spacing (43780 kg ha-1) had a greater marketable yield than plants with 20 and 30 cm row spacing (34970 and 28570 kg ha-1, respectively). Plants with 5 cm space produced greater bulb yield than those with 7.5 and 10 cm (35400 and 31310 kg ha-1, respectively (. Decreasing the planting density led to increase in bulb weight, diameter and neck diameter. According to the results for the Behbahan onion population, planting at 21 September (in nursery) and transplanting with 20 × 5 cm distances (100 plants m-2) with a marketable yield of 60240 kg ha-1 may be recommended for Behbahan climatic conditions.

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In order to improve the quantity and quality of raisins made from Sultani seedless grapes using plant growth regulators, an experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design in a commercial vineyard near Bonab city (West Azarbaijan Province, Iran). For this purpose, spraying was carried out at fruit set stage using a combination of CPPU and GA3. Then the produced fruits were turned to raisin using alkaline solutions (Tizabi method) and all assessments in this study were performed on these raisins. It was found that the growth regulator treatments significantly increased the diameter, mass, volume, surface area and wrinkling of raisin, however, these treatments did not affect dry matter and moisture content of the raisins. Significant color changes were observed in all treated raisins and color values of the treated raisins were significantly lower than the control. The interacting effect of the two plant growth regulators was found to be significant for raisins length and total soluble solids, i.e. application of 7.5 mg L-1 of CPPU and 20 mg L-1 GA3 led to the smallest value for the total soluble solids. All treatments increased the raisins length. It could be concluded that application of CPPU and GA3 on grapes results in improvement of the quality of the raisins.

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This study was carried out under temperate climate condition of Ilam province, Iran, during 2012-2013 growing season to determine the suitable crop rotation for enhancing nitrogen uptake, utilization, and use efficiency of wheat. A two factor experiment was laid out as split plot arrangement (RCBD) with four replications. The main plots consisted of 6 pre-sowing plant treatments (control, Perko, Buko, Clover, Oilseed radish and combination of three plants Ramtil, Phaselia, Clover), and sub-plots were allocated to four levels of nitrogen fertilizer (Zero, conventionally recommended fertilizer, 50% lower and 50% higher than the recommended fertilizer). Results showed that nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE), nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUtE) and nitrogen efficiency ratio (NER) in wheat were significantly affected by crop rotation and nitrogen fertilizer and their interaction. The lowest and highest nitrogen use efficiencies were achieved in oilseed radish-wheat and fallow-wheat rotations. The greatest nitrogen use efficiency in oilseed radish-wheat was due to high utilization efficiency of nitrogen in the rotation. The greatest and smallest nitrogen utilization efficiencies (NUtE) were observed in oilseed radish-wheat and fallow-wheat rotations, respectively. Perko-wheat rotation with application of nitrogen at the conventional level for wheat brings about an acceptable economic yield and high nitrogen uptake and use efficiency and seems to be advantageous to other rotations.

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In order to study the redistribution response of photosynthetic assimilates of different spring bread wheat cultivars in different densities of wild oat, an experiment was conducted based on a strip block experiment with three replications at the Research Farm of Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University, Ahwaz, Iran during 2012. Treatments were four oat densities (0, 40, 80 and 120 plants m-2) in horizontal strips and 10 spring bread wheat cultivars (Chamran, Baz, Atrak, Arvand, Maroon, Shoeleh, Chenab, Veree/Nak and Falat) in vertical strips. Results showed that with increase in oat density up to 120 plants m-2, efficiency and percentage of the assimilates redistribution was increased, but current assimilates contributed less to the grain filling and grain yield. However, dwarf and early maturing cultivars of Veree/Nak and Atrak, with 2400 Kg ha-1 and Chenab with 2200 Kg ha-1 of redistribution appeared to benefit from an efficient transport system against the weed (wild oat). In contrast to the dwarf cultivars, the tall cultivar of Arvand with minimum assimilates redistribution of 600 Kg ha-1 and maximum amount of current assimilates of 3700 Kg ha-1 and also Shoeleh and Maroon were less dependent on their stem reserves at the grain filling stage.

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This research was conducted to evaluate 30 sainfoin cultivars in terms of yield, agronomic and morphological traits under water stress condition, using different drought tolerannce indices. A randomized complete block design with three replications was employed during two years at Isfahan University of Technology Research Farm, Isfahan, Iran. Effect of cultivars were significant for all of the measured traits at p<0.01. Also, the interactions of cultivars by moisture environment were significant for number of days to 50% flowering; inflorescence length, fresh and dry matter yield and leaf to stem ratio, indicating that different genotypes had different responses to moisture environments. Among different drought tolerance and susceptibility indices STI, GMP and MP had high correlation coefficients with yield under stress and non stress conditions, indicating that these indices are more suitable as criterion for selection of drought-tolerant cultivars. According to the studied indices and principle component analysis, cultivars 16 (Bardsir), 21 (Fereydunshahr 2), 23 (Najafabad 2) and 27 (Borujerd) were found to be the most desirable ones and can be considered as drought tolerant genotypes for future studies.

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To evaluate the effects of biofertilizers on some physiological growth indices of a soybean cultivar (M9) under water stress condition, a study was carried out in a split plot randomized complete block design in three replications at research station of Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran in 2012. The main plots consisted of three levels of irrigation after 50, 100 and 150 mm evaporation from a Class-A evaporation pan and subplots consisted of four biological fertilizer treatments (seed inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum, application of arbuscular mycorrhizae, both biofertilizers and no biofertilizer). The results showed that with increase in the water stress level all measured growth indices including maximum crop growth rate, maximum total dry matter and total dry matter duration were decreased. The three latter growth indices were decreased by 63, 50.8 and 47.6 percent, respectively, in severe water stress compared to the non stress condition. Application of biofertilizers in general and mycorrhizae in particular led to decreases in the measured growth indices in the absence of water stress. But at the presence of severe water stress (i. e. irrigation after 150 mm evaporation) simultaneous application of both biofertilizers led to significant increases in a majority of the growth indices including maximum crop growth rate, maximum leaf area index and total dry matter duration (by 50, 28.6 and 45.8 percent, respectively) compared to no-biofertilizers application.

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