Let G be a finite group and pe (G) be the set of orders of all elements in G. The set pe (G) determines the prime graph (or GrunbergKegel graph) G (G) whose vertex set is pe (G). The set of primes dividing the order of G, and two vertices p and q are adjacent if and only if pq Î pe (G). The degree deg (p) of a vertex p Îp (G), is the number of edges incident on p. Let p (G) = {p1, p2,…, pk} with p1 < p2 <…< pk. We define D(G) := (deg (p1), deg (p2), …, deg (pk)), which is called the degree pattern of G. The group G is called k-fold OD-characterizable if there exist exactly k non-isomorphic groups M satisfying conditions |G| = |M| and D(G) = D(M). Usually a 1-fold OD-characterizable group is simply called OD-characterizable. In this paper, we classify all finite groups with the same order and degree pattern as an almost simple groups related to D4 (4).