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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Aim: Nursing is one of the challenging and stressful jobs that the managers of healthcare organizations should manage the created stress the commitment of the nurses during Covid 19 crisis. In this study, we investigated the relationship between stress management and nurses' organizational commitment with the mediating role of communication skills training. Methods: The statistical population of this descriptive-correlational study includes 108 managers and nurses of Farabi Hospital in Bastak city in Hormozgan province during 1399 who were selected by stratified random sampling method. The data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. SPSS software was used to analyze the data in the inferential section and LISREL 8. 8 software was used to fit the path coefficient. Results: The results showed that stress management has a positive and significant relationship with nurses' organizational commitment. This relationship was confirmed by path coefficient (0. 19) and significance coefficient (2. 92). Also, communication skills training as a mediating variable has created a positive and significant relationship between stress management and nurses' organizational commitment. In this way, the relationship between stress management and communication skills training with path coefficient (0. 5) and significance coefficient (6. 46) was confirmed. Furthermore, the relationship between communication skills training and nurses' organizational commitment with path coefficient (0. 66) and significance coefficient (10. 01) was confirmed. This relationship has the highest path and significance coefficient. Conclusion: Findings show that due to the Covid-19 crisis, stress management and communication skills training can help improve the productivity and performance of all staff, especially nurses, and affect their organizational commitment in the hospital.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim: The purpose of this article is to evaluate the status of the articles in the field of Spinal Muscular Atrophy based on scientometric indices and to draw a co-occurrence map of words in this field. Methods: This quantitative descriptive study has been done by using scientometrics and the co-occurrence words analysis techniques. Documentary or library studies have been used to get acquainted with the history of the subject and the theoretical foundations of the research. In this study, 4137 scientific products in the field of spinal muscular atrophy diseasewere studied in the Web of Science database (1946-2018). VSO Viewer and Excel software were used to analyze and draw the co-occurrence map of words. Results: In the field of Spinal Muscular Atrophy, ten clusters were formed. Cluster number one with 38 members is the largest cluster in this field. The most focused texts in the field of Spinal Muscular Atrophy are Survival Motor Neuron (SMN), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Motor Neuron Disease (MND), Motor Neurons (MNS) and SMN1, respectively. Also, the small number of subjects of Lower Motor Neuron Disease, Gene Expression, Exonic Splicing Enhancer in the coherent map shows the lack of scientific articles in these fields. Conclusion: conducting such a study in the field of Spinal Muscular Atrophy can play an essential role in future policies of this field and properly highlight research gaps and hot topics.

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Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare the organizational structure and job positions of health information technology in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Iran and to provide an appropriate model for Iran. Methods: This descriptive-comparative study was conducted in 2019. In the first phase of research, health information technology was studied in terms of job position and organizational structure of health information technology in Iran, the United States, and the United Kingdom. In the second phase, based on the information obtained from the first phase, a questionnaire to evaluate the proposed job position in the health information technology discipline was designed. The data were collected from the health information management department of educational hospitals (Chamran, Beheshti, Al-Zahra, Feyz, Omid, and Ayatollah Kashani) and the health information management academic members in Isfahan by the Delphi method. Finally, the data analyzed by using descriptive statistics and SPSS software. The final model was presented based on consensus above 50%. Results: In the United States, the United Kingdom, and Iran18, 49, and one job position were obtained for the health information technology discipline, respectively. Each of these positions in three fields of technology, management and coding was approved by health information technology experts. Conclusion: The study shows that because of being a newfound discipline, the health information technology does not have a transparent organizational structure and an appropriate job position in Iran.

