Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well - being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes.Improvement of the women's health status not only good health services, but also their cooperation. Information about the importance and details of health care are necessary to ensure the best individual cooperation. Thus education is one of the most important factors of reproductive health.In order to plan an appropriate and effective educational program, assessment of information's, insights and behaviors of the target group are needed. In this project that was implemented through focus group discussion (FGD), insights of female medical students about reproductive health have been evaluated.Twelve group (6 students in each group) of female medical students were selected for interviewing. A questionnaire was designed about reproductive health, and its questions were discussed by the students in group settings.We concluded that although the students' insight about reducing uncontrolled population was acceptable but their information's about family planning, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/ADIS were not significant.Most of the students believed that today reproductive health education is neither enough nor appropriate, so they could not be good messengers of reproductive and demographic bases are more attend in these educational university programs and unfortunately operational aspects of reproductive health, family planning, sexually transmitted diseases and their ways of transmission and prophylactic methods are less considered.It seems that taking into consideration the difficult medical and paramedical lessons and the high expectation of parents - young people are only expected to spend their time studying- and amount of time spent by young people on studying, in comparison to their free time they do not have enough time to participate in social gatherings. Therefore young people have less social skills and there is an urgent need to review the training curricula and the time period of studying, so that the students of this country acquire life skills during their training period.In view of the fact that marriage is delayed and because of our cultural background, today we need some pains of action for answering to young peoples; needs. Also for planning the best such actions, there is a need for discussions and recommendation of specialists and experts, in addition to finding strategies to facilitating marriage by the Government.