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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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From the perspective of monotheistic school, health will be meaningful with a comprehensive knowledge of the origin of the universe and God's attention to all the creatures. As reflected in the narratives, the health as one of the greatest divine blessings along with security are more neglected and ingratitude. Health is not limited only to physical, social and psychological aspects and at present, the fourth dimension added to the health is the spiritual health. Definitely more dimensions will be inserted to it in the future.Performing religious duties play an important role in creating a safe and secure society and guarantee physical and mental health of society. Whatever religion plays a greater role in people’s life, physical and psychological problems, such as depression and anxiety will be reduced and the social damages can be prevented.Lifestyle of a religious person, in addition to his eternal happiness, provides material and worldly health. Therefore individuals that religion plays central role in their life, are not infected to moral vices, such as gambling, drinking, adultery, lying, gossiping, drugs and hurting the humans.Although in recent decades, scientists especially psychologists have been interested in the influence of religion and spirituality on personal and social life, the complexity of modern society and changes in lifestyle increase the need to religion and spirituality in human life even, In a way that even the more tendency of most people to spirituality can be seen in material societies. As a result psychologists know the most common medical procedures alone in the treatment of diseases are inadequate and in addition they use methods and spiritual care.How beautiful Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, have been described as a "doctor", because this term indicates the act on his commands will bring spiritual health to human. Prophet perfected moral dignity and guided human society into pure life. It is hoped to achieve the pure life by improving the lifestyle and paying attention to religion.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Spiritual intelligence and self-regulation have the main impact on health care service to patients and having these features in the nurses of intensive ward is more important. Therefore, current study investigated the spiritual intelligence and self-regulation among male and female nurses of intensive and general wards in the hospitals of Tehran city.Materials and Methods: This study is a descriptive comparative research that has performed on 180 male and female nurses in the hospitals of Tehran city. Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) and Spiritual Intelligence Assessment were utilized to gather the data. Finally, data analysis was done by MANOVA.Results: The findings indicated that there is no significant difference in terms of spiritual intelligence and self-regulation between the nurses of intensive and general wards (p<0.05). In addition, the difference of male and female in spiritual intelligence is not significant (p<0.05), although the difference of male and female nurses in self-regulation is significant.Conclusion: The results of current study can be utilized in effective engagement of medical staff specially nurses in divers wards (intensive and general).

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Background and Objectives: Nowadays, tension and occupational burnout is a common and serious problem among people, particularly who are working in the human services jobs. Religious beliefs are attitudes towards the reality of mythological, supernatural or spiritual aspects of a religion. Subjective well-being is requires an understanding of the challenges of life. The aim of this study was to compare the relationship between religious beliefs and psychological well-being among employees of university of medical sciences with high and low burnout.Materials and Methods: In this correlational study, the statistical population were all 280 employees in ILAM University of Medical Sciences (n=280). Considering the size of the population and using Morgan table, 160 people were choosen by simple random sampling so that 80 persons with low and 80 persons with high occupational burnout were screened using Questionnaire of Burnout Maslach and Jackson. Then individuals completed psychological well-being Reef and religious beliefs questionnaires (Khodayarifard). The research data was analyzed using the statistical software SPSS and Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test and Z scale.Results: Data analysis using Fisher's Z-test showed that the relationship between religious beliefs and psychological well-being and its components, in the total score of psychological well-being (3.08) and components of reception (2.31), environmental control (3), purpose (3.24) and relationships with others (2.8) was significant between people with high and low occupational burnout.Conclusion: Details of the research showed that the relationship between religious beliefs with a total score of psychological well-being and component acceptance, environmental mastery, purpose and relationships with others is higher in persons with low occupational burnout in comparison with high occupational burnout people. But it was not observed significant difference in terms of the religious beliefs, independence and personal growth between the two groups.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Since the beginning of the descent up to now, Quran was the endless source of Islamic sciences and the core of religious education. In addition, statements and deeds of the Prophet and the great Imams of Muslims are the other sources of life pattern. The aim of this study was to determine how to use the verses and Hadith during theoretical training in medical education.