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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Rural reforms have been an important part of the post-revolutionary government policy. The government implemented various rural development programs to develop rural areas – mostly with an ideologically populist and egalitarian-oriented character. Development policies in general and rural reforms in particular are considered as a major process towards weakening the rigidity of rural social structure and producing number of positions and openness circumstances. This paper intends to explore the impact of the post-revolutionary rural programs on the occupational mobility of rural people through using ex-post-facto comparative method in the selected villages. It concludes that the mobility tended to be higher in the villages that received the most rural programs than those which received fewer or no programs. There was a higher inclination to self-recruitment in intra-generational mobility compared with intra-generational mobility. Most of the observed mobility, both upward and downward, was short range and oriented towards the adjacent category.

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Changing people social status, particularly upwardly, is often considered an indication of a government success in reaching a fair society, particularly in traditionally rigid structures. This is mainly possible through implementing development plan (s) which is theoretically assumed to result in wiping out traditional rigid structures. In the post-revolutionary Iran, the government took upon itself the responsibility of conscious planning of rural transformation to create just structures. For this purpose, since onset the government took a major step to put into practice various rural programs to develop rural areas – mostly with an ideologically populist approach. This paper aims to probe the fact that to some extent could the government rural programs abate the traditional rural structure and generate a state of openness for villagers to change their social status? To do this task, it focuses on the occupational status of villagers, as an indication their positional change, through using survey method in the selected villages. The findings showed that the mobility tended to be higher in the villages that received the most rural programs than those which received fewer or no programs. Nevertheless, a higher tendency was observed towards self-recruitment in intra-generational mobility compared with intra-generational mobility. The examination of the nature of status change indicated that, firstly most of the observed mobility, both upward and downward, was short range and oriented towards the adjacent category, meaning not deep-seated change; secondly, status change in the villages was uneven, meaning that the government rural policies have not identically benefited both villages and villagers.

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New millennium began when half of world population is living in the cities. Predictions represent that the proportion of citizenship will reach to 65 percent by 2050. One the phenomena affected by living in the cities is citizenship. Citizenship phenomenon is one of the phenomena that in in the era of social political evolution in the world have received much attention. Presentation of theories and dialogues by sociologists, political philosophers and lawyers in the field of citizenship rights show the need of today’s modern world for mechanism of dealing with citizenship rights at societies. The present research tries to study the effective social factors on the rate of awareness of citizenship rights on the citizens of Illam city. Research method in the present research is field method by using the technique of surveying and tool of collecting data is questionnaire. Statistical population is all citizens of Illam city who are over 18 years old and sampling volume is 320 that it has been obtained by using sampling method in different stages. Research results show that the rate of citizens’ awareness of their citizenship rights is different in different aspects. Furthermore, there is significant relation among variables of using of domestic mass media, the amount of using foreign media and genders of the respondents with their rate of awareness of citizenship rights. However, there isn’t significant difference in variables such as respondents’ age and education with their rate of awareness of citizenship rights.

