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E-selectin reflects endothelial degradation and activation, also plays an important role in inflammatory processes. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 8 weeks of high intensity interval resistance training on E-selectin and White blood cell indices in healthy men. twenty four active healthy men were selected and randomly divided into two groups: training (n=11) and control (n=12). Training group was performing high intensity interval resistance training for 8 weeks while control group continued their normal daily life styles. Dependent and independent t-test was used for statistically analyses of variances. Level of significance was p≤ 0. 05. the results showed that 8 weeks of interval resistance exercise decreased significantly level of E-selectin (p=0. 001), but differences between control and training groups in monocytes, lymphocytes, basophiles and eosinophils was not significant (p>0. 05), also there was significant relation between body weight and E-selectin changes (r=. 67, p= 0. 001). The results indicate that the high intensity interval resistance training did not result in white blood cells' indices excitation because of enough recovery between sets and repetitions, but E-Selectin were sensitive to exercise pressure and load imposed on body by training and showing higher adaptation to high intensity interval resistance training.

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Jorkesh Morteza | Ebadi Habib

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Fatty liver disease is a type of fatty accumulation in liver cells that, if not controlled, leads to a malignant process of fibrosis of the liver and its cellular destruction. In this study, the effects of endurance, resistance and combination exercises on liver enzymes in ovariectomized rats were investigated. For this purpose, 50 Wistar rats were kept under controlled conditions (temperature, light and dark cycle and free access to food and water) and after randomization with exercise protocol, randomly divided into 5 groups of 10 per group.: Sham, ovariectomy (OVX), ovariectomized and resistance training group (OVX + RE), ovariectomized and endurance training (OVX + EN), ovariectomy and combined endurance-resistance training (OVX + EN) + RE). 48 hours after the end of the last session rats were anesthetized and sacrificed. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test (p <0. 05). The results showed that endurance and resistance training and combination had significant effect on ALT and AST liver enzymes in uricectomized rats (p <0. 05). But combined exercise had the most effect on ALT and AST hepatic enzyme in uricectomized rats (p <0. 05). Ovariectomy increased ALT and AST liver enzymes (p <0. 05). Six weeks of endurance and resistance training alone and in combination improved ALT and AST hepatic enzymes (p <0. 05) but the combined effect of these two interventions was stronger (p <0. 05). The results of the present study showed that the combination of endurance-resistance training has more protective power than any alone in changes in menopause in liver tissue. Therefore, possibly improving lifestyle by combining appropriate endurance-resistance exercises can prevent many potential disorders during menopause.

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In recent years, the use of herbal medicines to improve health and physical ability has been the focus of researchers. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of peppermint essential oil consumption during recovery after exhaustive physical activity on physical and functional indices of the military. Thirty students (age: 20 to 25 year) of officer university with no regular training participated as subject in this study and were randomly divided into drug or placebo groups. At first the subjects' physical and functional indices were evaluated and then they performed the exhaustion protocol. Then, subjects consume the drug and placebo and all tests were repeated. The results showed that the strength, speed, agility and shooting performance of the two groups did not change significantly after the exhaustion exercise and there was no significant difference between the two groups. Also, the results showed that there was a significant difference between endurance and time of exhaustion between groups after exhaustion exercise (p<0. 05). According to the results of this study, consumption of peppermint essential oil in recovery period after an exhaustive exercise can improve endurance and reduce the decline in other fitness factors.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of six weeks of High intensity interval training (HIIT) program and citrulline malate (CM) supplement on nitric oxide levels and exercise performance in elite wrestlers. In a randomized, placebo-controlled design, 28 elite males’ wrestlers (age, 21. 9± 2. 4 y; height 174. 5± 3. 8 cm) were randomly assigned to CM+training, placebo+training and training, while also all groups participating in 6 weeks of HIIT based on wrestling techniques. Participants completed testing sessions for body composition and aerobic and anaerobic tests before and after 6 weeks of HIIT program. Venous blood samples were obtained before and after 6 weeks. Nitric Oxide level after six weeks of HIIT and CM supplementation showed significant increase comparing to placebo+training (P=0. 001) and training (P=0. 035) groups. There is no significant difference between other groups for NO (P> 0. 05). There was a significant difference between upper body anaerobic power (peak power, Mean power and fatigue index) of CM group and placebo group (P=0. 22), and there was no significant difference between the other groups (P>0. 05). Among all body composition data after six week HIIT just FFM of CM+training group showed significant increase comparing placebo and training group (P<0. 05). Daily CM supplementation during six weeks of HIIT training increases serum NO levels and upper body anaerobic power in elite male wrestlers comparing HIIT alone.

