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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Oxidative stress is a condition in which the balance is disrupted between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant. Glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPX-1), as one of the antioxidant enzyme remove the ROS in a continuous process. One of the functional polymorphism of GPX1 gene is Pro198Leu polymorphism. The aim of this study was to study the association between GPX-1 Pro198Leu polymorphism with the risk of colorectal cancer.Materials & Methods: in this case-control study, 130 patients with colorectal cancer were compared with 170 healthy subjects. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes. Determination of DNA genotyping in GPX-1 Pro198Leu polymorphism were performed by the polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). The c2-test was used for statistical analyses.Results: The GPX1 genotype frequencies were 64% for CC, 24% for CT and 12% for TT in control group, and 60% for CC, 30% for CT and 12% for TT among the patients. The C allele frequency in cases and controls including 0.75 and 0.76 and T allele frequency was including 0.25 and 0.24. Based on these data, there was no significant differences in the GPX1 Pro198Leu genotypes and allele frequencies between cases and controls (P=0.2).Conclusion: The result of this study suggested that GPX-1 Pro198Leu polymorphism could not be a risk factor for colorectal cancer. However, studies in larger populations are needed in order to confirm the results.

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Background: Allergic asthma is a chronic pulmonary disease with increasing of response and airways Inflammation. Measurement of cytokine changes caused by this disease can be effective to find control track or treatment of allergic asthma. In this study, we have investigated changes in IL-4 and IFN-g in patients with allergic asthma.Materials & Methods: In this case-control study, 26 patients with allergic asthma and 26 healthy subject as control group were studied and they have been matched in terms of age and sex. After bloodletting, peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated and they were cultured and incubated at 37oC containing 5% CO2 for 72 hour. Supernatant collected and IFN-g and IL-4 levels were measured by utilizing ELISA method.Results: this study showed that IFN-g level significantly have decreased in cell culture supernatant of patients in comparison with control group. (p<0.05). However IL-4 level and IL-4/IFN-g ratio increased significantly in cell culture supernatant of patients in comparison with control group (p<0.05).Conclusion: According to results of this study, it seems that changing in IFN-g and IL-4 levels have an important role in immune response against allergic asthma. Assessing IFN-g and IL-4 levels can be useful in study of immune response and clinical demonstration of allergic asthma, and it probably will be raised their balance control as a new perspective in the treatment of this disease.

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Background: during recent years, the incidence and spread of drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium causing tuberculosis, has set this disease in World Health Organization priorities alignment of diseases like AIDS and hepatitis. Study of close examination of resistant and susceptible clinical strains genotypes is necessary to overcome drug resistance. Among the numerous repair systems, only there are limited number of encoding genes of DNA repair enzymes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Commonly these genes have been conserved and any changes among them likely increase the mutation occurance due to the impossibility of correction of spontaneous mutations insensitive strains of this bacteria. mut genes encode DNA repairable enzymes. This study investigated the mutations in these genes and the effect of these mutations on tuberculosis drug resistance.Materials& Methods: In this study, of 29 available specimens, we were selected 8 susceptible strains and 21 resistant strains and after ordering appropriate primers and performing the proliferation reaction two types of amp icons produced which including fragments of genes mut T2 and mut T4 and they were sent in order to sequencing.Results: The results of chain reaction primer represents an appropriate choice of primers which were investigated.Sequencing results showed that overall 73% of resistant strains that had been selected for study of mut T4 gene, have no mutations in codons 48of mutT4 gene, and 70% of resistant strains have no GGA>>>CGA mutation at codon 58 of mut T2 gene.Conclusion: One of the strategies to overcome tuberculosis drug resistance is a close examination of genotypes of resistant and susceptible clinical strains. Results of this study was performed by examining changes in mut T2 and mutT4 gene sequence. The mutation in mut T2 always associated with mutation in mut T4, in this way, the first mutation may occurs inmut T4 and after that, the second mutation may occurs in mut T2. Importance of this is determined by study of encoded proteins by these two genes and position of mut t4than mut T2 in the MUT HLS spatial structure of protein complex. Results of comparison of drug resistance and occurrence of mutations in hotspots of mut T2 and mut T4 genes illustrated that these genes are conserved in resistant strains. However, there is no significant relation in susceptible strains.

