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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

SALEHI MOHAMMAD | Hosseini Dronkolaei Seyedeh Zahra

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Introduction: University is an organization that is the center of knowledge publishing. Today, due to the high speed of change, concepts such as educational planning and intelligence beliefs of people play a key role in the success of universities. In this regard, this study aimed to investigate the relationship of educational planning and intelligence beliefs with creativity among medical students. Methods: The research method was descriptive and correlation. The study population included all 805 students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch in 2016-2017 academic years. 260 students were selected based on Cochran formula by classified sampling. Researcher made questionnaire of educational planning and standard questionnaires of intelligence Beliefs (Dupeyrat & Marian, 2005) and creativity (Torrance, 1979) that their validity and reliability have been confirmed, were used. Data were analyzed using by K-S, Regression and Pearson test. Results: Findings indicate a positive and significant relationship between educational planning and creativity (0. 389) and intelligence beliefs with creativity (0. 519). Also, the relationship between the components of educational planning and intelligence beliefs with creativity was confirmed. Based on the results of the multivariate regression analysis, the value of R2 showed that about 36% of the changes in the student's score of creativity were explained by educational planning and intelligence beliefs. Intelligence beliefs (with β = 0. 464) had the highest standardized regression coefficient effect on the creativity Conclusions: Results showed that the effect of educational planning and intelligence beliefs and their components on creativity was significant. Also, in order to enhance the creativity of students, we must focus on two important issues educational planning and intelligence beliefs.

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Introduction: Attending University offers students a unique opportunity in terms of experiences and opportunities for psychosocial development. However, different sources of stress might interfere with students’ academic adjustment. The current study aimed to explore the relationship between academic self-efficacy and academic resilience with academic adjustment and academic performance. Methods: The present study was descriptive with a correlational design. The participants were 220 medical students (143 female; 77 male) who were selected via stratified random sampling (based on gender) in Kashan University of Medical Science in 2017. The data collection instruments included and McIllroy & Bunting Academic Self-efficacy Questionnaire, Martin and Marsh Academic resilience Scale, and Academic adjustment subscale of SACQ. In addition, students’ Grade Point Average (GPA) and demographic information were sought. The data were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and regression analysis in SPSS (version 22). Results: The results indicated that there is a statistically significant positive relationship between academic self-efficacy with academic adjustment (r = 0. 55, P < 0. 001), and academic performance(r = 0. 29, P < 0. 01). Moreover, there was a statistically significant positive relationship between academic resilience with academic adjustment (r = 0. 47, P < 0. 001), and academic performance (r = 0. 25, P < 0. 001). The results of regression analysis showed that academic self-efficacy (β = 0. 42, t = 6. 83, P > 0. 001) and academic resilience (β = 0. 26, t = 4. 29, P > 0. 001) can significantly explain 35% of the variance in academic adjustment. Also, academic self-efficacy (β = 0. 22, t = 3. 009, P = 0. 003) and academic resilience (β = 0. 15, t = 2. 040, P = 0. 043) could explain 10% of the variance in academic performance. Conclusions: Students’ academic adjustment and academic performance could be enhanced by planning useful programs for improving academic resilience and academic self-efficacy as well as by creating a facilitative environment.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study is to illustrate the professional competencies of instructors in the e-learning environment. Methods: Recent research is a descriptive and analytical study. In the qualitative level, Delphi method was used in the presence of some experts to identify the dimensions and competency components and making decisions to reach consensus. In the quantitative level, a researcher-made questionnaire including 71 questions was used to collect data. The t-test and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were applied to check the data. Results: In the present study, the six main dimensions of the instructors ’ competencies including dimensions of social, ethical, organizational, individual, technical, pedagogical and evaluation and also nineteen sub-components are investigated. Based on the findings, seventeen competency components had an average higher than the expected mean. According to achieved data, the highest factor loading is related to the pedagogical dimension and the lowest factor loading is the individual dimension. Conclusions: Recognized competencies in this study can be useful to design the career development plans and determination of the training needs for education courses with high quality. This leads to the development of the instructors’ competencies in order to perform their right roles and competencies in the e-learning environment.

