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Introduction: Succinylcholine is a depolarizing muscle relaxant, which has been used extensively in anesthesia to produce muscle relaxation. The present study was done with the aim of comparing Fasciculation and postoperative myalgia after injection of two different doses of Succinylcholine (1.5 mg/kg and 3 mg/kg). Materials and Methods: In this study which has been conducted in the form of Randomized double blind study in Tehran Shariati Hospital in the year 2000, 50 male patients in two groups (25 in each) with ASA I&II, age between 18 to 65, were candidate for an elective surgical repair of inguinal hernia received a standard anesthetic technique, including one of the two doses of Succinylcholine. Results: After collecting data it has been considered that the average difference of two respective groups is meaningful in terms of fasciculation (P<0.05), but not in terms of myalgia (P>0.05). Conclusion: we came to the conclusion that, firstly, the percentage of myalgia after the injection of succinylcholine is totally low and with the increase of the dose of medication from 1.5 mg/kg to 3 mg/kg the very percentage does not change considerably. Secondly, regarding fasciculation the increase of the dose of medication from 1.5 mg/kg to 3 mg/kg causes the decrease of the average limit of fasciculation. This decrease is very obvious in server fasciculation. As a matter of fact no relationship was found between decrease in fasciculation and change in myalgia.

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Introduction: The objective of the present study is to compare the respiratory function and pain relief of two parenteral analgesics tramadol and morphine under clinical conditions. Materials and Methods: The trial was conducted as an open label-randomized, single center study. The study was performed during 3 months in 1999. In total, 64 patients were enrolled in Shariatie University Hospital, while the other 32 patients were treated with morphine. Results: There were 12 male and 20 female in either groups. The mean age was 48±15 in tramadol versus 43±16 morphine group. Concerning the amount of the medication given to the patients. It would be observed that tramadol patients received 194±72 mg and morphine patients 17±7 mg out of drugs. At study admission vital signs were recorded. The pulse rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate are presented revealing no obvious differences between the treatment groups. There was a broad range regarding the underlying type of operation, however, a laparatomy or a cholecystectomy was performed in 24 (75.0%) Vs. 26 (81.3%) patients, respectively. All 64 patients were receiving anaesthetics as stipulated in the protocol. Of them being diazepam, sufentanil, succinylcholine chloride and thiopental as the most frequent reported, 4 Vs. 3 patient were given additional fentanylin a mean dosage of 220 mg Vs. 83 mcg. The oxygen saturation was the main safety parameter of the present study. No obvious differences between the two treatment groups can be detected (P<0.472). Primary efficacy end point was the pain assessment. The pain intensity at each scheduled time point was recorded. At study inclusion no differences between the treatment groups uncured, but during the 24 hour observation period the tramadol patients were in advantage (P<0.001). Conclusion: This study shows that long-term efficacy of tramadol is better than morphine.

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Introduction: Clinical manifestations of primary hyper-para-thyroidism (pHPT) had been dramatically changed during last 25 years. Evaluation of changes in clinical findings was the aim of this study. Materials and methods: In a retrospective, descriptive case series, patients" records of all 47 pHPT (44 females, 3 males) from 1988 till 1998 were studied. Patients’ clinical presentations, signs and symptoms, laboratory and radiologic findings were reviewed and the results were compared with 34 patients" studied during 1978-1987. Serum Ca>10.5 mg/dl with increased or high normal PTH were the diagnostic criteria of pHPT. Results: Patients’ age range was 11-70 and mean ±SD was 38±16 years, with a female to male ratio of 14:1. 57 percent of the patients had bone pain and muscle weakness, 12 percent were asymptomatic, 10 percent had pathologic fractures, 8 percent had renal stones, 8 percent had symptoms of hypercalcemia, and 2 percent had giant cell lesion. The mean±SD of serum calcium was 11.48±1.16 mg/dl, phosphorus was 2.4±0.6 mg/dl and 24-h urinary Ca was 294±197 mg. Serum PTH was increased from 1.5 to 500 folds. The frequency of single adenoma in right inferior, left inferior, and left superior gland were 43 percent, 30 percent, and 13 percent respectively. Conclusion: In the study 12 percent of patients were asymptomatic whereas there was no asymptomatic case in the previous study. Prevalence of severe bone disease and the interval between onset of symptoms and diagnosis was also reduced. According to this study detection of pHPT in asymptomatic phase remarkably increased.

