Zoning Land slide is one of the approaches which can be used to define the critical areas regarding the slope stability and the maps prepared based on this demarcating are used in programming stable development. The area of Estarkhi Shirvan in North Khorasan province is located in the northern slopes of Shah Jahan heights and is one of the sub-domains of the large domain of Atrak. One of the major problems in this area is the happening of several relatively large landslides which lead to a lot of damages. In order to recognize the slope movements, it is necessary to recognize all aspects of the factors and processes which continually affect slopes and drive them into instability or stability.Accordingly, this study uses AHP statistical index method in order to demarcate zoning land slide. Many factors are included in this zoning such as rainfall, temperature, lasting of snow, lithology, distance from the fault, crake, morphological units, the sun and shadow, slope, slope direction, height ranks, accumulation of drainage, distance from the river, hydro logic groups of soil, land use, distance from the village as well as plant coating. In this method, according to extent of the seismic demarcates in each class of different parameters being studied, weight value per calls is considered, and at last the sum of weight values for each cell is obtained by overlapping different layers. Then, the map was prepared for the ranks of dangers of seismisms in 4 classes: very much, much, medium and low. According to the zoning map prepared, about 1.8%of the area of this domain is located in the area of very much risk, 20.9 %in the area of much risk, 56.9 % in the area of medium risk and 20.4 %in the area of low risk.