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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Ancient Patterns of Women the case with studies, the position of women inancient Iran has not always been in the same shape and in some ages his positionhas been raised to the level of the gods. This comes back to the era, when themasters of the land dominated the land and, as a result of their gods, they werealso powerful important goddesses.-This era is a very ancient era, and it is onlyby exploiting archaeological studies that its dimensions can be understood-. Inthe meanwhile, one cannot overlook the influence of the woman in the life ofagriculture as well as the birth of her and parenting and generation, but in laterperiods, with the discovery of iron, patriarchal rule dominates Iran, and women’ spower is very limited. Even life-based hunting is also preferred to land tenure andagriculture. In the meantime, one cannot overlook the influence of Aryan religions, including Zoroastrianism, on women’ s power, because in these ancient religionsthere is no positive opinion of the woman as it was before.

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Generally, in Persian literature and poems, specifically in Hazin Lahiji’ s poems, the link to ethics is unbreakable. Ethics and ethical themes are involved in humanlife. Thus, due to the richness of Persian poems in terms of ethical themes, studyingthem is highly important. Hazin Lahiji is one of the greatest Persian poets whohas significantly benefited from ethical themes in his poems. His poems are richand filled with ethical themes. Therefore, studying his poems ought to be highlyregarded. In this study, a discourse analysis approach along with library resourceshas been utilized to focus on Hazin lahiji’ s perspective towards the ethical inferiorityand superiority as well as to express his views. The results of this study showthat although ethical superiority is more emphasized, ethical inferiority is to beblamed and punished and it has noticeably engaged the poet’ s mind.

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Appositon has special usage among Arabic and Farisy-Dari. The principle ofobstacle in learning is the weak point of learners to recognize the concept andmixed the discussion with other discussions. “ Appositon” in Persian books is partof discussion that usually students have mistaken on its usage and they mingledit with the adjective and added. This article will follow the easy way of learningand identifying it. In above language “ Appositon” is made from different combinations-“ Appositon” in Arabic is made from two parts “ Mabadal Mena” and“ Appositon” l in unknown “ Mabadal Mena” and unclearness “ Appositon” , withoutanything between two parts are similar. But in Farsi-Dari there is a difference between“ Mabadal Mena” and “ Appositon” and in Arabic these two part are similar, itmeans “ Mabadal Mena” is the principle movement and “ Appositon” is the naturalmovement. But in Farsi these two are parallel. Also in group “ Appositon” in Farsi atlest these two parts are “ Marafa” whatever in Arabic compound language these twoparts are not “ Marafa” . Research Method: In this research the library has been used.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Literature is not coherent entirely, including verse and prose, but some ofthem are at supreme while others are at medium and weak rank. This matter hascaused critical professors to criticize its validity and invalidity. Literary criticismis setting to values of literary works, its good and bad exposed to its readers’ view. Considering this remark, it can be understood that a literary work especially poetryis that a critic to evaluate its phrases and content by deep and exact attitude. In structural criticism, the components of a poem should not be investigatedone-dimentionally, but it should be analyzed in phonetic, lexical and syntacticcategories. In phonetic study, especial attention should be given to the structureof rhythm, rhyme, line, the tone of speech and the meaning of poem. Regarding thedescription, the study of poetry structure is not possible except that be performedin the light of immaginary images. The poetry of Kaiser Aminpour, suffered poet ofpost-revolution takes steps in the same vein. Properties of Aminpour’ s poetry arelove and praise, beautiful imagery, protest religion, being depressed, repeating andplaying with words, utilizing allusions, escaping from lexical and syntactic norms, inadequacy of rhythm and tone, redundancy, cheap and loose poetry, childishliterature, research on other poets, making use of slang lexicon, and utilizationof poetic taxonomy including simile, metaphor, synonymy, paradox, hyperbole, symmetry, phonetic structure, new compounds, contradiction, allegory and so on.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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microangiopatheic the discussion on “ concept of piety in poems and privatebrothel Attar” deals. private brothel of the most prominent poets unique Arab pietyin the field. He played a major role in developing Persian. In Persian literatureattar of the most outstanding. The piety and mysticism that is in all his supremecourt of the wave of piety. This article is until after the Pointing to a modest environmentalletters of the two causes poet tendency to piety and the amountof influence and their probable. The examined funds and God. “ and the differencebetween the concepts and issues heralds the two Poet and also chairman ofthe Islamic thought and style and style of the two would signify the comparativestudy. Influence Islamic culture in particular the Koran and Hadith both in contentand you AghGhala white forms the two prominent poet Maya It is. Poetry privatebrothel contained within the substance of a certain that the Persian poetry pietycumulative effect. These themes are essentially religious, are mainly to the deathand cruelty and fickleness and suffering of the individual and socialAnd the world are seeking.

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After the appearance of Islam, new words along with grand meanings, jurisprudentterms, philosophy, Hadith and stories, theology, etc, entered the vastnessof literature. In the meantime, poets with analytical minds and scientific-literarytalent used jurisprudent terms softly and tenderly in their poems. Sa’ di beingalready familiar with these sciences in Al-Nizamiyya of Baghdad, could benefitfrom jurisprudent terms in his poems. The most legal-jurisprudent terms he usedwere such as: damage, trust, trade, sham, repentance, limit, Diya (blood money), Haram and halal (dos and don’ ts), witness, complainer. Among Sa’ di’ s poems, Golestan is considered as educational and advisory. Sa’ dihas used summaries and rhythmic texts in which all heroes are humans and eachstory is a combination of “ human and the situation” . Evidently in Golestan, highlydistinctive human characteristics such as justice and fairness that are also emphasizedin holy Quran and the Islamic law, are tested. This study reveals the effectsof jurisprudent view of Sa’ di considering justice in Golestan writings. The resultsshow that not only the effects are noticeably significant, but also, the use of justicein Golestan in three levels of lexical, conceptual as well as natural, is present.

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