Human body as a thermodynamic system needs to be kept fixed between 37±0.5. The body thermo-regulation system does this task automatically. Thus, the daily and seasonal changes of temperature affect man's health and comfort level. This in turn led to many studies concerning environmental temperature. These studies brought about the invention of thermal indices.This paper, aims to introduce, calculate and evaluate Standard Effective Temperature by using daily data presented by 130 Iran's weather synoptic stations between 1996 to 2001. Taking into consideration the volume of daily data, the application of special software were extremly useful. Concerning the variation of day and night regime and annual temperature changes, effective temperature in 8 times of day and night (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21) were reckoned. Map of classification of Iran's effective temperature were drawn based on these data. Moreover, the average effective temperature for every month as well as the minimum and the maximum of effective temperature were calculated. Data of effective temperature were analyzed. In this analysis, the dependent variable is effective temperature, and independent variables consist of dry temperature, wet temperature, dew point, relative humidity, wind velocity and sunshine (9,12, and 15 o'clock).Multivariate regression analysis, Forward method and Beta coefficient were applied. Data pertaining to mountainous regions, foot hills, southern, eastern and northern areas indicate that the effective temperature index in human activities in north, south and east of the country is highly affected by the wet temperature of the same areas. Whereas in mountainous regions and foot hills, it is influenced by the dry temperature of the area.Finally, maps of monthly effective temperature throughout the country were produced. Maps 1-3 relate to minimum, maximum, and mean effective temperature of Iranian month of "Ordibehesht" (21 April-21 May) respectively.