Because of archetypal foundations and roots in the human’s unconscious; mythical narratives of different nations are not stories without any relations to each other, also there is a link between this mythology. Different nations have different perception from a mythical reality due to time, space and geography which it would be consistent with the theory of intertextuality.Deep intakes can be found from texts which were formed according to myths, with using the theory of intertextuality. According to this theory No texts is independent to other texts and each text is aintertexual of primeval texts. In this research with using attributive-analytical and the purpose of demonstration and showing the mutual features between these two mythical narratives, vegetal resurrection in Iran and Egypt (Keikhosrow and Horus), according to intertextuality theory, this result has been achieved which these narratives have mutual features and in so many cases they have assimilation. in this way, “the way of birth and growth”, “connection with sun”, existence of the goddess of fertility”, foe and terminator”, resurrection and vendetta”, “assist the dead ones” are propositions of these two narratives. Achieve intertextuality from Analysis of mutual features is the main accomplishment in this research.