Let (R, m, k) be a local Gorenstein ring of dimension n. Let Hi I, J (R) be the local cohomology with respect to a pair of ideals I, J and c be the inf{i|Hi I, J (R) ¹ 0}. A pair of ideals I, J is called cohomologically complete intersection if Hi I, J (R) = 0 for all i ¹c. It is shown that, when Hi I, J (R)=0 for all i¹c, (i) a minimal injective resolution of Hc I, J (R) presents like that of a Gorenstein ring; (ii) Hom R (Hc I, J (R), Hc I,J (R)) ~R, where (R, m) is a complete ring. Also we get an estimate of the dimension of Hi I, J (R).