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In recent years, the higher education has grown in quantitative and qualitative dimensions in our country. But the point to consider is that, despite the progress of universities in developing their quantitative specifications, most of them have been developed using traditional style and cannot be able to need the needs of today's society. This problem has now become more complicated due to the massive changes in modern technology. In order to reform this disproportionate growth, we need a clear perspective on the characteristics and definitions of successful universities in the future to organize the development of universities in this country. This article attempts to present the possible scenarios for universities in the coming decades. According to these scenarios, the universities of the country can design their own policies and plan to move towards each of the major scenarios.

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Introduction: Flourishing refers to having a good life experience and is a combination of good feeling and effective performance. Positive psychologists believe that education of flourishing should be started in school years and from teachers of a community. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the flourishing of teachers in Tehran and it’ s affecting demographic variables. Methods: In this descriptive study, 412 high school teachers from Tehran were selected via multi-stage cluster random sampling method. Instrument was Human Psychological Flourishing Scale (Hojabiran, Rezaei, Bigdeli, Najafi & Mohammadifar, 2017) which measures 3 components including sense of satisfaction/happiness, individual competency and social engagement. The results were analyzed by descriptive statistics, multivariate and univariate analysis of variance. Results: Descriptive results showed that 4. 6% of the teachers were languishing, 41. 8% were moderately flourishing and 53. 6% were flourishing. The status of teachers in the individual competency component is relatively desirable but it needs more attention in terms of satisfaction/happiness component. A comparison of flourishing based on demographic variables showed that married teachers achieved higher scores in all three components of flourishing. Official teachers also achieved higher levels of social engagement than unofficial teachers. There was no significant difference in the rate of flourishing based on other variables (gender, grade, major, parental education, job experience and ethnicity). Conclusions: According to the results, it is suggested to develop an interventional to promote teachers' flourishing and to provide in their on the job training. Also arrangements to be considered to increase job support for unofficial teachers and provide counseling services to single teachers.

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JAFARI ASGHAR | Seyyed Khorasani Marzieh Sadat

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Introduction: Academic procrastination is postponement of doing educational and research homework, that be effected by emotional and motivational factors and psychological abilities. Therefore, Present study aimed to predict of academic procrastination based on emotional intelligence with the mediating role of psychological capital in Medical Sciences students. Methods: Methodology was descriptive-correlation. Through students of Kashan University of Medical Sciences in academic year 2016-2017, 300 participants; from faculties of dentistry (14 students), medicine (144 students), paramedic (44 students), nursery (65 students) and hygiene (33 students) were multiple cluster sampling selected. Data were collected using questionnaires of Solomon & Rothblum, s academic procrastination, Bar-on, s emotional intelligence and Luthans & et al, s psychological capital and analyzed by Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression. Results: There is significant and negative relationship between emotional intelligence and the components of self-efficacy, hopeful, resiliency and optimism with academic procrastination (P < 0. 01). Emotional intelligence predict positively and significantly the components of psychological capital and the components of psychological capital mediate between emotional intelligence and academic procrastination (P < 0. 01). Conclusions: The mediating role of psychological capital in relationship of emotional intelligence and academic procrastination is partial. Psychological capital reduces the effect of emotional intelligence on procrastination, but this effect was partial and the relationship of emotional intelligence and academic procrastination remained significant. Therefore, in order to reduce procrastination of students and to prevent pathologic effects of low emotional intelligence in educational problems, it may be useful to improve emotional intelligence and promote psychological capital.

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Introduction: Nursing students experience multiple stressors in their clinical education which can reduce their clinical learning and performance. The purpose of this study was to measure stress and stressful resources in nursing students and its relation with some characteristics of students, instructors and clinical environment Methods: In a descriptive and cross-sectional study, a sample of 256 subjects was selected by stratified random sampling among nursing students of Islamic Azad University, Falavarjan Branch in 2016. The instrument of this study consist three questionnaires including individual information, Cohen perceived stress scale and stressful sources of clinical education questionnaire. Data were analyzed by independent t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient tests at a significant level of 0. 05, using SPSS/21 software. Results: The majority of students (96. 1%) reported moderate and high levels of stress. Age of students had a significant positive correlation with stress level (P = 0. 037). The most and least stressful sources, respectively, relate to areas of unpleasant feelings and interpersonal communication. Most stressors were related to "distressing sick patients", "cleaning the patient after stool deification", "instructor note in the presence of doctors and personnel" and "communicating with the instructor" respectively. The scores of stress-related sources had a significant negative correlation with the clinical work experience (P = 0. 014) and the age of instructors (P = 0. 029). Conclusions: High levels of stress can reduce the students learning and quality of clinical education. Therefore, providing stress management training courses, especially during the internship course for the students and communication skills courses for the clinical instructors are recommended.

