Deviation is one of the common terms in stylistics created as a result of leaving the normal form of language. This phenomenon occurs in different layers of language including "phonetics", "syntax", "lexical" and "semantics". The present paper, however, solely examined syntactic deviation, which means leaving the syntactic rules of the standard language. Since "alternation", "tazmin" and "iltifā t" frequently appear in Surah At-Tawba, and contribute to the "literariness" of a literary work, the present descriptive-analytical paper thus tried to examine these three devices. This paper mainly aimed to articulate the aesthetics and objectives of these deviating devices. Findings suggests that syntactic tazmin is more frequent than alternation and iltifā t and its aesthetics, in addition to avoiding repetition, is briefness of style and inclusiveness of meaning. Furthermore, three types of iltifā t (mo'jami=dictionary meaning, pronouns, and numbers) have been used in this surah, serving intentions such as emphasis, repetitionavoiding, and catching the audience's interest.