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View 1279

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Background: PAHs was producted from incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and due to nature of publishing, it was categorized as the soil and beaches pollutant. These compounds are considered in pollutants which have priority, carcinogenic and certain mutagenic. The main difficulty of clearing contaminated areas to PAHs is the nature of highly water repellent of these pollutants and a strong attraction to the soil texture. The main objective of this current study was to determine the efficiency of phenanthrene removal from contaminated soil and beaches by using bio surfactant produced by a bacterium isolated from Persian Gulf.Materials & Methods: with primary screening, a Bacillus sp strain with surfactin production capability was isolated and purified in laboratory. A mixed bacterial consortium isolated which was consists of three bacterial species with of capable of metabolism of phenanthrene from Khark contaminated beaches and was used as a microbial seed. The synthetic soil samples with initial phenanthrene concentration of 100 mg/kg and also natural contaminated samples were subjected to bioremediation during 9 weeks.Results: The phenanthrene removal efficiency in the samples containing biosurfactants and with artificial and natural pollution were 82% and 39% respectively. The removal efficiency for samples without biosurfactant was 11%.Conclusion: The bioremediation process is considered an efficient, eco-friendly and operational for remediation of beache and soil polluted by petroleum hydrocarbons by using bacterial biosurfactant.

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Background: Environmental factors and hormonal disorders during prenatal life can impair the evolution and differentiation of fetus’s reproductive system. The aim of this study was to the examination of sperm quality and testis tissue in adult rats that had exposed to exogenous testosterone during their prenatal life.Materials & Methods: Pregnant rats divided into two experimental and control groups. In experimental group, pregnant rats daily were subcutaneously injected with 3 mg exogenous testosterone during gestational days 16-19, and controls received solvent. The reproductive system was examined in male offspring of these animals after puberty. Data analysis was performed by using the SPSS software (version 15). Distributions between groups are compared by using the Mann-Whitney test.Results: In the offspring of experimental group, motility and the number of sperm were significantly decreased (P<0.05). No morphological abnormality was observed in sperm in two groups. The numbers of sertoli cells, ratios of spermatocyte and round spermatid cells were significantly decreased in the offspring of experimental group (P<0.05). No significant difference was observed in seminiferous tubules diameter between the two groups. Serum testosterone levels were significantly decreased in offspring from experimental group (P<0.05).Conclusion: The present study showed that prenatal exposure to testosterone leads to decrease of sperm quality and changes in testis tissue in male rats, after puberty.

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Background: Obesity and hypertension are the most important non-communicable diseases that in many studies, the prevalence and their risk factors have been performed in each geographic region univariately. Study of factors affecting both obesity and hypertension may have an important role which to be addressed in this study.Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 1000 men aged 20-70 living in Bushehr province. Blood pressure was measured three times and the average of them was considered as one of the response variables. Hypertension was defined as systolic blood pressure³140 (and-or) diastolic blood pressure³90 and obesity was defined as body mass index ³25. Data was analyzed by using multilevel, multivariate logistic regression model by MlwiN software.Results: Intra class correlations in cluster level obtained 33% for high blood pressure and 37% for obesity, so two level model was fitted to data. The prevalence of obesity and hypertension obtained 43.6% (0.95%CI; 40.6-46.5), 29.4% (0.95%CI; 26.6-32.1) respectively. Age, gender, smoking, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity were the factors affecting blood pressure (p£0.05). Age, gender, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity and place of residence are effective on obesity (p£0.05).Conclusion: The multilevel models with considering levels distribution provide more precise estimates.As regards obesity and hypertension are the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease, by knowing the high-risk groups we can d careful planning to prevention of non-communicable diseases and promotion of society health.

