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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The objective of this survey is measurement of WebQuest-based education on the learning and satisfaction with the course of Curriculum Design on the basis of Merrill’ s model. The research methodology is pseudo-experimental along with designing pretest, posttest and control groups. The statistical society of the survey is 107 university students who had passed the course of Curriculum Design for primary school in the year 2016-17. Sampling was simple random sampling including 60 students who were placed in the control group (30 individuals) and the test group (30 individuals). Conducting the survey was on the basis of Merrill’ s model. Research tools for measuring level of satisfaction were Karami’ s (2007) questionnaire on the basis of KIRK PATRICK’ s model and reliability was measured by Cronbach’ s alpha (Arab, 2014). In order to measure learning, researcher-made standardized test was used, validity of the items of the questionnaire was approved by experts, and the test reliability for the variable of satisfaction was achieved 0. 83 through Cronbach’ s alpha. For data analysis too, multivariable variance and covariance analysis tests were used. The findings about effects of WebQuest-based education and the traditional educational system on learning and satisfaction with curriculum design showed that learning curriculum design in the students of test group (WebQuest-based method) compared to students of control group (traditional method) significantly increased.

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In all countries, teaching is among highly important jobs and for this reason, motivations to become a teacher have received various research attention. To provide a systematic framework for studying teaching motivations based on expectancy-value theory, Watt and Richardson developed the FIT-Choice model and scale. In this study, after examining the reliability and construct validity of this scale, motivations and perceptions of 175 of freshmen at Shahid Beheshti Campus of Mashhad were studied. Results showed holiness of teaching which has not been taken into account in FIT-Choice model had the highest mean and it was followed by social utility values including making social contribution, shape future of children/adolescents, and intrinsic career value, ability, and prior teaching and learning experiences. Personal utility value of job security was also among the important motivations, but other personal utility values such as time for family were at lower levels. Moreover, although students viewed teaching a difficult, ill-paid job, which requires expertise, they were satisfied with their choice of teaching. Results also show that the motivations and perceptions of Iranian student teachers are similar to the motivations of student and novice teachers in other countries where FIT-Choice model has been used. Another finding was that students of science majors had lower motivations and perceptions compared to the students of humanities. The results indicate the necessity of maintaining and improving the motivations of student teachers and planning so that motivations of science and math high school students for becoming teachers are also improved.

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Since the quality of teaching and learning has now been recognized as one of the most important factors in student learning, attention to teacher training has been at the head of the reformist programs of most countries in the world. They seek to answer the question, "What is the best way to effectively prepare teachers? " This has led to extensive studies, and in many of them, the importance of the use of clinical training in the preparation Teachers' education is emphasized by the modeling of medical faculties and hospitals affiliated with them. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the factors influencing the implementation of this type of training in the preparation of student teachers in Iran. This study is a qualitative research based on the "Foundation Data" approach. In this section, using a snowball method, 60 experts, teachers, teachers and students were identified and interviewed. The information obtained from these interviews was written and analyzed using Strauss & Corbin's continuous comparison method. Eleven main themes emerged from findings that could affect the effective implementation of clinical education. These themes include: coordination and coherence of university and school, structuring for action, forming an interactive educational environment, collaborative operational planning, personnel professional development, student clinical experiences development, professional dialogue Performance-based assessment, feedback, improvement of learning chains and financial support. After extracting major categories and determining the core category in the selective coding stage, using the tracing of the main line of the story in the framework of a paradigm model, which includes the conditions, processes / interactions and consequences, than to provide a theory Grounds for action.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Higher education system of any country for training specialists and teacher training system for specialist teachers has always been particular importance. According to Establishing of Farhangian University and the lack of native quality indicators for teacher education system, this study attempted to identify quality indicators for this important university system. To identify these indicators were used documentary research and reference groups. After gathering and checking the references regarding quality of teacher education system (122 references), 36 references was selected as more appropriate references. This references was reviewed systematically by "Wach and Ward (2013)" method. After multi-stage analyzing of references and extraction of findings, relatively common cases combined and were classified in three main areas, dimensions and quality indicators. In the next step the finding were refined through Farhangian university faculty Suit local conditions of Iran. And finally six main areas (curriculum design, implementation and evaluation of curriculum, research and its dissemination, infrastructure and educational resources, support the advancement of learning, organization and management), twenty-five dimensions and seventy-five quality indicators were identified.

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Culturalization and socialization are the most important functions of educational institution. Because they are the most important mechanisms for identity formation. Also, identity formation is one of the main aims of education. In the other side teacher is one of the most important and effective component in the process of education. Teacher has the key role in the culturalization, socialization and identity formation of students. Therefore, the success of educational institution depends on cultural education, clearly, if we want to achieve these aims, so the teachers should be prepared properly. According to this introduction the main aim of this study is to inquiry and explain the role and position of culture and cultural education in teacher education. The questions are: 1) what are the most important aims in cultural education domain for organization of teacher education? 2) What are the most important prerequisites of these aims? 3) with which methods can we achieve these aims? The method of this study is reflective analysis. The results of this study show that the main aims in cultural education domain for teacher education include of 1) Respect and transfer the cultural heritage to the students who should be teachers in future. 2) The evaluation and criticism of culture and cultural heritage. 3) Cultural modification and reconstruction. The most prerequisites are the attitude change toward the teacher education and also, the definition of teacher education should be revised based on the priority of culture and cultural education. Totally, this paper suggests that fufther the Shulman, s categories of teacher knowledge, we should consider another category its name is a knowledge and perception of culture.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present study aims in perceiving teachers’ experiences of success and failure in continuing education and constructing a grounded theory based on the perceptions of the participants. This research was conducted with an interpretive and qualitative approach. Research field was the city of Sanandaj, and the participants were 38 teachers who had the experience of continuing education after employment in education. A semi-structured interview charter was used for data collection. Data analysis was conducted in the form of a three-step coding process. Analysis of interviews demonstrated that issues related to continuing education can be categorized into the following topics: overload (such as personal and family problems, physical and mental tiredness, education costs); simple expectations (lack of support from departments and schools; inconsistency with expectations of education departments, decreasing the quality of teaching, teachers’ underwork in the school, unwillingness to continue education); changing education pattern (tendency towards course-based rather than research-based education, non-attendance at classes, tendency towards universities with tuition fees, academic dropout and expulsion from university) And lack of professional development (failure to complete thesis, credentialism). The results of the present research suggest useful implications for educators in the field of education, including the fact that by adopting decisions such as the establishment of a university for teachers’ higher education or creation of virtual universities (which do not require physical presence in a particular place). By doing these procedures, many of the present obstacles in the process of professional development of teachers would be removed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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