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The aim of this study was to compare competitive anxiety and fear of failure in football player with various posts.55 football players were randomly selected from the Azadegan second division league. To gather the data the Competitive state anxiety inventory (CSAI) -2 and the performance failure appraisal inventory (PFAI) were used. Results showed that there are significant differences in competitive anxiety among different posts (goalkeepers have more cognitive and somatic anxiety and lower self-esteem). There are significant differences in the fear of failure among the various posts. There is a significant correlation between competitive anxiety and fear of failure, in other words, reduce of cognitive and somatic anxiety decrease the fear of failure and vice versa, and decrease of self-esteem tends to increase the fear of failure.

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Soccer, as well as many other sports, requires high levels of psychological skills. However, there are limited studies about the relationship of mental skills and sports injuries. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between the level of mental skills of elite young soccer players and the incidence sports injuries. Sixty-six players from four teams that playing at Tehran Asia vision adolescence primer league (14-16 years old) participated in this study. Before entering the season, the participants completed the Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool (OMSAT-3), which measures 12 mental skill subscales. Players were monitored for musculoskeletal injuries through the season (7-month period). The overall injury rate was 8.7 injuries/1000 player-hours (95% CI=7.01-10.10). Logistic regression modeling indicated that overall OMSAT-3 score (OR=0.663; 95% CI=0.42-1.83) (P=0.047) and somatic subscale score (OR=1.207; 95% CI=1.03-3.70) (P=0.004) were all associated with injuries but no association was found in other subscales. The results indicated that; mental skills were the significant predictor of the number of injuries. Evidence from this study suggests that injury prevention efforts need to include strategies targeting the psychological risk factors.

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The purpose of this research was to determine psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Goal Orientation in Exercise Measure (GOEM).294 men and women were selected from sports clubs of Tehran through stratified random sampling. Measurement tool was Goal Orientation in Exercise Measure that includes of task and ego subscales. It was used confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to test construct validity. The reliability of the questionnaire was analyzed using the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients of task and ego factors was 0.78 and 0.90, respectively. The fit indices of second-order confirmatory factor analysis showed that absolute (c2/df=2.13, GFI=0.96), comparative (CFI=0.98, TLI=0.96) and parsimony (PNFI=0.60, PCFI=0.61, RMSEA=0.06) indices are in acceptable range. In total, the Persian version of the Goal Orientation in Exercise Measure was confirmed by two factors.

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The present research was aimed at investigating the effect of yoga and neurofeedback on the reduction of focus disorder/hyperactivity among 5-10 years old kids in the city of Meybod, Iran. In this clinical trial which was undertaken via pre-test/post-test design, 48 kids engaged with focus disorder/hyperactivity were randomly clustered into four groups of the same size: yoga, neurofeedback, yoga-neurofeedback, and control. The training groups were trained for 8 weeks. The training plan included 3 sessions per week, with each session including 60 minutes of activity. In order to evaluate the training groups, Conners questionnaire (parents-form) was used as the pre-test/post-test. Covariance analysis test was used for data analysis. The results indicated a significant reduction in the symptoms of t 8- he focus disorder/hyperactivity among the test groups following the that the yoga therapy showed better results compared to w eek training plan (p<0.05), so neurofeedback or neurofeedback approaches. either of yoga- neurofeedback or neurofeedback approaches.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of Persian version of Revised Sport Grid, which is an effective tool to assess physiologic arousal and cognitive anxiety and their distinguishing in the framework of disaster theory. Therefore, two hundred and eighteen athletes with two levels of skill, skilled (96 persons), less-experience (122 persons) in five sport types (Archery, Table Tennis, Badminton, Basketball & Volleyball), were selected by goal oriented sampling and completed the Revised Sport Grid, Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 and Sport Competition Anxiety test questionnaire. We confirmed the face validity, content validity (0.91) and temporal reliability (with use of intra-class correlation coefficient in test retest method, arousal=0.77, cognitive anxiety=0.86). The convergent, discriminant and concurrent validity were confirmed by Pearson correlation coefficient, and the construct validity was confirmed by independent t test. Therefore, the Persian version of Revised Sport Grid has psychometric properties for measuring the athletes’ arousal and cognitive anxiety immediately before competition.