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among all theoretical classes in a paramedical faculty. The data were collected by means of a tailor-made data collection sheet. The data in all classes were gathered through trained students for instructors. Having one third of classes during a semester was one of the inclusion criteria for each instructor.Results: The results of 900 sessions of 92 classrooms of the 7 major and 58 instructors of the Faculty of Paramedical Sciences showed that verses and Hadith were used at least once in 81 and 99 sessions, respectively. They were also used more than once in 17 and 22 classes. Totally, according to the results, the frequency distribution of the use of verses and Hadith was similar for male and female instructors.Conclusion: Despite using the verses and Hadith via considerable number of instructors during theoretical sessions, but more than half of instructors have never used such valuable messages. Therefore, the use of verses and hadiths according to the training subject is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: This research investigates the relationship between spiritual intelligence and patience and perceived stress in undergraduate students of faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, AllamehTabatabai University.Materials and Methods: The design of this study was descriptive and correlational. To do so, 150 students were selected using convenience sampling method. They were asked to respond to of the spiritual intelligence (Abdollahzadeh, 2009), patience (HosseinSabet, 2007) and Perceived Stress (Cohen, 1983) scales. Data were analyzed using multi-variable regression analysis.Results: The results showed a significant positive relationship between spiritual intelligence and patience, 0.776. Also there was a significant negative relationship between spiritual intelligence and perceived stress, -0.448.Conclusion: This study showed that the higher spiritual intelligence predict higher patience and lower perceived stress.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Practical Commitment to Religious Beliefs can affect The relationship, decision, commitment and parenting of couples and improve family functioning and strengthen the foundation of families. The purpose of this study is the prediction of Coherence and family functioning in couples based on Practical Commitment to Religious Beliefs in city of Tabriz.Materials and Methods: The type of this study was descriptive cross-sectional and sampling method was available sampling, n=40 men, n=37 women and studied population included all secondary schools in Tabriz city. Data collection techniques were Family Assessment Device (FAD) and questionnaire of Practical Commitment to Religious Beliefs. Data were analyzed using SPSS software and descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation).Results: There was a significant positive correlation between religiosity and family functioning (r=0.375, P<0.01). Linear regression analysis showed that men and women religious has a significant role in explaining and predicting changes in family functioning (P<0.01).Conclusion: Practical Commitment to Religious Beliefs can predict coherence and family functioning in couples, And promote positive relationships between family members in the family.

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Having long life and spend it in obedience to God from the perspective of Islamic teaching has introduced as a sign of prosperity and happiness. Although now a day proponents of long life pay more attention to researches of scientists, this article has explained the material factors of human long life from the Islamic perspective. God determines human lifespan but has given them opportunity to play the role in their life and accordance with the will of Almighty God, their life can be short or long. Human role in his life is to do things, live in a certain and normal life and die soon or late. However the effective factors on Reductions and increase of human life can be studied according to Islamic perspective (material and spiritual factors). This research reviewed the Material and spiritual factors affecting the longevity and by introducing fifteen material factors which increase human life span from the perspective of verses and Hadiths finally concluded many experimental factors increasing longevity were consistent with these factors. In a few cases, the vision outlined in Hadiths has raised new topics for research of medical scientist.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Human knowledge is a gift of God and according to the evidences, it can achieve mysterious things thus in addition to proving the Noblest of all creatures, can have apparently conflicts with some verses of the Quran. According to divine verses, God determines fetal gender and it seems sex determination is outside of human control. But today, medical and genetic advances on the one hand and possibility of violation of ethical principles and risks caused in the area of moral and social health on the other hand, have made it a serious challenge in science and religion. The religious perspective can teach a targeted program to make a better human life; a program that according to the progress and development of science, with good performance in behavioral patterns, will justify and frame human intervention in the field of medicine and sex determination. Therefore, in this article, along with an explanation of the issue of sex determination and providence, the human intervention, and its alignment with the religion and relation with mental and social health have been expressed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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