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Illicit drug abuse continues to be a growing problem worldwide and a serious hazard to humanity. The crimes associated with drug abuse include sale or possession of drugs; property crimes or prostitution to support drug habits; and violent crimes reflecting out-of-control behavior. In fact, an offender drug use is involved in more than half of all violent crimes and in 60 to 80 percent of child abuse and neglect cases. Iran is one of the most polluted countries to drug and has one of the highest rates of addiction to substances. The main question in this paper was how much of occurred crimes are related to addiction and which crimes are related to addiction more than others? To answer these questions, we studied the criminal events of accidents page in the Iran newspaper. We analyzed 1420 criminal events in 284 numbers of the Iran newspaper from 2008-1-1 to 2009-1-1.The findings of the research showed that the most important crimes were murder (45.8%), robbery (25.4%), defraud (14.8%) and drug trafficking (12%).26 percent of economic crimes were related to addiction and drug trafficking. The men had committed more than 70 percent of the crimes and the most of crimes had occurred in Tehran and the towns of around of Tehran. The most of murders had occurred in home and the most of crimes had designed already. The young, unemployed and married offenders had the highest frequency among others. The highest rate of crimes had occurred in December, October and November. The rate of offenders with the origin of rural is low and the most of murders and abducts had occurred before the noon and the most of robberies in the night.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present article has been prepared based on two field research studies undertaken to identify the vulnerable strata in rural areas of Iran’s Garmsar and Dasht-e Azadegan regions2. As will be demonstrated below, the findings of the two studies show that the development policies implemented during recent decades--policies emphasizing strategies of structural adjustment, liberalization, and privatization, especially in the agriculture sector--have not been effective in terms of preventing the creation and development of vulnerable strata in the rural community. However, prior to the studies that I and a team of researchers undertook beginning in the late 1990s, no research had studied systematically the impact of policies on low-income rural groups nor identified which groups constituted the vulnerable strata. In view of the government’s objective to support such groups, it is imperative first to identify them through sound scientific methods. This article, thus, represents an initial attempt to do just that.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Food insecurity, as a multi-faceted problem with far-reaching health and societal consequences, is prevalent among disadvantaged households. Household food insecurity has made the notion operationally useful in the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs and policies. This study was to investigate the socio-demographic associates contributing to severity of food insecurity among vulnerable households under the coverage of a widespread relief program in Iran. The adapted Radimer / Cornell questionnaire was used to assess severity of food insecurity. The effect of the socio-demographic variables on the severity of the problem was evaluated using Polynomial Logistic Regression. This study was carried out among a sample of eligible households (n=300) under the coverage of the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation in a district of Tehran. The findings indicate that 98.6 percent of the sample had experienced food insecurity, while 67 percent were severely food insecure. Food insecurity at the household level was more severe than child level. Having a sick person in the families was the most significant contributor to the severity of the food insecurity. Gender of the household head, health status, education, employment status, and the household size were among other important independent variables. Briefly, even though the intensity of food insecurity varies among the family members, high rate of that among the mothers and children reemphasizes the higher priority that should be given to these groups. Plus, financial burden imposed by having a chronically sick person in the families, which are economically unstable, further exacerbates food insecurity.

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This paper is based on a research carried out for evaluation of addict rehabilitation centers in Iran. The research has been conducted by application of survey method, questionnaire technique and interview with help seekers (addicts) in Qarchak Varamin Rehabilitation and De-addicion Center in south- eastern of Tehran. This study has been carried out in two stages of pre-treatment and rehabilitation and comparison of addicts between these two stages aimed at resting of six hypotheses in a meaningful relationship with the scale of depression, anxiety, aggressiveness, social alienation, political alienation and tendency towards collective work during above mentioned stages among addicts. Results of the study show that despite considerable efforts by the officials of the Rehabilitation Center to achieve the objectives of the Center in detoxification of addicts, the applied methods during pre-treatment stage have not been very effective in preparing the necessary ground for acceptance of program in the next stage (rehabilitation). Meanwhile, lack of continuous contact between the help seekers and the center during the second stage (rehabilitation) and after discharging, has reduced the extent of relative success during the rehabilitation period.

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The paper has been performed to review library administrators' strategic planning role to improve the library staff of medical sciences university of Iran. The study is survey-descriptive. The statistical population consists of 50 library administrators working in Iran medical sciences university, but 44 subjects responded to the questionnaire used to gather data. The reliability (91.7%) was calculated with Cronbach’s alpha formula. To analyze the data, analytical-descriptive statistics was applied. Descriptive statistics indices such as frequency, percentage, and mean, Chart … are considered to analyze the data. On the other hand, to respond the questions, Analytical statistics (Spearman non – parametric test) would be employed. The research data indicate that there is a significant relationship between strategic planning and job satisfaction, organizational commitment, working conscience, working motivation, productivity. The highest and lowest relationship is between strategic planning and working motivation (P=0.000) and communicative skills (P=0.709) respectively. The data indicate that there is a significant relationship between administrators' strategic planning and main components of the questionnaire. The whole subject matter particularly working motivation among the staff need to be considered by library administrators and authorities at each point, thus, the staff will benefit from optimal job satisfaction, organizational commitment, working conscience, job motivation, and human force productivity within their own tasks.

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