Most of septicaemias begin with invasion of transcutaneous insersion tract by microorganisms from the patient skin flora. Disinfection of insertion site with chemical antiseptics such as ethanol, Betadine, Cetrimide - chlorhexidine gluconate is regarded as one the most Important measures for prevention of intravascular device related infection especially in NICU, ICU and immunocompromised patient. Phlebitis, local abscess, bacteremia, osteomy elitis, arthritis and endocarditis are the most common serious complication of improper use of antiseptics. To asses the efficacy of three cutaneous antiseptics, Ceuimide-c, 10% Betadine and 96% Ethyl alcohol, Phenol coefficient of them against S.aureus (PTCC 1113), E.coli (PTCC 1338) and K.pneumoniae (PTCC 1053) were determined by AOAC methods. Phenol coefficient of Cetrimide-C were 66,47,51 on S,aureus, E.coli and K.pneumoniae respectively. Phenol coefficients of 10% Betadine were 30,16 and 12 and Phenol Coefficients of Ethyl alcohol were 0.04, 0.03 and 0.03. There were a significant differences among Cetrimide-C, 10% Betadine and Ethyl alcohol (P=0.00).
Our finding suggests that Cetrimide-c and Betadine should be considered as a, first-line antiseptics against 3 bacterial strains. We also encourage other investigators to examine these common antiseptics in clinical trials studies.