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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: It is important to know media and educational intervention and also produce them according to standards. Thus, media and health educational interventions should be evaluated to improve education quality.Methods: The present study was conducted to evaluate the whole produced media and interventions in all medical universities, departments, offices, and centers affiliated to ministry of health as sample size in 2008 - 2009. The evaluating tool was a checklist which was prepared in four domains including pre-media– media and intervention specifications- production and implementation - and internal evaluation.Results: 7.1 % of media and interventions achieved 50 % score in pre-media. The other results were 63.7% in media specification, 15.7 % in implementation and production and internal evaluation intervention just evaluated in pre-media.Conclusion: The results of the evaluation in health education media indicate that the IEC cycle (Information, Education, Communication) in health care system is an incomplete process. Meanwhile, regardless of prerequisite the scoped phase will implicate and lead to educational budget dissipation.

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Background: Environmental gamma ray refers to the gamma radiation from terrestrial sources and building materials.In enclosed spaces radiation can become a health hazard leading to potential increase in the rates of lung cancer. The goal of this study is to assess the exposure tonatural gamma radiation of children in the schools of Zanjan province.Method: The natural gamma radiation was assessed in 46 primary schools of Zanjan province. A total number of 75 classrooms were studied. The measurements were performed in classrooms and schoolyards using a Geiger–Muller detector (RDS-110).Alongside radiation measurements, all the data corresponding to the characteristics of each school building were collected.Results: The results showed that the outdoor dose rate ranged from 82 to 106nSv h-1 while gamma dose rate due to inside classrooms ranged from 106 to 137nSvh-1. The findings represented that the highest indoor gamma dose rate belonged to the buildings of more than 30 years and metal frame and brick (P<0.05).Conclusion: We concluded that the effective dose due to gamma radiation from terrestrial sources and building materialsfor students of primary schools in Zanjan province (0.83 mSv) was higher than worldwide average of the annual effective dose (0.48 mSv).

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Background: Noise mapping in industry can be useful to assess the risks of harmful noise, or to monitor noise in machine rooms. Using GIS -based software for plotting noise maps in an indoor noisy work environment can be helpful for occupational hygienists to monitor noise pollution.Methods: This study was carried out in a noisy packaging unit of a food industry in Ghazvin industrial zone, to evaluate noise levels by GIS technique. For this reason the floor of packaging unit was divided into squares of 2×2 meters and the center of each square was marked as a measurement station based on NIOSH method. The sound pressure level in each station was measured and then the measurement values were imported into Arc GIS software to plot noise map.Results: Unlike the current method, the noise maps generated by GIS technique are consistent with the nature of sound propagation.Conclusion: This study showed that for an indoor work environment, the applicati on of GIS technology rendering the assessment of noise levels in the form of noise maps, is more realistic and more accurate than the routine method which is now being used by the occupational hygienists.

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Background: Foods go through many changes from production to table and continuous control is necessary to maintain food safety and supply foods with good quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of some foods with high consumption in Zanjan city within 5 years from 2009 to 2013.Methods: In a case-control descriptive study with an annually- controlled program within 5 years from 2009 to 2014, some food samples including pasteurized milk, vegetable oils, flour, kebab, salt, confectionary products and a special cookie called nan-chay were collected and analyzed in food control laboratory of Zanjan university of medical sciences.Results: According to national standard of Iran, of Nan-chay, salt, vegetable oils, kebab, confectionary products, and pasteurized milk samples 68.4%, 46%, 24.3%, 10.4%, 9.3%, 5% were out of national standard limits and unacceptable, respectively.All flour samples had good standard quality. Mean ± sd values of pH in Nan-chay samples were 7.5 and 1.19, respectively. Mean ± sd values of the degree of purity in salt samples were 98.21 and 1.75, respectively.Conclusion: Results showed that among the 7 types of collected foods in Zanjan city, the most nonstandard cases were of Nan-chay samples and the best quality was seen in flour samples.

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Background: Brucellosis (Malta fever) is a major contagious zoonotic disease, with economic and public health importance.Methods To assess the effect of meteorological (temperature, rainfall, humidity, and wind) and climate parameters on incidence of brucellosis, brucellosis distribution and meteorological zoning maps of Zanjan Province were prepared using Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) and Kriging technique in Arc GIS medium. Zoning maps of mean temperature, rainfall, humidity, and wind were compared to brucellosis distribution maps.Results: Correlation test showed no relationship between the mean number of patients with brucellosis and any of the four meteorological parameters.Conclusion: It seems that in Zanjan province there is no correlation between brucellosis and meteorological parameters.

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Background: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are among the most prevalent pains which could be ignited via material handling. Backpack wearers are among those who may carry heavy loads. Since MSDs mainly originate in school-aged children, students (as the largest group of backpack wearers) are considered more important. The purpose of this study is to design a backpack based on minimization of shearing force.Methods: At first the relevant patents were investigated at national and international levels. Then the appropriate ones were selected for optimization. The main selection criterion was based on reduction of pressure on the body. As an extra function we used a generator to produce electricity. The criterion for electricity generator selection was: 1) small dimension, 2) low weight, and 3) safe voltage.Results: A suspending system was used to eliminate shearing forces. Since a backpack wearing student is under the shearing force caused by walking, a spring system was used as a reducing device for shearing force. Physical spring calculation revealed that springs with stiffness coefficient equal to 588 were appropriate.Conclusion: In comparison with existing designs, suggested backpack design can reduce forces on upper limb during handling the backpack.

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Background: Water treatment sometimes needs a coagulation and flocculation process to remove suspended and colloidal materials. Inorganic coagulants used create concerns about pollution of the environment and harmful effects on the human’s health. The studies carried out previously indicated the capability of an active coagulant agent extracted from Descurainia Sophiaseed to remove turbidity of water.Methods: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of NaCl (0.05-1 gL-1), NaOH (0.01-0.1 gL-1), extraction duration (1-25 min) and the ultrasound frequency (0-45-75 kHz), used in the extraction of Descurainia Sophia seed, on the generation of color in purified water and to provide a model to predict the effects of the studied variables on color generation. Extraction was performed using water as solvent, supplemented with NaCl and NaOH and irradiated by ultrasound. Design of experiments and analysis of results were conducted by the D-optimal method based on the response surface methodology (RSM).Results: The results demonstrated that only the effect of concentration of NaOH is significant in color generation (with p<0.05).Conclusion: The effect of NaOH on color generation in purified water is predictable by the use of a statistically valid linear model at a confidence level of 95%.

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Background: Conventional chemical coagulation is considered as an old method to dye and COD removal in textile effluent. Electrocoagulation (EC) process is a robust method to achieve maximum removal.Methods: This study was designed to compare the result of operational parameters including optimum pH and coagulant concentration for chemical coagulation with ferric chloride and alum also, voltage, electrolysis time, initial pH, and conductivity for EC with iron electrodes to remove reactive red 196 (RR 196).Results: The outcomes show that ferric chloride and alum at optimum concentration were capable of removing dye and COD by 79.63 % and 84.83% and 53% and 55%, respectively. In contrast, EC process removed the dye and COD by 99.98% and 90.4%, respectively.Conclusion: The highest treatment efficiency was obtained by increasing the voltage, electrolysis time, pH and conductivity. Increase initial dye concentration reduces removal efficiency. Ultimately, it could be concluded that EC technology is an efficient procedure for handling of colored industrial wastewaters.

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