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Aim: The theory has special significance and applications in every scientific field, including information science and epistemology. The present study compares the amount of theory use between the quarterly Iranian Journal of Library and Information Science and quarterly Journal of Research on Information Science and Public Libraries during 2009-2010. Methods: The present study was conducted by the content analysis method through the website of the Iranian Quarterly Journal of Library and Information Science and Quarterly Journal of Research on Information Science and Public Libraries. The number of articles in the two quarterly journals, including research, review, short, letter to the editor, was 404 and 340, respectively, during 2009-2018. The data collection tool was a checklist (glossary). The keywords, such as theory, model, pattern, and paradigm, were used to search for information. Each item was counted only once in each article. The data were analyzed using Excel software. Results: The results showed that although the number of articles in the Iranian Quarterly Journal of Library and Information Science was less than 100 articles in comparison with the quarterly Journal of Research on Information Science and Public Libraries, its use of selected keywords was higher. The study also found that the average use of theory in the Iranian Quarterly Journal of Library and Information Science was 45% and in the quarterly Journal of Research on Information Science and Public Libraries was 37%. Conclusion: According to the results of publications in the field of librarianship and generaly in all fields of education the articles that deal with the basic concepts of science, have been given more value and in accepting them, this issue has been considered. Researchers should consider citing similar theories and terms in the articles to contribute to developing the library science philosophy and cognition.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim: In late 2019, the world was encountered with Covid 19 pandemic. Since maintaining the quality of care is one of the priorities of the healthcare system, the aim of this study was to investigate the status of public care provided to patients before and after allocating the wards to Covid 19 patients. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was performed in the emergency room and infectious and non-infectious wards of Imam Reza Hospital. The research tool was a checklist that was compiled based on national accreditation measures. Its validity was confirmed quantitatively by ten experts. The data related to the evaluations were collected two months before and two months after allocating these wards to Covid 19 patients, entered into spss21 software, and analyzed by chi-square test. Results: In general, the quality score of public care in the emergency and non-infectious wards was significantly lower than before. In the emergency department, the installation of etiquette and in the noninfectious ward, compliance with the standard related to the pressure ulcer prevention and physical restraint had a significant reduction compared to prior the Coronavirus pandemic. The standards related to patient delivery and transformation in infectious and non-infectious wards has decreased compared to before the pandemic. For other standards, there was no significant difference between before and after Coronavirus pandemic. Conclusion: It is recommended to identify the factors affecting the reduction of compliance with healthcare standards in the wards allocated to Coronavirus and to consider appropriate solutions in the pandemic crisis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim: Educational center websites play an important role in providing information for current students, future students, graduates, and faculty members. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of educational indicators intervention on the website of Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences. Methods: In this quasi-experimental (before and after) the research population was the websites of seven affiliated faculties of Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences. The websites were investigated using a researcher-made checklist for the presence or absence of variables and indicators derived from the indicators explained according to the educational rankings of medical universities and accreditation standards of educational institutions (from the packages of the Transformation Plan in Education). Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 22 and descriptive statistics (mean) and paired t-test. Results: According to the results of this study, there was a significant difference between the mean score before and after the intervention in the structure as well as the organizational identity of the Bandar Abbas Nursing and Midwifery School website. There was also a difference between the mean scores of the medical school website content and the how to communicate in the faculty websites of the Medical, Nursing and Midwifery, Pharmacy, and Pharmaceutical Sciences schools of Bandar Abbas Medical Science University. Conclusion: Due to the importance of websites, the relevant authorities should have accurate policies and planning and regular monitoring of the websites to develop them quantitatively and qualitatively.

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Aim: Due to the importance of the individuals' health literacy level in promoting community health, this research evaluates the studies conducted on health literacy in Iran and provides content analysis in this area. Information sources or data: Iran Medical Articles Bank was launched in 2015 according to the needs of the Iranian Medical Research Society. This bank is a search engine for articles published in Iranian medical journals. Selection methods for study: The keywords "health literacy", "health information literacy" and "sanitary literacy" were searched in the title or keywords of the articles. At the time of data collection (February 20, 2017), 72 articles were indexed in this database. The full text of the articles was studied and analyzed in terms of population, place of research, research method, tools and topic. Combine content and results: Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLa) and Health Literacy of Iranian Adults (HELIA) questionnaires were the most important tools for measuring health literacy. The study population included diabetic patients, the elderly people, various patients, and students. The results indicate that the topics discussed in relation to health literacy were divided to five general thematic areas: "Health literacy assessment tool, measuring the levels of health literacy of patients and people, factors affecting the level of health literacy, patient education and communication". Conclusion: In order to succeed in projects related to health literacy, looking at its different dimensions and planning in those areas will be very useful. The present study can provide a comprehensive view for a long-term planning to provide more practical and useful research.

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Aim: Nowadays, the concentration of information systems evaluation is changing from technical issues toward humanoid and organizational subjects. To evaluate the interrelationships between these three dimensions in health systems, the HOT-Fit Assessment Framework (HOT-Fit) was proposed in 2006. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify accurate criteria for evaluating systems based on this model. Information sources or data: In the field of health information evaluation using HOT-Fit criteria, articles in PubMed, Scopus, and Persian e-databases including Iran Public Information Database (Magiran), Iran University Jihad Scientific Information Database, and Irandoc were searched from 2006 to 2019. Selection methods for study: The extracted articles were reviewed by content analysis method. From 1062 articles, 18 articles were selected after eliminating duplicated articles and unrelated articles according to their title, abstract and full text. Combine content and Results: After reviewing evaluation criteria of health information systems using HOT-Fit framework, 130 benchmarks were obtained from databases in four different dimensions including technical (n=51), organizational (n=36), human (n=33) and net profit dimensions (n=10). Conclusion: In this comprehensive review, we tried to provide a practical and comprehensive view of the evaluation of hospital information systems using the HOT-Fit model. This model can be used for all health hospital information system. Generally, the results of this review can be useful for information technology policymakers in determining health information systems evaluation criteria.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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