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Background: Evidence Based Medicine is the ability of physicians to use and integrate the best clinical evidence based in accordance with patient's condition, that this evidence have obtained from reliable clinical trials and without bias. In recent years To improve the clinical care quality provided to patients, physicians clinical experience have been combined with research evidence of similar clinical case. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of short-term implementation of evidence-based medical education on knowledge and ability to apply it among clinical students of Bushehr University of Medical Sciences.Materials & Methods: this study was a pre and post control quasi-experimental study which was performed on two groups of clinical medicine (senior students studying in the academic year 2012-13) in Bushehr University of Medical Sciences. The students were selected by census method. At the beginning of course, in the intervention group, after providing a description of the operational objectives, students trained four sessions for four hours and carried out by professor’s guidance 5 standard step implementation of evidence based medicine included question, search, critical evaluation of evidence, implementation and evaluation respectively. The knowledge and ability of students were evaluated by using valid and reliable questionnaire, pre-test and post-test (the intervention group within three months of training) about the use of evidence-based medicine in intervention group (26 students) and control group (23 students).Results: The results showed that increasing the students' familiarity with the terminology and sources used in evidence-based medicine (p=0.000). Also this study showed the increasing of students’ knowledge level from evidence-based medicine implementation process and also the ability of them in implementation and application of evidence-based medicine after intervention (p=0.000 & p=0.000, respectively) Conclusion: It seems that there are the need for training of medical students in clinical courses about epidemiology of concepts and terms used in discussing evidence-based medicine toward epidemiological concepts and terms which used in the discussion of evidence-based medicine in order to enhance their ability in critical analysis of studied articles with the aim of increasing the ability of them in making appropriate and correct clinical decisions especially in the form of workshops and practical training.

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Background: The purpose of this research was to study the The effectiveness of group therapy based on quality of life on marital adjustment, marital satisfaction and mood regulation of Bushehr Male abusers.Materials and Methods: In this study which was a quasi-experimental pre-test, post-test with control group, the sample group was selected by clustering sampling method from the men who referred to Bushehr addiction treatment clinics that among them a total of 30 patients randomly divided into two experimental and control groups of 15 individuals. The instrument included short version of the Marital Adjustment Questionnaire, Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire and Garnefski Emotional Regulation Scale that was completed by the participants in the pre-test and post-test stages. The experimental group was treated based on group life quality in eight sessions but the control group did not receive any treatment.Multi-variate covariance analysis is used for statistical analysis of data.Results: The results revealed that after intervention there was a significant difference between two groups in terms of marital adjustment, marital satisfaction and emotional regulation variables (P<0.001).The rate of marital adjustment, marital satisfaction and emotional regulation in experimental group compare with control group and it was significantly higher in post-test.Conclusion: treatment based on quality of life which have formed from combination of positive psychology and cognitive-behavioral approach can increase marital adjustment, marital satisfaction and mood regulation of abusers.

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Background: kidney scan is a diagnostic procedure in nuclear medicine center to diagnose kidney diseases. With all the benefits of nuclear medicine images, undoubtedly work with radioactive materials would create many problems.For this reason, the measurement of absorbed dose of each method is useful for assessing risk and profit.The purpose of this study was to calculate absorbed dose of kidneys, liver, spleen, and bladder organs in kidney scintigraphy.Materials & Methods: In this study, each of the patients were injected with 10 mCi of 99mTc-EC. Imaging of patients obtained at 2, 30, 60, 180 minutes after injection by using gamma camera. In each of the time by drawing the ROI on any of the organs and then the activity was obtained by using the conjugate view method. Finally, absorbed dose was calculated by using the MIRD method.Results: Absorbed doses per administered activity for liver, kidneys, spleen, and bladder obtained 13±0.66, 2.1±0.24, 2.2±0.38, 335.43±3.3 mrad/mCi respectively.Conclusion: in this study, Bladder and liver received highest and lowest absorbed doses respectively.Also, the results of this study, showed good agreement with ICRP no.106 report.

