Credit of foreign court sentences means a sentence issued by foreign courts including (international and domestic courts of countries) against public crimes with the credit of universal jurisdiction based on the positive conflict of jurisdiction whether according to conviction or acquittal. If universal jurisdiction is concerned about a crime, even though that crime have a punishment (Moharebeh or corruption on earth), our country`s courts do not have the right to address the issue again. However, when an Iranian who has committed a universal crime while was investigated and punished by a foreign court, if this person is found in Iran, with respect to personal jurisdiction, Iranian courts can investigate him. Also, a person with a universal crime can escape punishment by relying on his ignorance of some crimes or his ignorance of the subject. It seems that, in the case of acceptance of non-validity of Iranian's courts about universal jurisdiction if the committed crime has been subject to punishment and the person has withstood the sentence outside Iran, and that sentence is not compatible with Shriah concepts such as lack of forgetting punishments, but with respect to international interest, this problem can be solved by depending on alternative sentences.