This study is based on six stratigraphic sections of Tarbur formation which names Gondashtlu, Zarghan, Kherameh-1, Kherameh-3, Kherameh-4 and Sarvestan. Over 2500 meters of Tarbur Formation and 850 thin sections are studied. Index microfacies and foraminifers are identified. This study shows that Tarbur Formation is divided by two parts 1- Lower part (well bedded limestone, 2- Upper part (Massive limestone).Index Microfacies include: wackestone, packstone, grainstone and boundstone. Amount of extraclasts in lower part of Tarbur Formation are more than of upper part, and amount of bioclasts are more than of the other of microfacies elements. The index foraminifers which are identified include:Orbitoides media, O.apiculata, O.concavatus, O.tissoti. O.triangularis, Antalyna korayi, Laffitteina sp. Loftusia minor, Omphalocyclus macroporus, Siderolites calcitrapoides, Murciella cuvillieri, Dicyclina schlumbergeri. Coskinolina sp. Rotalia skourensis, Rotalia sp. Dictyconella complanata, D.sp., Sirtina sp., Dictyoconus sp., Vania anatolica, Lepidorbitoides minor, L.socialis, Minaxia sp., Tochospira sp., Subalveolina sp., Bolivinopsis sp., Broeckinella sp., Nezzazatinella sp., Goupillaudina shirazensis, G.sp.,Therefore stratigraphic limits are changed in different stratigraphic sections, but the age of Tarbur Formation is between Campanian to early Paleocene.