Abu Zeyd Balkhi, the Iranian Muslim scholar, theologian and philosopher, who lived in third and fourth Hijri Centuries, is the first scientist who studied the interplay between the mental hygiene or health and the body hygiene or health. He reported his findings and opinions in his book “ Masalih Al-abdan va Al-anfos”. Balkhi has attributed the orders of creation and universe to the wisdom of God and this because of influences of Quran, and religious teachings on his research and ideas. He, as the first Islamic psychologist, was a pioneer in implementing psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, and physiological psychology to diagnose and treat psychosomatic illnesses. The purpose of this paper is to use a documentation method and study the concept, modality, causes, and prevention methods of anger, from the point of view of Balkhi. The results show that modality of anger, according to Balkhi, includes a sensual disorder which originates from grief and sorrow, and ends with anxiety. Abu Zeyd Balkhi classifies the causes of neurotic and psychological illnesses into four anomalies: emotional which includes fear and anxiety, anger and aggression, sadness or depression, and obsession. He considers the causes and also the management methods of anger as two different internal and external types, and accordingly proposes effective solutions based on cognitive, emotional, and behavioral control.