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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Heat wave has harmful effect on environment and human life. First of all, this research identifies the heat wave of four provinces of Ilam, Kermanshah, Lorestan, and Khuzestan, for the period between 2000 and 2010. This study uses the heat index, and the return period of this wave using the Gambel distribution function. According to obtained results, total redundancy of extracted heat waves was detected as 143, which 70 waves of this amount have been in warm period and 73 waves in cold period of the years. Monthly process of thermal waves shows that the highest wave was occurred in the month of Farvardin. Process the maps of surface pressure of the earth during warm period of the year shows that low pressure tabs of Ganges had pulled near the central Iran, even its tabs in to north east of Iran and the center of Iran is low-pressure heat. In time of occurrence of this wave, there was pressure heat occurred in the earth surface from Horn of Africa, Europe, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. Hence, the low pressure tab of Saudi Arabia has been affected southern, south-western, and western parts of Iran. Synoptic Process of the heat wave condition shows that area is located in front of the hot air and the influence of hot air on the area has caused the temperature rise at this time of the year.

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A borderline destructive earthquake (M: 7.3) hints the urban regions of Ezgeleh, Sar-Pol-Zahab and Ghasre- Shirin in Kermanshah province (western part of Iran) and left more than 600 kills, hundreds of injured peoples and building damages in 12 November 2017. In this research, I have used Fibonacci numbers to set 117 years epicenters (USGS catalogue, 1900-2017) based on a post predictive model contained the main and aftershocks of this region. This scenario reveals unique geometrical associations (30 and 137.5 degrees) between the recent epicenters and more than one century seismic onsets according to triangular-circular distributions. The primary results showed that Kermanshah epicenters tend to be patterned by golden shapes and golden angles in self-organized geometrical distributions. Also many of Ezgeleh aftershocks illustrate spiral distribution that is because of their inherent association with fault systems. As the final result, a forecast map issued in the end of research to realize the spatial hazard assessments and prognosis of seismic potentials based on Fibonacci simulation of the aftershock locations.

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محمدی حسین

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طی دهه های گذشته به موازات افزایش جمعیت، سهم جمعیت شهری به کل جمعیت کشورها به سرعت افزایش یافته و توسعه شهری را در مسیرهای غیرمنطقی و نسنجیده قرار داده است. مهاجرت انسان ها به شهرها، همراه با تراکم و فشردگی واحدهای مسکونی و محدودیت جا و فضا، سروصدای وسایل نقلیه شهری، خطرهای ناشی از آلودگی هوا و پیامدهای آن انسان را به بیماری های مختلفی از قبیل آسم، برونشیت، بیماری های قلبی- عروقی، سرطان ریه، سرطان پوست و دیگر بیماری ها مبتلا کرده است.

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در 12 نوامبر 2017 میلادی (21 آبان 1396خورشیدی)، زلزله مهیبی با بزرگی 7.3، مناطق غرب ایران در حوالی شهرهای مرزی ازگله، سرپل ذهاب و قصر شیرین را به شدت تکان داد و موجب کشته شدن بیش از 600 نفر و آسیب مالی و جانی صدها تن در استان کرمانشاه شد. در این تحقیق با بهره گیری از پایگاه اطلاعات لرزه ای سازمان زمین شناسی آمریکا و کاتالوگ زمین لرزه های استان کرمانشاه (2017 -1900 میلادی)، پیش بینی بازنگرانه با استناد به مفهوم و نتایج سری اعداد فیبوناچی ارائه شده و در پی آن، مخاطرات منطقه از دیدگاه مکانی با تاکید بر شناسایی و معرفی پتانسیل های لرزه ای غرب ایران بررسی شده است. کاربرد توالی فیبوناچی برای دستیابی به سازوکار توزیع غیرخطی زلزله ها، سابقه دارد، اما نتایج این پژوهش به طور مشخص بیانگر وجود روابط مکانی بین زلزله های سده گذشته با پیدایش چشمه لرزه ای اخیر در ازگله است. همچنین بر اساس دستاوردهای این تحقیق، توزیع پس لرزه های رویداد 7.3 ازگله در اشکال مارپیچی و گنومون طلایی انجام گرفته و آرایش مکانی داده های کاتالوگ به شکل مثلث طلایی (با زاویه راس 36 درجه) و دایره طلایی (با کمان 137.5 درجه) بوده است. بدین ترتیب با استفاده از روش فیبوناچی، ضمن اثبات طبیعی بودن منشا زمین لرزه های غرب ایران، نظم رویدادهای ثبت شده از سال 1900 میلادی تا کنون بررسی شده و شواهدی دال بر پیش بینی مکانی زلزله های این استان ارائه شده است.

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Considering the increasing environmental hazards caused by industrial activities, more attention has been paid to the aspects of this issue and the efforts to carry out sustainable activities, which has made it very important to pay attention to environmental issues. The purpose of this research is to find the effective criteria for selecting suppliers of oil and gas products, considering the importance of these suppliers to the environmental hazards resulting from the operation of their products. By studying the past functions and reviewing the lessons, which have been learned from the implemented projects, and taking into account the experts and owners of the executive experience, key points in the supply chain that were directly related to the environmental functions were identified, and the criteria were recognized and combined with two methods of the process of Hierarchical Analysis (AHP) and the preferred method based on similarity to the fuzzy TOPSIS solution and performing paired comparisons to determine the weights of each of the criteria and the comparison of each of the suppliers according to the criteria identified in the end of the main criteria and Effective in identifying the choice of a green supplier. The results of this research can be applied in the models used by decision makers to select contractors, oil suppliers, and gas products, which can play a very important role in greening the supply chain of goods.