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Introduction: Laser beam due to finest of incision and reduction of postoperative complication, facilitates airway surgery, but at the same time it increases the danger or firing and the airway management and protection becomes difficult during anesthesia. In this study, two general anesthesia methods; (Intermittent Apneic Technique And Continuous Controlled Ventilation With Enveloped Endotracheal Tube) have been compared with each other mater. Materials and methods: two groups, each consist of 25 patients 10 to 60 years old, and ASA I-II class and below 100kg weight who have been candidate for laser therapy, were given two mentioned methods of anesthesia. All patients were suffering from subglotic stenosis, vocal cord nodules, papillomatosis and oropharyngeal obstruction. Induction and maintenance of anesthesia, and monitoring during surgery (EGG, PETCO2, SaPo2, BP, PR) in both groups were the same. Results: Homodynamic stability in the both groups were the same and there was no hypoxia and dysrhythmia. In apneic technique group, most of the surgeries needed 2-3 time of apnea, and each apnea duration was 2-4 minutes, without any hypercaphic (Peteco 2>47 mmHg) and hypoxic (Spo2<90 percent) state and duration of laser surgery was about 9-10 minutes. More satisfaction was gained with apneic technique because of having a better surgery filed. All the patients had no recall at the end of anesthesia and patietn"s expenses were much lower with no danger of firing. Conclusion: It has been concluded that intermittent apneic technique in upper airway laser therapy is a better technique of anesthesia.

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Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) and its complications are the most prevalent etiology of mortality all over the world and diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of its risk factors. In this study prevalence of MI and unstable angina have been compared with different kinds of retinopathy and their severity. Materials and methods: This study is a descriptive, cross sectional one that performed on 100 patients admitted in Imam, Farabi and Amir Alam Hospitals. Results: Most important findings are as below: 1) Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) are more prevalent than proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), 41 Vs 17 cases, and 24 person were normal in MI population. And 12 persons had NPDR and 2 PDR and 5 normal in unstable angina. 2) Different diabetic retinopathy lesion were: 23 Venous dilation, 22 aneurysme, 18 hemorrhagic, 11 neovascularization, 10 macula edema, 6 retroretinal detachment, 2 gliosis. 3) on the point of presence or absence of diabetic retinopathy (DR), 72 percent had some kind of DR and 28 percent had nothing. Finally, in MI population 58 patients (70 percent) had DR and 24 patients (30 percent) didn"t have any. In unstable angina 14 patients (77 percent) had diabetic retinopathy and 4 didn"t have (23 percent). Conclusion: Regarding the lack of facilities and shortcoming of necessary data, it was not possible to conduct a prospective investigation in this item, so the design and implementation of a prospective study based on enough cases and controls is strongly recommended.

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Introduction: Thyroid diseases are one of the most common endocrine diseases. Incidence of thyroid diseases in women is ten times more than men. Menstrual irregularities and fertility is occasionally the first sign of thyroid diseases. Materials and methods: In a prospective study, 325 thyroid patients were evaluated in Emam hospital. Incidence and type of menstrual irregularities were evaluated in these patients. Results: 55.8 percent of hypothyroid patients had normal pattern ob bleeding. 44.2 hyper thyroid patients had menstrual irregularities which were in the form of oligomenorrhea and 41.7 percents of hypo-thyroid patients were irregular in the form of polymenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and menorrhagia. Conclusion: In these patients, menstrual irregularities cured by treatment of thyroid diseases and reduced surgical interventions.

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Introduction: Necrotizing soft tissue infections are one of the most dreaded infections in human and result in a very high rate of mortality. The treatment of these infections must be very aggressive and consists of radical debridement of all necrotic tissue accompanied by appropriate antibiotics. Materials and methods: This study was undertaken to assess the mortality rate, the time from diagnosis to cure, and some of the parameters which may affect mortality in our patients. In this descriptive, retrospective study first files from patients attended by necrotizing soft tissue infections including Fournier"s gangrene or disease, gas gangrene, hemolytic streptococcal infections, myonecrosis, necrotizing fascitis and related subjects in Sina and Amir-Alam hospitals from 1989 to 1999 were studied. Data were extracted and analyzed by SPSS. Results: The total number of cases was 36. The median age was 47.69 years. Seven of the patients were female. The median time from onset to cure was 10 days. The most common site affected was the perineum and the most common etiology was perianal abscess. Diabetes mellitus was the underlying disease mostly observed. Half of the patients had received inappropriate treatments. In this group mortality was higher. Conclusion: It is crucial that general practitioners be acquainted with the diagnosis of necrotizing soft tissue infections so that patients are referred immediately to surgical centers. In our referral center the mortality was acceptable but it can be lowered further. The sex, sites of infection, underlying disease and etiologies in our patients were similar to patient in other countries except for alcoholism. It appears that data in foreign texts can be attributed to Iranian patients.

