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The Iranian-Turkish relations after the Islamic Revolution of Iran were influenced by factors such as Islamism, geopolitical competition, and competition for regional, economic and political hegemony. Both countries affect Iran and Turkey and the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran is influential in this important country. The purpose of this study is to identify Turkey and to find the components and economic indicators that affect the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey and determine their impact on each other. In this research, the type of "applied-development" research and the method of "descriptive, analytical" research and the main question of the study "what are the components and indicators of divergence and economic convergence affecting the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey? " Be The conceptual model based on the opinions of the professors was tested by the experts with a self-made Likert scale questionnaire, with an alpha coefficient of 0. 9, and a coefficient of carcass of 0. 8, its reliability and validity was confirmed. Finally, with the Friedman test, correlation and factor analysis, the security domain of the relationship was confirmed by two components of economic convergence and economic divergence and 12 indicators.

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Safeguarding human capital in urban management preserves the material or spiritual assets of mankind, and the resistance and endurance of the people against the threats will enhance the ability to stand, durability and solidarity against the perils, and the independence of each society in the belief in capabilities and the ability to recognize, and ultimately Relying on and self-reliance, and the main concern of this research is the lack of a native scientific codecision. The main research question is: "What is the strategic model of urban inertial defense to protect people from social threats (studied in Tehran)? The type of this research is applied-developmental. The method of this research is a mixed approach consisting of two qualitative approaches based on the Delphi method, as well as documentary and library studies, and a quantitative approach with a focus on descriptive survey method. The statistical community consisted of scholars, experts and faculty members from both the country and the military. The population of the population is 59 people. The final pattern of the research was based on the dimension of "social defense" in Tehran with 3 components and 9 indicators.

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EZZATI E. | SARVAR R. | Khosroo S.

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The different interests of Iran and Russia in Syria have led their armed forces to joint military operations in a country that does not share a common border, which indirectly contributes to Iran's geopolitical strategy for exporting energy to Europe and East Asia This research, by content analysis method, seeks to answer the question of how Iranian-Russian military cooperation has an impact on Iran's geopolitical strategy? The research results indicate that defense cooperation between Iran and Russia has affected geopolitical strategy of energy (oil and gas) and has pushed Iran's regional energy policy toward a kind of confrontation with the United States and its allies. As opposed to investing in any project that ends with the export of oil and gas from Central and Caucasus countries from Iran to the world markets, on the one hand, under the influence of close military cooperation between Iran and Russia, the rivalry of the two countries in the energy dimension Particularly in the gas field, so that, in the context of understanding economic foundations, and in the first place, adopting an equitable, rational and inconsistent energy strategy that could be their most fundamental step towards a strategic alliance, there is a great deal of concern.

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One of the main principles and frameworks of any political system is attention and effort to consolidate the foundations of power and internal strength that the effective management of intellectual capital, as well as continuous emphasis on its key factors in each country is its continuity basis. Accordingly, the present article aims to investigate the effect of defense intellectual capital on the strength of the internal structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the support of the Supreme Leader's (Supreme Leader) statements. This research is an applied research in terms of purpose and, in terms of data collection, is a survey method. A questionnaire was used to measure variables. The research sample included 173 academic faculty members from AJA universities. They were chosen by using simple random sampling method and using Cochran formula. To verify the correlation between components and the effect of variables on each other, correlation test, Pearson statistical and structural equation model were used. Among the results of this study, the impact of intellectual capital as one of the pillars of internal power on the strength of the internal structure of the system can be mentioned. Also, from the dimensions of defensive intellectual capital, human capital has had the greatest impact on increasing the Strength of the internal structure of the system. By increasing the capacity to utilize intellectual capital and reducing the barriers to its quality, it can be strengthened by the internal structure of the system, which, based on the results of the research, suggestions and solutions are presented.

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The Strategy of Total Defense is a term that has been used by Imam Khomeini (p. b. u) – after the end of imposed war on Iran in 1980 till 1988-in his mandate to the commanders of Sepah (Islamic revolution`s Guard Corps) in order to formulate this strategy to confront the challenges against Islamic revolution in the coming years. Total defense includes all aspects of national power and of them is political aspect. Understanding the effective figures in political aspect, secures the defense of Islamic revolution in political area and makes it possible. The purpose of the article is formulating the political strategies of total defense in possible future war. This research is Applied-Developmental research and it`s methods are Descriptive and Correlational. Informations are collected by Field and library methods and the Statistical population is 20 person. After analyzing the domestic and international environment we found out that there are 13 strength points, 12 weak points, 10 opportunities and 14 threats. According to current situation, mobilizing the sources in order to use strength points and opportunities and removing the threats and weak points. So there are 7 strategies on the basis of SWOT. The results of research show that the perspective of the Islamic republic of Iran in any Possible future war is favorable and country`s position in politics is offensive position.

