Diabetes and obesity are the most wide spread metabolic disorders. It has been known since several decades that Diabetes frequently occurs in persons who are obese and those with a sedentary life style. Recently, several prospective studies have shown that obesity and low physical activity are risk factors for Diabetes (type II). In short period, sensivity to insulin and insulin secretion can improve by reduction of weight and exercise. About 85% of patients with Diabetic type II are obese. It has been shown & suggested that changing the dietary habits and body activity. Swedish and Chinese people have lead to decrease in weight & it could. Could lead to delayed onset of diabetes. Obesity is one of the oldest and common metabolic disturbances which are recognized by BMI 30 and more than 30. It now affects 15% of the population in the world. The epidemy of obesity as a result of extension of immobile life and easy availability for food is increasing. An estimated 97 million United States adults are overweight. Of those, 22 percent are classified as obese. The etiology of obesity includes both genetic and environmental factors. Totally, obesity is the result of a positive energy balance; input exceeds output. Obesity is a risk factor for several chronic diseases, including hypertension, dyslipidaemia, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, pulmonary disease, gallbladder and some cancers (breast, uterus, prostate, colon). Obesity is a chronic disease. But often, people, doctors and endocrinologists don't take it as a disease unfortunately. However, it is one of the basic factors for a lot of diseases. Despite of the fact that there are medical treatments and surgery, the epidemey of obesity has increased since 1950. And the effects of treatment haven't been very satisfactory. About 2/3 of people (who lose weight) will be fat within one year. Decrease in morbidity must be the result of obesity treatment. The obese patients have to change their life style and exercise more and get less calories. Some need drugs for weight loss. There are some drugs to treat the obesity like: noradrenergics (phentermin, mazindol, phenylpropnolamin) seronergics (fenfluramine, dexfenfluoramine, fluoxetine) and noradrenergic & serotonergic (sibotramin), beta-3-adernergic and orlistat. If they don't become well after the above ways of treatment (exercise, diet and drug) and their BMI is more than 40 , surgery should be the lest option.