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Introduction: Occupational exposure to carbon, silica, and quartz, particles are known predisposing factors for bronchial anthracosis. In some cases bronchoscopy may reveal anthracosis infection to be associated with mycobacterium tuberculosis. Materials and Methods: In a prospective study, from 1999 and 2001, 919 patients underwent diagnostic bronchoscopy for pulmonary diseases. Results: of these, 96 patients had some evidence of anthracosis infection. Twenty-six (27%) of these patients had positive smears or cultures for mycobacterium tuberculosis and only eight (8.3%) patients with positive history of occupational exposure. In the other 70 patients 29 had previous occupational exposure, and 41 stated no previous exposure. Conclusion: Our findings show a significant association of tuberculosis with anthracosis however further studies are needed to document an etiologic relationship.

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Introduction: Inter-hospital transport constitutes one of the important parts of the emergency system in every country. Materials and methods: To determine the outcome of requested CCU beds from the medical emergency headquarters in year 2000 by the hospitals affiliated to Tehran university of medical sciences, we have reviewed retrospectively 2688 clinical files of patients for whom a request for an empty CCU bed in other hospitals had been sent to the medical emergency headquarters. The main measure was the success rate of being admitted to CCU in other hospitals. Results: on the whole 68.5 percent of requests were followed by a CCU admission to other hospitals. Using logistic regression method, variables including season of the year, shift diagnosis of the patient and the original hospital were shown to be related with the success rate. Conclusion: Increasing the number of available CCU beds and providing the centers with the necessary equipment is of high priority in hospitals located in city of Tehran.

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Introduction: In this study, we reviewuated and compared three routine methods for the measurement of urinary protein concentrations with a view to find a suitable method to prevent, diagnose and monitor renal disease under circumstances with limited resources. Materials and Methods: Two modifications of the Trichoroacetic acid (TCA) turbidimetric method read at 405 and 620 nm and the sulfosalicylic acid (SSA) turbidimetric method were considered. The reviewuated was carried out using a variety of control materials, calibrators and patients urine samples. Results: The result indicated that the TCA method read at 405nm is appropriate for the measurement of protein in the range of 25-700 mg/L and the TCA "620nm method" is appropriate for the measurement of protein concentration in the range of 100-1000 mg/L. of the two methods, the TCA at 405 nm was minimally influenced by the type of calibrator. The SSA method showed unacceptable performance in the measurement of protein, specially at lower concentration, in addition the results showed a large variation depending on the type of calibration. Conclusion: For screening of high-risk populations e.g. diabetics and early diagnosis of microproteinuria the recommended method is the TCA at 405 nm calibrated with a serum-based mixed Albumin/Globulin standard. For routine testing the TCA method at 620 is suggested regardless of type of calibration, although the limitations at lower concentrations should be remembered.

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Introduction: PMA is known to induce the differentiation of monocytes to macrophages. This agent also increases the killing effect of the monocytes/macrophages through oxidative burst and can be used as a stimulant for oxidative burst assay. The present experimental study was intended to investigate the in vitro effects of PMA on the differentiation, morphological changes, cell adherence and the viability of monocyted-derived macrophages (MDMs). Besides, MDM capacity for free radical production was assessed, indicating the oxidative burst events. Materials and Methods: This experimental study has been design in Department of Immunology of S.B.M.U in Tehran Iran (year 2000). Peripheral mononuclear cells from adult Balb/c mice were isolated and cultured in complete tissue culture medium and divided in two group: control, (without PMA) and test (were added Pma=450 ng/ml). MDMs wee counted on the hours 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 18 and their characteristics were confirmed by morphological analysis (histological features) in both groups. Viability of MDMs was assessed using trypan blue. In the peak time of MDMs activation the oxidative burst was determined by NBT reduction. Results: The obtained results suggested that PMA had significant effect on the differentiation of monocytes to macrophages. The morphologic maturation tended to occur in earlier stages in the PMA treated cells comparing to the control MDMs. Also, the number of adherent cells was considerably more in PMA stimulated monocytes. The peak time of cell adherence in the presence of PMA was no the second hour. As the incubation period increased, the significant difference between the numbers of adherent cells in two culture systems decreased. However, viability decreased significantly in the PMA treated MDMs, i.e. PMA treatment induced rapid apoptosis in the MDMs after their activation. PMA stimulated MDMs markedly (60%). Also we mentioned that the primary un-stimulated MDMs only revealed (55%) of NBT reduction after treatment with PMA at NBT reduction stage. Conclusion: Phagocytic function and oxidative burst assay in monocyte-macrophage lineage can be a diagnostic tool for identification and management of some Immunological abnormality and defect and can be establish distinct from other phagocytic system assessment.

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