From the perspective of monotheistic school, health will be meaningful with a comprehensive knowledge of the origin of the universe and God's attention to all the creatures. As reflected in the narratives, the health as one of the greatest divine blessings along with security are more neglected and ingratitude. Health is not limited only to physical, social and psychological aspects and at present, the fourth dimension added to the health is the spiritual health. Definitely more dimensions will be inserted to it in the future.Performing religious duties play an important role in creating a safe and secure society and guarantee physical and mental health of society. Whatever religion plays a greater role in people’s life, physical and psychological problems, such as depression and anxiety will be reduced and the social damages can be prevented.Lifestyle of a religious person, in addition to his eternal happiness, provides material and worldly health. Therefore individuals that religion plays central role in their life, are not infected to moral vices, such as gambling, drinking, adultery, lying, gossiping, drugs and hurting the humans.Although in recent decades, scientists especially psychologists have been interested in the influence of religion and spirituality on personal and social life, the complexity of modern society and changes in lifestyle increase the need to religion and spirituality in human life even, In a way that even the more tendency of most people to spirituality can be seen in material societies. As a result psychologists know the most common medical procedures alone in the treatment of diseases are inadequate and in addition they use methods and spiritual care.How beautiful Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, have been described as a "doctor", because this term indicates the act on his commands will bring spiritual health to human. Prophet perfected moral dignity and guided human society into pure life. It is hoped to achieve the pure life by improving the lifestyle and paying attention to religion.