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Background: Pregnancy is one of the critical periods in a woman’s life. Pregnancy is a suitable time for nutrition education. Pregnant women pay special attention to various aspects of their health, their fetuses ‘health and they are accurate about the amount and type of food who consume. So, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of educational program based on BASNEF model on pregnant women’s performance reffered to Meraj health centers in 2013 in Bushehr.Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted in two groups including control and experimental group. Before the intervention in both groups, food frequency questionnaires completed, then educational intervention for experimental group was done in four sessions (three sessions for pregnant women and one session for their husbands) and educational pamphlets were given to them about suitable nutrition during pregnancy. Data were analyzed by using SPSS18 software.Results: Results showed that 55% of women had an education level until diploma, most of them were housewives (65%) or their income (47.5%) was more than one million Tomans. The results showed that between nutrition performance of experimental group in food groups of bread and cereals (F=27.11 and p=0.0001), meat and protein group (F=7.647 and p=0.009), fruit group (F=20.9 and p=0.0001), vegetables (F=6.236 and p=0.018) and dairy products (F=3.66 and p=0.048), had a significant difference with control groups.Conclusion: Designing and implementation of BASNEF model can be effective in pregnancy nutrition.This model can be effective with proper and coordinated structure in improving the pregnant women nutrition. Designing intervention and educational programs is inexpensive, functional and applicable by using this model and provide an organizational framework to individuals as well.

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Background: Phenomenon of addiction as one of the social problem have the high prevalence, especially among youth. Study and scientific cognition of mental and psychological components of addicts is very important in order to help them to compatibility and reduce their psychological problem. Therefore, the aim of present study was to comparison of mindfulness components on stimulant and opiate addicts.Materials & Methods: In this study 60 addicts (30 opiate addicts and 30 stimulants addicts) were studied by using Five Factor Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ). Data were analyzed by using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).Results: findings showed that there was a significant difference between opiate and stimulant addicts in mindfulness components.Conclusion: results illustrated that the opiate addicts gained higher scores than stimulant addicts in mindfulness components. The results also emphasized that mindfulness components are as determinant variable in opiate and stimulant addicts pathology.

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Background: Dinoflagellates are the major causative agents of harmful algal blooms. In different studies, it has been shown that many dinoflagellate species produce various natural toxins. Saxitoxin, brevetoxin, yessotoxin, etc can be considered as the most important neurotoxins. The most important dinoflagellate toxins structures, their origin, structure and mechanisms of action were evaluated in a systematic review.Materials & Methods: Marine dinoflagellates, marine toxins, and their mechanisms of action and structure were keywords for a comprehensive search in online databases including Pubmed, Science Direct, Google Scholar and Scirus. A total of 95 papers were evaluated, however, by omitting similar reports, 68 papers were included in the study.Results: Dinoflagellates toxins are usually polycyclic ether and polyketaide compounds that have distinct mechanisms of action including alteration in different ion channels and/or pumps at cell membrane, effect on the normal functioning of neuronal and other excitable tissues, inhibition of serine/threonine phosphoprotein phosphatases, disrupting major mechanisms of controlling cellular functions, and alteration in cellular cytoskeleton. However, the precise mechanisms of action of few toxins are not determined yet.Conclusion: The clarification of the dinoflagellate toxins structures and their mechanisms of action may be helpful for novel drug design, therapeutic measures and to overcome against marine toxicity.

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Background: Bacterial toxins are toxic compounds which are produced in order to present microbial pathogenicity or to combat with the host immune system response. There is a cumulating evidence indicating bacterial origin for marine toxins such as tetrodotoxin, palytoxin, neosurugatoxin, etc. The most important marine toxins produced by different marine bacteria, their origin, structure and mechanisms of action were evaluated in a systematic review.Materials & Methods: Marine bacteria, marine bacterial toxins, and their mechanisms of action and structure were keywords for a comprehensive search in online databases including Pubmed, Science Direct, Google Scholar and Scirus. A total of 120 papers were evaluated, however, by omitting similar reports, 103 papers were included in the study.Results: The most of marine bacterial toxins are classified in one of the following groups: neurotoxins, hepatotoxins and cytotoxins. These toxins have distinct mechanisms of action including blocking of sodium channels in nerve cells, functioning as agonists of acetylcholine receptors, inhibiting of membrane pumps, the inhibition of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A types' enzyme activities and inhibiting of protein synthesis.Conclusion: The clarification of the marine bacterial toxins structures and their mechanisms of action may be helpful for novel drug design, therapeutic measures and to overcome against bacterial pathogenicity.

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