Literature is not coherent entirely, including verse and prose, but some ofthem are at supreme while others are at medium and weak rank. This matter hascaused critical professors to criticize its validity and invalidity. Literary criticismis setting to values of literary works, its good and bad exposed to its readers’ view. Considering this remark, it can be understood that a literary work especially poetryis that a critic to evaluate its phrases and content by deep and exact attitude. In structural criticism, the components of a poem should not be investigatedone-dimentionally, but it should be analyzed in phonetic, lexical and syntacticcategories. In phonetic study, especial attention should be given to the structureof rhythm, rhyme, line, the tone of speech and the meaning of poem. Regarding thedescription, the study of poetry structure is not possible except that be performedin the light of immaginary images. The poetry of Kaiser Aminpour, suffered poet ofpost-revolution takes steps in the same vein. Properties of Aminpour’ s poetry arelove and praise, beautiful imagery, protest religion, being depressed, repeating andplaying with words, utilizing allusions, escaping from lexical and syntactic norms, inadequacy of rhythm and tone, redundancy, cheap and loose poetry, childishliterature, research on other poets, making use of slang lexicon, and utilizationof poetic taxonomy including simile, metaphor, synonymy, paradox, hyperbole, symmetry, phonetic structure, new compounds, contradiction, allegory and so on.