Aggression and aggressive behavior is a kind of violent behavior toward others, that could harm others. Factors such as psychological, social, biological and environmental are important in aggressive behavior. Environmental factors, climatic conditions (Temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, wind,...) , air pollution; have important role. The study on the relation between aggressive behavior and temperature in one area is controversial with contradictory findings. This study with the aim of determining the relation between temperature and aggression was designed. This is a descriptive- analytic study in a cold mountaneous area (Fereidoonshahr) and warm desert one (khoor) in Isfahan Province in 2004.Climatic parameters of all synoptic and climatologic stations of Isfahan Province (29 stations) was obtained from Iranian Meteorological Organization (IMO) from the time of its establishment till 2003, then, by using Exel software, mean of minimum, maximum and daily temperature, and also precipitation and relative humidity were calculated. By considering mean daily temperature these stations were arranged from high to low.As a result, synoptic stations of fereidoonshahr and khoor as the coldest and warmest areas of Isfahan Province were selected. Using statistical counseling, 1517 subjects (14 to 63 years old), from two different areas were selected randomly. They completed the self administrative Aggression Questionnaire (AGQ). This questionnaire contains 30 questions, each of which has 0-3 levels of severity. However, scores above 45 indicated aggressive (as cut- off point of the questionnaire) rate of the subjects. After data gathering, information was analysed by SPSS software. Results of this study show that in total population 38.6 percent were aggressive and the number of aggressive persons among women (40.5 percent) was higher than men (36.1 percent). This difference is significant statistically (p=0.046), Mean of aggressive scores in Fereidoonshahr was higher than khoor (p=0.0001).Considering the theory of "Heat and Aggression, heat could cause more behavior arousal and aggressiveness. Probably man, in different climates can cope with heat more easily than cold weather. Furthermore, intense cold weather imposes more limitation for survival. On the other hand, humidity in cold and warm weather decrease man's tolerance. In cold and mountains area of fereidoonshahr the levels of humidity and precipitation are high. Wind as the other climatic variable decreases man's tolerance in cold weather, but increases in warm and dry weather. Differences in barometric pressere in two different geographic area is considerable. It seems that in studying the relationship between aggressive rate and climatic conditions, different factors such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind, barometric pressure, in relation with each other, must be considered.