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Introduction: One of the problematic factors in the field of education and learning is academic burnout. The aim of the present study was the discrimination of students with high and low academic burnout on the basis of test anxiety, alexithymia and academic achievement. Methods: Method present study was causal-comparative. The population consisted of all male and female students studying in Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University in the 2016-2017 academic year that according to Krejcie and Morgan table, 360 students were selected by multistage cluster sampling method. For data collection from questionnaires Maslach academic burnout inventory (2002) and anxiety test of Friedman (1997), Toronto alexithymia scale and the first-semester average of students used. Data were analyzed using software 16 SPSS and statistical test discriminant function analysis. Results: Discriminant analysis results showed one significant discrimination function that the according to this function test anxiety was the highest possible power distinction between two groups of students. Next distinctive variables the groups, were alexithymia and academic achievement. Also, the results of the discriminant analysis showed that most students with low academic burnout were correctly distinguished from the student with the highest percentage of detection (78/1%) and 78% of the students in the two groups according to the resulting function was properly reclassified. The results of this reclassification show the ability of these variables in the distinction between students with different academic burnout levels. Conclusions: In educational programs for the prevention and reduction of academic burnout among students to test anxiety, alexithymia and academic achievement require more attention.

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Introduction: The aim of this research, is identifying pharmacy quality education elements of improvement and also presenting a model correspondent with local conditions. Methods: This is a Mix method study that its l population is 140 graduated students of Tehran Medical University, two questionnaires which the first one was Responded-made is specialized for dimensions and components of improving the quality of education and the appropriateness of model and that second one specialized for model correspondent data collection which was complete by 20 university professors. This data was analyzed confirmatory and PLS software. Results: Regarding the quality and effective factors on improving the quality of pharmacy education, the 9 main factors of the goals and missions of the faculty, the quality of the curriculum, space and educational facilities, teaching and learning process, assessment, behavioral skills of professors, skills Professional faculty members, students, application of educational standards, and influence of teaching methods in pharmacy have the most impact on improving the quality of pharmacy education. Conclusions: The results showed that the effect of teaching methods with total load (0. 86), behavioral skills of faculty members with total load (0. 83) had been effective the application of educational standards with a factor of 0. 65 The least impact has on improving the quality of pharmacy education. Therefore, the use of modern teaching methods such as flipped classroom, clinical teaching method. . . and in the behavioral skills of professors based on appropriate treatment, mutual respect, self-esteem and. . . toward other factors are more influential than other factors.

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Introduction: Despite many original articles about OSCE in clinical evaluation of nursing and midwifery students in Iran, it has not been determined its reliability and validity is confirmed based on existence evidences and this method is an effective and qualified for students clinical evaluation? A literature review was done to answer these questions and to determine the OSCE status in clinical evaluation of nursing and midwifery students in Iran. Methods: in this review, Web of Science, Scopous, Proquest and Pubmed databases and Iranian databases such as SID, Magiran and Irondoc were searched using English and Persian keywords between 2000 and 2017 to find related articles. The full texts of extracted studies were reviewed and their main results were extracted. Them similar results were categorized and presented descriptively. Results: 23 studies were reviewed. These studies had assessed students’ clinical skills (11 items), reliability and validity (4 items), students’ satisfaction and point of view (6 items), tension and anxiety associated with OSCE (2 items). The need for clinical evaluation through OSCE, OSCE as a reliable and valid examination, OSCE as a satisfied experience, OSCE and student learning and theory and clinical integration, preparing the environment, teachers and students before OSCE were the main findings of the review. Conclusions: The review of existence evidences showed that OSCE is a valid, reliable and appropriate method for clinical evaluation of nursing and midwifery students in Iran and the most important point of its strength is students’ satisfaction. To improve the students’ performance during the test, the more detailed planning before the test is needed.