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Introduction Risk is a form of entrepreneurship. Environmental hazards are sudden or gradual occurrences of the natural or human origin, which is threatened by the health and safety of a wide range of habitats and human habitats. Many of the natural disasters are occured in the rural areas of the country, which, causes many damage to the villagers, due to the weakness of facilities in these areas. The use of chemical pesticides to control agricultural pests causes unpredictable damage to human health, other living, and environmental conditions. In the same way, in the last two decades, the use of microbial agents have been very much taken into consideration, which are controlling pests that have lower levels and have a narrower and more specific range of effects on target insects…

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امواج گرمایی یکی از بلایای طبیعی و آب و هوایی است که آثار زیانباری بر محیط زیست دارد. در این پژوهش سعی شد امواج گرمایی منطقه غرب ایران شامل چهار استان ایلام، خوزستان، لرستان و کرمانشاه با شاخص دمایی و شاخص رطوبت شناسایی شده و نیز دوره بازگشت این امواج با استفاده از تابع توزیع گمبل مشخص شود و در نهایت الگوهای همدیدی موثر در آن شناسایی شود. بر اساس نتایج، مجموع فراوانی امواج گرمایی استخراج شده در دوره آماری مورد مطالعه 143 موج است که از این تعداد، 70 موج در دوره گرم و 73 موج در دوره سرد سال رخ داده است. بررسی ماهانه امواج گرمایی نشان می دهد که بیشترین میزان وقوع امواج در ماه فروردین بوده است. تحلیل سینوپتیک رخداد امواج گرم در طی فصول نشان می دهد که در فصل گرم، زبانه های کم فشار گنگ تا نواحی مرکزی ایران کشیده شده و حتی زبانه های آن تا شمال شرق ایران نفوذ کرده است. در زمان رخداد این امواج، در سطح زمین کم فشارهای حرارتی متعددی بر روی شاخ آفریقا، اروپا، عراق و عربستان بسته شده و زبانه های کم فشار تشکیل شده روی عربستان قسمت های جنوب، جنوب غرب و بخش هایی از غرب ایران را تحت تاثیر قرار داده است. بررسی شرایط همدیدی امواج گرمایی دوره سرد نشان می دهد که منطقه تحقیق، جلو جبهه گرم قرار داشته و نفوذ هوای گرم به منطقه سبب افزایش دما در این هنگام از سال شده است.

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One of the important issues in the management of urban environmental crises is the geomorphological crises in urban areas. These crises are increasing because of human activities in urban areas. Therefore, in this study, the constraints and the capabilities of Maragheh have been assessed by identifying of the geomorphological processes and phenomena in the developed parts of Maragheh during the yeas of 1984 to 2017. Geomorphologic constraints in this study have been discussed in two categories of constraints due to hill slope, and flood processes. For this purpose, the needed data were gathered from different sources, as well as distant evaluation. Then, these data were changed into the necessary information layers by using the Geographical Information System (GIS), which included the geological, tectonic, seismicity, temperature, humidity and rainfall, soil erosion, the application of the land and vegetation, height classes, slope, the distance from the water ducts, and soil type information layers. Later, to align the information layers with each other, the layers were standardized by using Fuzzy Logic Theory. To get the relative value of each layer in determining the geomorphological areas, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used. The results obtained from the analytic hierarchy process indicates that in the studied region, the role of the geological structures in the geomorphological events is remarkable. After the relative evaluation of the information layers, the super-positioning of the layers was done by using Simple Additive Weighing (SAW). The findings reveal that the northeastern part of Maragheh has more possibility of hill slope process and flooding point of view than the other parts. In addition, in order to study the hazard extent in the developed parts in the recent decades, firstly, the extent of the physical development of the city during the years of 1984 and 2017was extracted through Landsat Satellite Pictures. Then, after matching with the land application maps, the process of the physical development of the city was studied in the above-mentioned period. The Crosstab Table Method was used for this purpose. The obtained results from the study of the process of the city development in the above-mentioned period showed that the most city development has been occurred in the areas that possess the higher geomorphological hazards and this needs better management of directing the physical development of Maragheh in the less hazardous areas.

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AI (Avian Influenza) is one of the most important respiratory, and contagious pathogens in poultry that has fast release power. At present, around 33 pandemics of H5 and H7 over-the-counter influenza have emerged from the 1950s to 2017. The largest pandemic is H5N1 pandemic in 63 countries, and now it turnes to H5N8. Like the H5N8 pandemic in the year 2016, the Severe strain in Guandong, China, resulted in the extinction of about 250 million poultry or wild birds in 63 countries. Most countries, in this context, use deforestation policy in the poultry industry to achieve the eradication of the extra-influenza strains. However, countries also use the vaccination strategy to control the disease. The prevalence of Avian Influenza virus and its transmission to human have been one of the main concerns of researchers in recent years. Identifying the country’s regions that are more vulnerable due to the prevalence of the virus will help control and prevent its prevalence at various stages. This study aimed to identify high-risk regions in Iran for the prevalence of N5H8 virus according to effective factors. This analytical study was conducted in 2016-2017 for IRAN. First, the affective factors were identified, using experts‟ opinions, they were weighted, and classified into four categories. Then, the data were analyzed using fuzzy logic. The fuzzy membership functions were defined for each category. Defining 36 various rules, all the existing states were evaluated applying Mamdani's method. According to the conducted studies, the main factors affecting the prevalence of the mentioned virus included: proximity to rivers, lakes, and marshes, population, poultry farms, villages, rainfall, temperature, and wind. Finally, Tehran, Alborz, Qom, Isfahan, Qazvin, Golestan, and Gilan provinces had the greatest high- risk. The obtained zoning map of hazard had a good corresponding with the samples of report on the Avian Influenza virus.

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