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The Islamic Revolution has presented an independent and sovereign governmental model to the world. This model can be a good pattern for other revolutionary countries in all areas, including revolutionary institutionalization. This research which has a developed and applied nature, aims to provide a model for institutionalization in the Islamic Revolution based on Imam and the leader’ s discourse; discourse analysis has been used to analyze Imam and the leader’ s speeches. The data gathering tool was a taking notes in the documentary sector, and a researcher-made questionnaire in the field sector. The statistical population consisted of 30 experts who were selected purposefully. For data extraction, the Grounded theory, qualitative content analysis, and for validation, experts’ opinion has been used. study results indicate that revolutionary institutionalization based on the discourse of Velayat-e-faqih (in three axes of doctrine, goals and policies) has 38 components and 117 subcomponents. After presenting to the expert community for confirmation of the components and indicators, all of them were approved with partial modifications. The results also indicate that Imam Khomeini and after him Imam Khamenei have done well in institutionalizing in the Islamic Revolution and have been able to pursue the goals and ideals of the revolution by establishing revolutionary institutions while removing the threats against the revolution; They could present the Islamic Revolution as a healthy, independent and sovereign governmental model to the world.

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Nowadays, the issue of using air technology and especially helicopter to reduce natural disasters as a rapid response tool is of concern to thinkers in the field of crisis management. In this regard, in the Islamic Republic of Iran, natural threats, despite the high capacity of this technology in AHIROZ AJA Aa Every year, it imposes many losses and losses on our people. This study aims to "achieve a strategic model of the organization's activities in the field of natural disaster relief" and by asking the main question "What is the strategic pattern of the organizational activities of airborne disaster relief operations in natural disasters? And Also, a sub-question that seeks to"determine the dimensions and components of the strategic model of the organizational activities of aviation auxiliaries in natural disasters and how they relate to them" is intended to respond to this need. The present study is of a type, applied-development, method, case / context, and correlation with a mixed approach. To collect the research data, a library method including tools such as books, articles and theses and a field method including distribution Questionnaires and interviews have been used. The statistical population of this research consisted of 85 experts and experts in military and heavenserous which were selected through purposeful judgment sampling. Based on the results of the research, the dimensions of the research include operations, information, education, support and communication with 28 components that were reviewed and approved by library and environmental studies.

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The fundamental factor of organizational competitiveness in the current economy has become knowledge of tangible and intangible resources of the past. Considering the existence of subjective knowledge and objective knowledge in the organizational structure, it is necessary together. Considering the existence of subjective knowledge and objective knowledge in the organizational structure, it is necessary together. With the help of modern tools such as information technology, there are opportunities for scholarly organizations to advance themselves to a knowledge-based organization through the acceleration of the knowledge cycle. The main goal of the organization is to apply knowledge management to maintain competitive advantage and maintain it in the stages of growth and maturity in the organization's life cycle. Defensive industries as scholarly organizations are no exception to this and are even more prominent than other organizations. In this study, a comprehensive study of the factors affecting the knowledge management system in organizations was first extracted with extensive study of literature and previous research. After screening by internal and external experts, seven main axes and 43 effective units in this area were identified and their validity was confirmed by the experts using the Treston method. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Krone Bach's alpha coefficient and by statistical sampling, 85 questionnaires were analyzed. The most important factors including organizational structure, leadership, processes, staff, technology, strategy, and outcomes were identified through the use of structural equation analysis and PLS software. According to the rankings, the organizational structure of the defense industry has had the most importance and consequences from the perspective of the experts of those industries in the implementation of KM.

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In recent years, Takfiri terrorism and their supporters have been able to While recruiting forces, carrying out terrorist operations and sending dozens of terrorist groups into Iran, Impose a lot of material, political and security costs on the Islamic Republic of Iran. These actions have been shaped by the presence of internal factors, (weaknesses) and transnational factors (threats). In this research, the researcher has been trying, by preventive and pathological approach and determine the factors and bases of activity and the formation of this type of terrorism, to helps reduce the risks and costs of tackling Takfiri terrorism. The statistical population of the study consisted of 70 managers, experts in security levels and the Takfiri Salafist scope Because of the limited size of the statistical society and the sample population, sample selection has been carried out on 30 people using snowball techniques. . . This research is an applied one and the method used in descriptive research is survey. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data and Friedman test was used to rank the factors. According to the results, 41 factors influencing the formation and activity of Takfiri terrorism in the iran were identified and ranked according to the importance of the priority according to the table.

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Empowering the process is to continuously improve the organization's performance by developing and extending the competence-based competency of individuals and groups. One of the most important sources and sources of youth empowerment is the views of the highest decision-making authorities in the country. in place. Iran, with its full command of power, has a certain intellectual system that familiarity with it can play a decisive role in the nature of the strategies for empowering the young generation of the armed forces. The main objective of this research is to achieve the "command and management Empowerment's" strategies of the young generation of armed forces from the perspective of the Supreme Leader. This research is a applied-developmental. The statistical society has been selected theoretically and purposefully, and to achieve the results, the fundamental data method has been used by using the mixed technique (qualitative and quantitative methods). The result shows that the empowerment of the young generation of armed forces must necessarily take place within the framework of a systemic attitude (using all four mechanical, organic, project, and process approaches) and in accordance with the organizational and national conditions and ideals. With this in mind, the certainty of each of the approaches in the framework of the system approach is appropriate to the circumstances, subject, and organization of the target.

