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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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بیان مسئله: هنر دو دهه ی اخیر ایران تاکنون از جنبه های مختلفی نقد شده است و برخی از منتقدان گرایش های اصلی آن را بازتولید گفتمان شرق شناسی دانسته اند. در همین رابطه، مسئله ی پژوهش این است که چگونه می توان ویژگی های مشترکی را میان فرمول تولید این قبیل آثار هنری و عملکرد شرق شناسی یافت؟ بدین منظور از مفهوم نمایه، با استناد به مباحث نشانه شناسی و تاریخ هنر و به منظور خوانش نقادانه ی بازتولید گفتمان شرق شناسی، بهره گرفته شده است. هدف: هدف این پژوهش مطالعه ی انتقادی و تعمیق در چالش های نظری هنر معاصر ایران با تکیه بر مفهوم نمایه است. پرسش اصلی این است که چه مؤلفه هایی ویژگی نمایه ای هنر معاصر ایران را شکل می دهند و چگونه نمایه سازی در هنر معاصر ایران در تطابق با گفتمان شرق شناسی است؟ روش تحقیق: روش پژوهش به شیوه ی توصیفی-تحلیلی است و داده های آن به شیوه ی کیفی تجزیه و تحلیل شده اند. نمونه ها به شکل هدفمند انتخاب شده اند. نتیجه گیری: کاربست افراطی برخی عناصر و نقش مایه های سنتی در هنر ایران دارای کارکردی نمایه ای است که ظرفیت جداسازی مکانی و موقعیت مند کردن آثار هنری را ایجاد می کند. این جداسازی مکانی و موقعیت مندکردن در تطابق با گفتمان شرق شناسی است.

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Problem statement: Iranian’ s art has been evaluated from different perspectives during the past two decades, and some critics have presented its mainstreams as the reproduction of Orientalism discourses. This study attempts to investigate the specifications of finding common features between the characteristics presented for the production of such works of art and Orientalism functioning. To this end, the concept of index has been applied referring to the debates on the semiotics and art history for the critical reading of the reproduction of Orientalism discourse. Research objectives: This research aimed at critical studying and at the same time extending the theoretical challenges of contemporary Iranian art focusing on the concept of the index. The main question of the current study was “ what components shape the features of contemporary Iranian art and how indexing in the contemporary Iranian art corresponds with Orientalism discourse? ” . Research method: This research was descriptive-analytic and qualitative data analysis has been performed. The samples have been selected through purposive sampling method. Conclusion: The extreme application of some of the elements and traditional motifs in Iranian art has an indexical functioning that creates the capacity for spatial isolation and situationality of works of art. Both spatial isolation and situationality are corresponded with Orientalism discourse.

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Problem statement: In housing development planning, a comprehensive approach is required. In this approach all elements and components affecting the housing are considered, the relationships between them are identified and finally a set of different solutions by prioritizing them should be provided. Locating and examination of the place where new housing and living environments are built is one of the components of this comprehensive approach. Therefore, it is essential to provide housing development strategies tailored for a specific location which are small cities in this study. Research objective: The purpose of this article is to provide strategies for proper housing development, considering the role of these cities in balancing the habitat system in the codification process of a comprehensive housing development plan. Research method: In this research, the logical reasoning has been used in the explanatory section and in the section of presenting strategies analytical-descriptive method has been used. Documentation methods and field studies have been used to collect research data. Conclusion: This study showed that in the specific process using vernacular architecture principles, strategies for proper housing development can be codified. These strategies can be divided into four categories: form, function, space, materials and construction. Proper development in the housing sector contributes to the sustainable development of small cities and strengthens their role in the regional development process.

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Problem statement: Nature-based ornaments are the integral part of Iranian architecture which has a kind of communication with the audiences picturing a world of values and thoughts by using geometric and non-geometric motifs. As time went by new structural and conceptual changes were created so that, by the birth of new discourses in Iran, in the Pahlavi period, they took a different appearance and presented various concepts to the audiences. Research objective: The purpose of the study is to identify and interpret the concept of nature in ornament of architecture in the Pahlavi period with exploration in discourse approach. Method: The present study was a qualitative research and data were collected by using documentary and field studies. For analyzing data, the discourse analysis technique was used. Conclusion: The concept of “ nature” in ornament manifested itself following nationalism, traditionalism, and westernization discourses of the First Pahlavi under the domination of the “ political-religious power” and traditionalism, historicism, and modernism discourses of the Second Pahlavi under the domination of the “ cultural-historical power” and “ modern technology” , through “ form” and “ content” in the form of implicit and explicit meanings in architectural orientations. These discourses are derived from the ancient narratives, Islamic beliefs, and the classical order in the ornament forms through abstract and non-abstract pictures by representing the perceptible elements of the world around. On the other hand, they transformed new messages to the audience, by representing the meanings derived from the archetype symbols (which in the past were the manifestation of unity, power, and immortality). The generated meanings and the social consequences of nature’ s manifestation in the ornament Pahlavi period and in the context of “ the dominant discourses and the power phenomenon” are: legitimizing the government’ s policies, by displaying the government’ s political power and the cultural power of society, creating national solidarity, and aligning with the world transitions.