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To achieve further progress, particularly in professional sport training new protocol to evaluate the effect of warm-up stretching exercises on fitness factors is essential. This study aimed to compare the static-dynamic stretch protocols at the same time warm up before exercise high intensity intermittent aerobic and fitness training young football players were periodic Football factors. 24young football players (3± 18 years of age, 4± 176 cm tall and 4± 68kg)were selected and randomly divided into two groups of12. Training for 6weeks, six days a week (three days training and one day of rest)and each session was 60minutes. One group consisted of static and dynamic synchronous stretching warm-up 8 seconds followed by4-minute running at95% of the maximum pulse intensity and the second group consisted of 15-minute static and dynamic synchronous stretching exercise. It was 4 minutes 4minutes of playing soccer on a small field. Before and after the course, the flexibility, speed, explosive power, agility, subcutaneous fat percentages were measured. The results showed that the two models of warm-up training significantly increased flexibility, anaerobic power, speed and agility, and a significant decrease in the percentage of subcutaneous fat (p≤ 0. 05). However, the record anaerobic power and flexibility, the second group compared with the first group increased to a greater extent (05/0 p≤ ). In general, high intensity aerobic exercise and play in small lands after warm-up protocol The elongation of the selected temporal lobes increased the biomotor characteristics of the subjects, especially after a15-second stretch, and played an important role in improving the flexibility, agility, power, and speed of the subjects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Ganj Khani Leyla | OSALI ALI

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ABCA1, a member of ABC (ATP-binding cassette transporters) family in mammals plays a fundamental role in HDL-C remodeling and thus prevent atherosclerosis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of hepatic ABCA1 and plasma of HDL-C levels of male Wistar rats following four weeks of resistance training. 16 male Wistar rats with the age of 12-14 weeks and a mean body weight of 290± 10g were used. Rats were divided in Two groups of control (n=8) and exercise (n=8). Resistance training consisted of climbing a one meter ladder (26 stairs and 80 degree angle with the ground) with weights tied to the tail of the animal. Finally, rats performed three consecutive sets with 100% of their body weights (6 reps per set). Rats were sacrificed 48 h after the last training session. Sampled Liver tissue, after washing with saline, were immediately frozen by liquid nitrogen. Finally, samples were transferred to-70° C. Blood samples were directly taken from the heart and the plasma were isolated for measurement of the HDL and apoA-I (the major apolipoprotein of HDL). ELISA kit was used to evaluate the amount of ABCA1 and apoA-I and Plasma HDL level was determined by enzymatic immune method. For data analysis, independent T test was used. The results showed that ABCA1 in the liver of rats was higher for about 25 percent higher than the control group, but was not statistically significant. Plasma HDL levels were not significantly different between two groups. Moreover, despite some increases in apoA-I levels they were not statistically significant. Thus, despite the fact that four weeks of resistance training didn’ t make statistically significant changes in ABCA1 and HDL and apoA-I, but according to the trend of the data this resistance training protocol seemed to be partly effective Possibly, better results can be achieved by increasing the intensity and leng of the execises, or by designing a beter combination of exercises.

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PYY suppresses appetite, reduces energy intake and increases energy intake. Acute exercise can increase it, but the effect of exercise activity on PYY levels is unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of exercise duration on the plasma levels of peptide YY (PYY) in female recreational athletes. Nine subjects (aged 25. 3± 4. 9 years, body mass 73. 6± 5. 8 kg, height 171. 4± 3. 9 cm, and body fat 19. 9± 4. 8 %) volunteered to participate in this study. Subjects received a standardized breakfast, which was followed by constant cycling exercise at 60% HRmax ( 220-age) for 30, 60 and 90 min, or rest (control session). Blood samples were collected before, immediately after and 60 min after exercise to assess plasma PYY concentrations. Data were analyzed by repeated measures two way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test at the significant level (p <0. 05). Plasma PYY were unaffected by duration of exercise and were higher than before exercise at immediately after exercise trials similarly. Acute exercise increased PYY in all experimental sessions. The duration of exercise did not affect the plasma concentration of PYY and its increase was similar after all experimental sessions.

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Many genes are involved in the development of breast cancer. One is the VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) gene, one of the most important angiogenesis factors. On the other hand, one of the suppressive microRNAs is MIR-205, which is significantly less translatable in breast tumors compared to healthy matched tissue. Therefore, in this study, we compared the effect of 10 weeks of high intensity periodic training with continuous endurance training on MIR-205 and the VEGF gene in mice with breast cancer. The study was performed on 18 Balbci mice, with a mean body mass of 18-20g. The estrogen-dependent MC4-L2 carcinoma cell line was cultured, cultured, and then one million subcutaneous cancer cells were injected into the herb. One week after tumor formation, mice were randomly divided into three groups of 6: Control (C). ), Continuous endurance (E) and interval high intensity (H) were divided. Exercises were performed 5 times a week for 10 weeks. Each session of protocol E was 60-65% vo2max and group H was 90-85% vo2max. Expression of MIR-205 and VEGF was measured by Realtime PCR. . The expression level of MIR-205 was significantly in high intensity Interval group (p = 0. 000), and in the Continuous endurance group (p = 0. 001), than in the control group. The VEGF gene expression was significantly decreased in the in high intensity Interval group (p = 0. 003) and in the Continuous endurance group (p = 0. 005). Given the incremental effect of in high intensity Interval training and continuous endurance on MIR-205 expression and a decreasing effect on VEGF gene expression in mice with breast cancer, these two types of training may be effective in decreasing tumor growth. Also, according to the results, High intensity interval training due to less time, may be more effective.