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Introduction: The study was carried out with the purpose of investigating the role of social well-being and academic burnout in predicting students' academic eagerness at Farhangian University of Tabriz. Methods: The method of research is applied in terms of applied and descriptive nature and correlation type. The statistical population of the present study includes all students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in 800 students. Statistical sample According to Morgan table, 260 (130 boys and 130 girls) were selected by stratified random sampling. Data were gathered through a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and regression analysis using SPSS16. Results: The findings showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between the students' eagerness with social well-being and its components (r = 0. 55, P < 0. 001), and with job burnout and its components, there was a negative and significant relationship (r = 0. 46)-, P < 0. 00). The results also showed that social well-being and its components, namely, the component of social solidarity, the component of social participation, the component of social flourishing and the component of social acceptance positively with the amount of (R2 = 0. 52, F = 40. 48), and academic burnout and its components The components of academic fatigue, the degree of academic unawareness and the educational inefficiency component have a negative effect on the academic enthusiasm of student teachers by the amount of (R2 = 0. 56, F = 80. 78). Conclusions: The results of this research showed that social well-being and its components are positively reliable predictors of student's academic eagerness. In addition, academic burnout and its components negatively and significantly predict the student's academic enthusiasm.

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Introduction: Self-efficacy as a motivational factor, leading to increased academic performance and reducing stress. Therefore, determining factors influencing self-efficacy could be significantly useful in improving students’ academic achievement and consequently development of educational system. Thus purpose of this research was study of relationship between thinking skills with academic self-efficacy in students at Universities of Kashan and Medical Sciences Methods: Research type was descriptive correlative. The statistical population consisted of 9742 students' in Universities of Kashan and Medical Sciences that by Cochran Formulate, 301 ones through stratified randomized sampling were chosen as sample. The information gathering tools were thinking skills questionnaire with 35 items in 5 components and self-efficacy questionnaire with 20 items in term of Likert five scale. Questionnaires content validity confirmed by experts. reliability coefficients were obtained equal to 0. 86 for thinking skills and 0. 78 for self-efficacy. Data analyses done in descriptive (frequency, percentage, mean & standard deviation) and inferential level (Pearson correlation coefficient, regression & t-test) through Spss18 software’ s. Results: finding showed means of thinking skills (3. 28 ± 0. 51) and self-efficacy (3. 17 ± 0. 60) are bigger than average (3). Pearson correlation coefficient showed there is positive and significant relation between thinking skills with academic self-efficacy (r = 0. 18). Conclusions: on base finding thinking skills have positive and significant relation with academic self-efficacy among students and whatever these skills in students increase as well as increasing their efficacy. Thus universities and higher education centers could play a key role in enhancing thinking skills and self-efficacy in students.

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Sanei Zohre

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Introduction: In every educational system, educators are one of the effective components in the learning process. Therefore survey the quality of their performance should be considered by educational planner to improve the universities. The goal of the present study is Students’ standpoint about qualitative assessment of performance of faculty members to inform them of their performance. Methods: The total statistical population for the study consisted of 1159 students at Shahid Hasheminejad’ s female campus of Farhangian University in the 2016-2017 academic year. The sampling method was random stratified based on the field of study of 288 participants. The data was gathered using a questionnaire, which consisted of questions on personal attributes, assessment of performance of faculty members and the method of questionnaire completion. The validity of the contents of the questionnaire was confirmed by seeking opinion of the experts and its reliability was assessed using the Cronbach's alpha (0. 87) test. The needed data were collected by a questionnaire after confirming its validity and reliability. To analyze the data, statistical indices such as mean, standard deviation and Pearson correlation coefficient using Spss version 24 was used. Results: Personality of faculty members with an average 68. 71% and standard deviation of 0. 97 is the most important and teaching method, and evaluation with an average 47. 28% and standard deviation of 1. 05 is the less important dimensions from students’ standpoint. No Significant correlation was observed between students’ standpoints and their GPA (p = 0. 716 & r = 0. 03). Conclusions: According to the results, lecturers need mechanisms such as retraining and continuous instructions to improve the quality of teaching.