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Meditating and reflecting on the current challenging situation of the world and the region, it is undeniable that the Islamic Republic of Iran should take appropriate measures to gain superior defense power in the South West Asia region. This article is a developmental application which has been prepared by the field case study and mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative). The sample population of this study is 10 experts in the field of defense economics that have been selected purposefully. In this paper, the method of collecting data is library and field, and their measurement tools are interview questions and questionnaires. Analyzing the data of this research with descriptive and inferential methods using the Swot Strategy Compilation Technique and Friedman Ranking (to prioritize strategies) has been done. The results of this research presented 6 strategies to the following priority order: (1) ending the government's exclusive ownership of large industries and defense capital with strict observance of the principles of competitive economy in terms of improving the quality and quantity of defense industry's products and selling Iranian military products to its neighbors and other countries with the aim of increasing national revenues and Per capita (2) the use of specialized strategic managers to apply expertise in policy-making (3) reducing the level of reliance on defense economics to oil revenues through the promotion of a resilient economy in the field of defense industries (4) supporting innovators, innovators and managers with appropriate budget allocations To defense spheres with the aim of strengthening the military-influenced basic industries and increasing Gross National Defense in defense (5) the proper use of the country's funds for dual use of military and civilian industries and the fight against monopoly in the field of defense production with the goal of self-sufficiency in the production of military technology and the growth of the defense economy; (6) the strengthening and preservation of soft strategic stocks, Hard and smart defense by stabilizing the country's defense production and self-sufficiency in the fields of food, medicine, energy and military technology with the aim of improving the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran's defense economy among target countries.

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Each school, religion, religion, and religion will enjoy defense and security teachings and instructions to preserve their existence. The Islamic religion, as acomplete school, has a unique defense system. For this reason, the defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran is more urgent and more urgent than ever, and therefore it is important to address the principles and principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore, this paper, which aims to explain this issue, is qualitative in terms of the purpose of information and information, and its content analysis method has been used. Regarding the approach and classification of the method, it relies on the library method and field studies. Required data were collected through library studies using questionnaire and questionnaire and expert interviews using field and check-up tools. The results of the research include 15 values of defense and 20 defensive principles from the perspective of the Holy Qur'an.

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DEHGHAN H. | Cheshak K.

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The culture sacrifice and martyrdom contains tremendous effects and blessings that directly and indirectly affects our society. In the same vein, the absence of the pillars in the administration of The Affairs of Veterans and Martyrs based on Imam and leadership discourse, any action to improve this system would be practically ineffective and efficient. Therefor, the present research has been carried out to achieve the leading role of the affairs of sacrificial and martyrs in three dimensions of the management of goals, doctrine and policies in this area. The objectives of the research were to identify the objectives of the department of Veterans and Martyrs on the basis of the discourse of the Imam of the Revolution, the recognition of the doctrine of the Affairs of the Veterans and martyrs based on the discourse of the imam and leadership and the recognition of the major policies of the Affaires of the Veterans and Martyrs based on the discourse of the Imam and the leadership. The research method with mixed approach using descriptive-analytical method has extracted these dimensions using the content analysis tool from Imam’ s and leadership’ s statements. The research community for quantitative data and confirmation of inferential cases from the content analysis of 30 people is expert and prominent. The results of this research indicate that: Effective doctrine on the management of the Affairs of Martyrs and Veterans in five components, the goals of effective management of martyrs and veterans have been extracted in seven components and effective policies on the administration of martyrs and veterans affairs in 10 components. The relationship between the doctrine and the goals extracted for the Administration of the Martyrs and the Veterans 0. 92 between doctrine and policies is 0. 8. In fact, these numbers represent a direct and positive relationship between doctrine, goals, and extractive policies for the Administration of the martyrs and Veterans in this research.

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Cultural heritage is considered to be the symbol of the history, civilization, and background of each country. The policy of maintaining and keeping this heritage, guarantees not only the cultural dimension of each country but also its future economy and status among other countries. Islamic republic of Iran with its historical attractions and enriched culture, diverse natural attractions, unique artifacts has the capacity to become a universal destination and enjoy the cultural heritage and tourism benefits. The advancement for accomplishing a strategic pattern in organizing the cultural heritage and tourism affaires based on the experience of the holy system of the Islamic republic of Iran has been conducted with focus on basic theory method. the process of accumulating the data has been conducted according to a goal – oriented sampling an d interviewing 32 managers, officials, university professors, news reports and theoriticians of cultural heritage and tourism office. The obtained data have been put in the process of coding (open, axial, and selective) and after analysis, the final strategic pattern was codified. Based on the extracted results from the basic theory method, a pattern has been presented with focus on the experiences of the system for achieving an effective organization of cultural heritage and tourism.

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