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Adhesion moleculs are new indices that have been emphasesed as a communication loops among obesity, sedentary and cardiovascular deaseas. So for the study of the effect of 8 weeks of aerobic training with two forms of continous and HIIT, sedentary overweight volunteear men with age, % BF and weight (24. 83± 1. 83, 33. 58± 1. 48, 91. 9± 3. 66) were randomly divided to tow experimental and control groups. The training programs consist for8 weeks with 65 t0 75 %HRmax in continuous group and Interval group prformed 4 set/day with (Work) 70 to 95 %HRmax. The blood sampling was performed after 12 fasting hours in three stage consist of baseline, 48 h after 8 weeks of training and immediately after one session of caute exercise. Resulting data were analyzed by ANOVA with repeated measure 3*3 and post hoc Tukey test (α =0. 05). The finding showed that ICAM1 and E-selectins values in continuous group decreased respectively 3. 7 and 6. 13 percent significantly and in HIIT group ICAMI decreased as 5. 01 percent significantly and E-Selectin decreased 0. 3 insignificantly p<. 05. Continuous and HIIT similarly decreased ICAM1 but decreation of E-selectin in HIIT group was not significant like continuous group. one session of acute exercise didn’ t have any significant effect with both form of training. The finding of this study showed continuous training decreased adhesive molecules effectively.

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The aim of this study is to investigate the Effect of Rosa canina L on the response antioxidant defense system in non-athlete young men after an acute aerobic exercise. . Twenty inactive men students were randomly divided into two groups of Rosa canina L, and control. The group of Rosa canina L consumed 0. 1 g per kg body weight of Rosa canina L and the control group consumed the same placebo place for three days. The blood samples were taken at baseline, immediately before and after Bruce test. The parameters were analyzed using repeated measure ANOVA. Results: the TAC and MDA levels in the control group after Bruce test significantly decreased and increased, respectively. On the other hand, the use of Rosa canina L prevented the significant changes in TAC and MDA following the Bruce test. it seems that acute term Rosa canina L supplementation will be useful for improving levels of plasma Total Antioxidant Capacity and thereby inhibiting exercise-induced lipid peroxidation and modification in plasma after an acute exhaustion aerobic exercise.

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Obesity is the greatest public health challenge in ages. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of nonlinear resistance training along with supplementation of Spirulina on serum Leptin and Ghrelin in obese women. A sample of 40 healthy obese women with body mass index BMI≥ 30 were selected through stratified sampling method. They were randomly assigned to four groups of nonlinear resistance training, Spirulina supplement, nonlinear resistance training + Spirulina supplementation and Placebo (n=10). Interventions were done for 8 weeks. 24 hours before and 48 hours after the end of the interventions, blood samples were taken from all four groups in a 12-hour fasting state. For each sample, leptin and Ghrelin serum levels were measured by ELISA method. The nonlinear resistance training program included exercising weight training at varying intensity, with emphasis on muscular endurance. Supplements and placebo daily consumed 2 capsules of 500 mg of Spirulina or starch. In order to compare and evaluate the variables in four groups of research and in two blood sampling times, the inter-interstitial analysis of variance analysis was used in a 4 × 2 test and the Tukey's test was used to find means that are significantly different from each other. There was no significant change in the level of Ghrelin. Leptin levels decreased significantly in the two groups nonlinear resistance training + Spirulina supplementation and nonlinear resistance compared to the other two groups. There was no significant difference between the variables of the two nonlinear resistance training + Spirulina supplementation and nonlinear resistance training groups and between the variables of the two groups of Spirulina and placebo. Probably eight weeks of nonlinear resistance training will lead to improved fat metabolism in overweight and obesity-related diseases such as heart disease and diabetes in obese women.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of high intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderate intensity continuous training (MICT) on inflammatory factors (TNF-α and IL-10) in obese male rats. Forty male rats were divided into two groups: high-fat diet (n=32) and standard diet (n=8), for 10 weeks. After inducing obesity, eight rats from the high-fat diet group (O) and eight from the standard dietary group (C) were sacrificed, and the other obese rats were randomly divided into three groups: obesity control (OC), moderate intensity continuous training (MICT) and high intensity interval training (HIIT). The HIIT protocol, including 10 bouts of 4-minute activity with equivalent intensity of 85-90% vo2max and 2 minute active rest periods, and the MICT protocol with equivalent intensity of 65-70% VO2max, with covered distance matched to that of the HIIT protocol, were performed for 12 weeks and 5 sessions per week. Serum samples were collected to measure serum levels of TNF-α and IL-10 by ELISA. In both HIIT and MICT groups, serum levels of TNF-α were significantly decreased and serum levels of IL-10 were significantly increased compared to OC group (P<0. 05). But there was no significant difference between the HIIT and MICT groups in serum levels of TNF-α and IL-10. It seems that both HIIT and MICT training protocols improve chronic inflammation by decreasing TNF-α and increasing IL-10.

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