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Introduction: This study aimed to modeling the relationship between intrinsic motivations of students with the demographic characteristics of teacher with mediating learning styles. Methods: This research was a descriptive-correlational study of structural equation modeling. The statistical population consisted of all male and female students of the first high school of Zabol. The sample included 368 students that selected by cluster sampling method and responded to the short form of Sternberg and Wagner thinking style questionnaire, Kolb learning style questionnaire, and valrand academic motivation questionnaire(Valerand, 1993). To assess the demographic characteristics of the researcher-made Fellowship Teachers, they were given to the students and completed by their teachers. Data were analysis carried out using structural equation modeling and Imus software and tests were Sobel, Pearson, and rmsea. Results: Results showed that thinking styles have a direct and significant effect on the students ' intrinsic motivation (β = 0. 52) and learning styles have a direct and significant effect (β = 0. 44) on students' intrinsic motivation. Thinking styles and learning styles as mediators had a moderating role in relation to the teacher's demographic characteristics with the students' intrinsic motivation. (P < 0. 01) Conclusions: It can be concluded that to enhance the educational style and planning for these can be found with an emphasis on livelihood patterns of cultural community including income level, supplements employment and so; the effective role on the educational patterns and thinking and motivational patterns for students.

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Introduction: The broad spectrum of faculty tasks, combined with increased efficiency, require full-time and effective participation. Therefore, the activities of faculty members in the health promotion plan are implemented on a full-time basis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the attitude and function of full-time clinical faculty members in educational activities with optimal therapeutic services in order to meet the needs of people with the lowest concern in paying for the medical expenses of medical staff in Gorgan. Methods: In this qualitative study, 17 full-time full-time faculty members were selected in the Health Promotion Plan based on the goal. Subsequently, deep, wide, and comprehensive interviews (face to face) were performed to individual data saturation. The text of the Harvey interview was written in Van Mannan was subjected to analysis of the content in four stages. The conceptual concepts (themes) were extracted from it. Results: Using handwritten analysis, a significant number of themes were extracted from the original and three main themes of the main theme of the theme, each of which was subdivided into sub-themes. Inside the main theme in the three categories are "the benefits and necessity of all members of the clinical faculty in the plan of health evolution with the theme or subtheme, " "challenges 7 with themes or sub-themes, " and "5 ways or sub-topics" This is explained in the main and minor themes by sentences of the participants in the study. Conclusions: It seems that in the implementation of social justice and community access to services and timely response to the needs of the population by benefiting patients from optimal services at a cheaper rate, they require adequate infrastructure and supervision and adequate supervision. It is necessary to ensure that the tariffs and timely payments of the special clinics as their business identity office Maintain and increase their satisfaction. Awareness of the patient's ability to provide responsive training.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of connectivism instructional method on student’ s English language learning in comparison with grammar-translation and communicative language teaching methods. Methods: The current study was a 3 (instructional methods) *2 (genders) factorial design with pre-post-test. Statistical population included all the high school students in grade 3 from Ramhormoz city in Iran, who were studying in 2016-2017. Participants included students in six classes that were selected by available sampling method. Each of the classes was assigned to one of the three groups using the random division. The measuring instrument included an English language teacher-made test that was consisted of four main skills including reading, writing, speaking and listening. Results: Data was analyzed by descriptive statistic and MANCOVA through SPSS-23. The findings showed the connectivism instructional method was significantly more effective than other methods (P < 0. 05). Communicative instructional method was more effective than grammar-translation method, too (P < 0. 05). Conclusions: Based on the results of this research, it is concluded that the application of connectivism instructional method were effective in improving the English language learning of the students. Accordingly, this research suggests the application of connectivism instructional method in order to increase English language learning as a foreign language for the students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: This study aimed to determine the guidance and counseling needs of students in Islamic Azad University of Dezful branch, Khozestan, Iran. Methods: For this purpose, 375 students were selected via stratified random method among all students of this branch. The data gathering tool was a questionnaire consisting of 41 items with four-grade Likert scale which questioned the students’ opinions about the severity of their need for guidance and counseling in various areas. Reliability of the tool was confirmed by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Results: Results showed that the average priority of students' counseling needs in order of importance was: personal development area (4. 49), compromising-adaptive area (3. 77), educational-academic area (3. 01), vocational area (2. 13), and family and marriage area (1. 61). Other findings showed that there is a significant difference in some areas between male and female students in guidance and counseling needs (P < 0. 05); but there was no difference in separation of educational levels and study fields. Conclusions: Five needs that students in all areas have the most need for guidance and counseling services include: familiarizing with the country's job opportunities, the method of finding work in the community, the method of increasing the concentration of attention, the way of dealing with life problems and the happy way to was living. Recommended that universities and higher education institutes consider these finding in designing university counseling programs in order to facilitate students' academic achievement and to prevent their academic failures.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Moradi Aydisheh Shaban | Hasangholipour Yasoori Tahmores | SEYYED JAVADIN SEYYED REZA | Kheyrandish Mehdi