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The main aim of this study was to investigate the effects of aerobic and anaerobic exercises on the impulsivity of young athlete men. For this purpose, 66 athletes were selected by convenience sampling approach and based on the severity of aerobic and anaerobic exercises, 37 athletes were placed in anaerobic group and 29 athletes were placed in aerobic group and were evaluated by Barratt Impulsivity Scale (BIS) along with 35 non-athletes. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and independent ttests and ANOVA. The results showed significant differences between athletes and nonathletes in all factors and also in total scores. Comparing aerobic and anaerobic athletes, it became clear that the first order factors, attention and endurance, in aerobic athletes are significantly lower than anaerobic athletes. In summary it can be concluded that exercise, both aerobic and anaerobic, could play a significant role in reducing impulsivity.

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The purpose of this study was the prediction of counterfactual thinking according to mood and optimistic in 2014 men athletics league. According to Morgan Table, 92 athletics were chosen from 118 athletics. Three questionnaires based on Brunel mood scale, life orientation scale and counterfactual thinking for negative events scale were utilized. A significant positive relationship between downward counterfactual thinking with calmness and optimistic was observed. Also Results showed that, no-referent (self referent) upward counterfactual thinking had a positive relationship with anger and depression (tension). In other words, the dimensions of mood can be used to predict the direction of counterfactual thinking. The upward (downward) counterfactual thinking which focuses on worse (beter) predicted outcomes is more likely to follow negative (positive) emotions.

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The aim of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of Persian version of decision and movement specific reinvestment scales. The original form of decision specific reinvestment scale comprises 13 items and 2 subscales including: decision rumination and decision reinvestment and movement specific reinvestment scale comprises 10 items and 2 subscales including movement self-consciousness and conscious motor processing.239 questionnaires completed by 18-35 years-old athletes. Construct validity were used to estimate models. Confirmatory factor analysis used for validation of structure of scales, Cronbach's alpha coefficient used for internal consistency and intra-class correlation coefficient under test-retest method used to study temporal reliability of scales. The result showed that Persian version of the scales provided support for the two-factor model of both scales, thus validity and reliability confirmed. In conclusion, Persian version of the decision and movement specific reinvestment scales recommended to measure athlete's propensity to reinvestment in competitive conditions.

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The purpose of this study was to Survey the causal relationship between the authentic leadership and team performance, with mediating role of psychological capital ofChabahar’s futsal players. The research method was descriptive – correlative and it is done by path analysis. The statistical population consisted of all Futsal players of Chabahar Free Zone’s competitions. The research data were collected by using standard questionnaires of authentic leadership, psychological capital and team performance. Data was analyzed by using SPSS and Lisrel softwares at two steps, descriptive (mean, standard deviation and percentage) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation, path analysis, Sobel test). The results showed a significant direct relation between authentic leadership and team performance and indirect relation through psychological capital. In fact, coaches can see a good performance by creating right background for leadership and psychological capital.

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The present study has been conducted to determine effect of strength exercises on physical appearance, eating disorder, and sexual function of non-athlete females. To this end, 26 non-athlete slender females were chosen by available sampling technique and classified into empirical and control groups randomly. The empirical group participated in strength exercises for eight weeks while control group dealt with their daily activities during this period. To measure physical appearance, eating disorder, and sexual function, Multidimensional Body Self-Relations Questionnaire, Eating Attitudes Test Questionnaire, and Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire were completed as pretest and posttest. The results of analysis of Covariance suggested the positive effect of strength exercise on physical appearance, sexual function, and BMI index but had no effect on eating disorder. Based on the findings, it is suggested to use strength exercise for increase and improvement of physical appearance and sexual function among non-athlete slender females.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of routine introduction, imagery and mixed methods on performance and mental representation of volleyball overhand float-serve. To this purpose, 40 girls were randomly divided into routine introduction, imagery, mixed and control groups. After a pre- test, participants practiced the task for seven consecutive days (each day 5 blocks 10 trials each) according to their grouping. One week after the last practice session, participants performed the post- test. Results showed that mixed group performed better than two other experimental groups. Also, routine introduction group outperformed than imagery group. However, in mental representation measure, the imagery group had a more structured mental representation than two other groups. In addition, the mixed group had a more structured mental representation than routine introduction group. These results were discussed in relation to the underlying mechanisms of these methods of practice.

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