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Problem statement: Trip distance, as a key variable of travel behavior, represents the level of sustainable transportation, quality of life, individuals’ accessibility to spatial opportunities, and spatial balance among urban areas. Research objectives: Despite numerous research relating to travel behavior, few scant studies have investigated the role of different factors in explaining trip distance for non-work purposes. So, the main purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of both individual and physical-spatial factors (at trip origin and destination) on trip distance using the theoretical framework of time geography. Research method: The research method is descriptive-analytic based on logical reasoning and empirical observations. In this study, based on the g time geography framework, 9 factors at the individual level and 9 factors at the scale of the neighborhood are categorized into three sets of constraints including capacity constraints, coupling constraints, and authority constraints. In order to test the theoretical framework, 30 study districts in the metropolitan of Isfahan, Iran are selected and required data were collected using 1312 questionnaires. For analysis of the abovementioned factors, the potential impacts of the factors have been firstly explained and then, using the collected data and the linear regression technique, the expected relationships have been experimentally tested. Conclusion: The results and the findings of the research show that the variables related to all three types of constraints affect trip distance; and the role of physical-spatial characteristics in explaining trip distance is stronger than individual factors. Distance from the city center is the most important factor affecting trip distance. Also, although it was theoretically expected that some factors such as gender, household size, commercial density, and land use diversity affect travel length, they did not significantly appear in the empirical analysis model.

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Problem statement: Nasir al-Molk mosque, which is described in architectural writing resources as a distinct mosque, has become a tourism center in Shiraz for many years and seems to have lost its devotional function. This distinction from the mosques with a more historical dating in Shiraz results in the assumption that the architectural features of this mosque are the reason for this distinction. Characteristics that come with the change or emphasis of common patterns in traditional mosques, and field observations and reviewing the documents of related resources include the lack of elongation of the prayer hall perpendicular to the axis of the qibla, the aberration of the perception of the qibla, the maximum decorations in the space of worship and the likeness to non-Muslim patterns. In order to examine these characteristics that cprayer hallenge the historic originality, it is necessary to refer to non-timely religious criteria, which goes beyond this feature, to ensure the devotional function of the mosque in an optimal way. Research objective: Hence, the main purpose of this research is to judge and critique the distinctive features of the design of the Nasir al-Molk mosque in Shiraz based on religious criteria. Research method: In the present article, using the verses of the Qur’ an and narrations, especially those who refer to the construction of Masjid al-Nabi(The prophet’ s Mosque) by the prophet (pbuh), as criteria for criticism, the judgment of these four attributes in the mosque of Nasir al-Molk will be considered. Conclusion: The findings show that the division of the prayer hall into the eastern and western parts, which contradicts the policies of the prayer hall design from the point of view of Islam, as well as the aberration from the axis of the qibla alongside the maximum decorations that damage the experience of the worshipers, and finally use the signs and patterns of imported architecture in the Qajar era prove that the effect of these features is to enhance the mosque’ s exhibitive capabilities and, hence, reduce its worshipability.

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Problem statement: The concept of legibility that has been added to the range of qualitative concepts of human-made environments after Lynch’ s seminal work, has been always associative of the five-aspect elements he introduced from the physical landscape of the city. This physical aspect-oriented perspective has directed the focus of research on the image that is formed in the mind from the environment rather than the one that observes has shaped in their minds from the physical components. The present study, therefore, raises this question: What are the components of observers’ mental image of the physical environment? Research Objective: This study aims to understand the concept of legibility and to provide a conceptual model of component communication. Research Method: The research was conducted based on qualitative content analysis, in which, first, the documents and opinions of experts were investigated. Next, the study examined different aspects influencing the mental image creation and then, with logical reasoning, presented a conceptual model for a more comprehensive study of the concept of legibility. Conclusion: The results show that the perception of the environment in the observer’ s mind, in addition to spatial components, includes both human and temporal components. They can be subcategorized into three groups. The first regards spatial mental image including the components of identity, and structure. The second is temporal mental image comprising of individual, collective experience and social events. And the last regards emotional mental image including sense of place and community as well as physical, historical and emotional assessments. Accordingly, the concept of legibility is not a physical characteristic of the physical environment. It is a multidimensional subjective concept, and its measurement is based solely on the physical characteristics of the physical environment, so that it relies exclusively on the spatial layers of the mental imagery. For a more comprehensive assessment of perceived legibility, other temporal and emotional layers in the mental image should also be considered.

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