The rate of neonatal mortality and morbidity in Japan and Sweden 2.2, but in Iran it is 18 per thousand live births. In the industrialized countries, continuation of life in newborns weighing 500 gr or less is a normal occurance , but in Iran, you cannot always be sure of full term newborns to remain alive. in order to reduce the neonatal mortality and morbidity, attempts should be made to improve the nutrition, health and the social status of the girls and women. The quality of care during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum period should improve and the high risk pregnancies, deliveries and newborns be identified, cared for and if necessary transferred promptly.The committees for reducing perinatal mortalities and morbidities should be established in all maternity hospitals and universities of medical sciences as well as in the ministry of Health and Medical Education. These committees should look into every factor contributing to the morbidity or mortality of the newborns and try to rectify the situation.In the area of newborn care, research should be expanded and medical education improved. A close cooperation and coordination among the obstetricians and pediatricians should be established, and the knowledge and practice of perinatology should be expanded and promoted. A variety of scientifically sound guidelines in the areas of diagnosis and management should be prepared, and their practice implemented. The quality of neonatal care particularly during the first minutes, hours and days of life should change drastically and when needed, neonatal resuscitation should be initiated promptly and performed skillfully. The mother - infant contact and breastfeeding should start within minutes after birth. Regionalization should be implemented and for those mothers and newborns who need to be transferred after stabilizing their conditions, proper means of transportation should be available which should be well equipped and run by well trained teams of transportation.