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Introduction: The aim of this study is designing a model of the competency for Higher education centers commanders of the Army, based on the supreme commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces Thought. The competency and meritocracy approach is one of the necessities and concerns of today's organizations to foster strategic human resources and achieve productivity. Methods: The type of research was qualitative based on qualitative content analysis. In terms of purpose was Developmental and in terms of philosophical, was analytical-Interpretive and inductive approach. The study population consist of all statements of the supreme commander-in-chief, from 1368-1396.; the analysis unit was paragraph, and to collect information and data content analysis was used. Results: The competency model of the commanders includes five areas of Beliefs and Morality, value, cognitive, functional and behavioral competence, including 12 sub-categories and 60 concepts. Conclusions: The designed model is more comprehensive than the existing models and has strong points such as beliefs, values, revolutionaries and jihadis, and while the names of some of the concepts were similar with common models, they are fundamentally different from point of view. Implementation of this model will lead to the establishment of meritocracy based on the expectations of the Supreme Leader in the command system and education and training of the future generation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Very variables have a role in improve the academic vitality of students. Therefore, present research aimed to determine the role of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies, academic optimism and academic engagement in predicting academic vitality of nursing students. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional from type of correlational. The research population were included all nursing students of Islamic Azad university of Ahvaz branch in 2017-18 academic years, that from them 200 people were selected by simple sampling method. Data collected by the questionnaires of Wolters cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies, Beard and et al academic optimism, Fredricks and et al academic engagement and Hosein Chari and Dehghani Zadeh academic vitality and analyzed by Pearson correlation and multiple regression with enter model methods. Results: The findings showed cognitive learning strategies (r = 0. 269), metacognitive learning strategies (r = 0. 312), academic optimism (r = 0. 375) and academic engagement (r = 0. 438) had a positive and significant correlation with academic vitality of nursing students. Also, the variables of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies, academic optimism and academic engagement predict 40. 7 percent of variance of academic vitality of nursing students that in this prediction the share of academic engagement was higher than other variables (P < 0. 01). Conclusions: The results indicated the importance of the variables of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies, academic optimism and academic engagement in predicting the academic vitality of nursing students. Therefore, to improve the academic vitality of nursing students can increase their cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies, academic optimism and academic engagement.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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DEHGHANI MOHAMMAD | Khara Rouhalaah | MIRABOOTALEBI NARJES | Hayavi Haghighi Mohamad Hosein

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Introduction: Individual perceptions of the work environment, work organization and corporate called organization self-imaging. In this study, the relationship between the organization self-imaging and students’ academic success is evaluated. Methods: The study Participants were Health Information Technology students in Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences. According to census sampling method (73 people) were selected. The data collection tool Researcher made questionnaire that its validity Confirmed by factuality member and experts. The tool reliability was assessed with Cronbach's alpha (0. 76). After entering data in software SPSS 16 and descriptive analysis, using ANOVA, Pearson and LSD to investigate the relationship between variables. Results: The rate of questionnaire return was 78% (64 patients). The average of age and academic achievement were 20. 6 and 15. 99. Among other dimensions organization self-imaging, job dimension gained most score (2. 47) and organization dimension gained lowest score (2. 08). Organization self-Imaging has a positive and significantly correlated with academic achievement (P < 0. 002). Conclusions: Results of this study indicated that organization self-imaging has a significant correlation with academic achievement. Therefore, the authorities and university managers should consider ways to increase the students' image and take relevant measures.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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