The 1979 Islamic Revolution was the result of a series of decisions, actions and struggles that began in early 1963 and led to the victory and establishment of the Islamic Republic. The main actors of this process including the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini, clerics, merchants (bazaaris) and a group of academics as revolution agents, enjoyed the support of the public.The Bazaaris, on the side of the revolutionary clerics, were one of the main agents of the Islamic Revolution. They had many activities from the early days of the movement but their activities gained momentum in January and February 1979.The presence and contribution of Bazaaris were so extensive that a large number of activities can be mentioned for their struggles. For example, their presence in Neauphle-le-Château, on the side of Imam Khomeini, the establishment of Welcome Committee for Imam’s arrival and their activities before and after Imam’s settlement in the Refah School are some of them.