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Despite the advancement of science and technology in Iran after the Islamic Revolution, the scientific and technological system in Iran is now facing serious problems, especially in terms of policymaking. The aim of the research, based on the interpretive paradigm and the meta-synthesis method, is to show that the theory of policy networks is a suitable approach to explain the problems of the institutional structure of science and technology policy in Iran. The research findings show two serious problems in this regard: problems corresponding to policy-making institutions and problems corresponding to the interactions between them. Thus, the theory of policy networks as a theory that emphasizes the importance of the role of "political actors" and "their interactions" can be a good way to get out of these problems. Therefore, on the one hand, policymakers are advised to pay more attention to the interactions of science and technology policy institutions, and on the other hand, researchers are advised to start special research programs to solve this problem.

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The Islamic Republic has always been threatened by the West. In contrast, Ayatollah Khamenei's grand model of countering these threats has increased the country's resistance and stability to external threats. The main question of this research is: what is Ayatollah Khamenei's theoretical and practical model against the American threat? In answer to this question, based on library data and text analysis methods, it is stated that Ayatollah Khamenei relying on Islamic theoretical foundations such as belief in divine traditions and positive exploitation of US threats against the Islamic Republic and also relying on the potential of Iranian social unity against force, as well as reverse engineering of irreversible threats and positive exploitation of conditions, turns threats to opportunity for progress. Therefore, more successes may be seen in the cases of threats.

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After the 11th of September of 2001, the United States, intending to reach a hgemonic position by institutionalizing new exceptions such as the fight against terrorism, humanitarian intervention, and liability for protection, has established its own international law. In fact, the United States used the capacity to regulate and regulate international law in order to secure its interests and impose its will. This study search the question: how has the United States, played a role in developing the norms of international law. The hypothesis of this article focuses on the international rights of the fight against terrorism and through historical-comparative methods and through citation-legal arguments, as well as the use of library resources. The new law, through Security Council resolutions, follows Chapter VII of the UN Charter after the events of 9/11. In this process, the impact of the unilateralism of the United States on the evolution of the norms of international law is also assessed, focusing on the fight against terrorism.

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The prevalence of emergent currents and sects, especially among the young, is one of the challenges facing the Islamic and revolutionary identity of society. The issue of this research is the analysis of the IRI management facing the currents and differences. Examining the IRA's strategy for managing emerging currents and sects makes it appear that they should not be promoted and that their harms should be reduced, but the protection of cultural space requires updating policies to increase efficiency. The results of this study show that the lack of uniform definition of currents, the existence of institutions and organizations parallel to similar functions, the lack of a macro strategic model in the face of emerging sects and currents, and the lack of a defined strategy have led to ineffective management. People's spiritual rights, careful monitoring of cultural products, constant monitoring of sects and currents, providing rich content of Islamic mysticism, avoiding parallel work, can be more effective in the efficiency of the structure.

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Rajae Hossein | Haqqani Musa

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Today, one of the most controversial issues in political society is national identity. The question that arises in the minds of researchers is whether Shiite scholars, as one of the main actors in the Iranian society of the Safavid period, have played a role in shaping the components of the national identity of this land? By examining the performance, positions and behavior of Shiite scholars in this period, their influence on the formation of components of Iranian national identity such as: land, centralized government, official religion, defense of territorial integrity, Persian language and literature, etc. will be evident; and the reliability and dynamism of some components of Iranian national identity is due to the performance of Shiite scholars; this study with an analytic-descriptive method on the basis of historical and data and evidences has explained the role played by Shiite scholars in this field.

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One of the main topics and issues current among contemporary religious scholars lies in explaining the domain of religion. Therefore, the problem of the present study is to explain the political scope of religion in Imam Khomeini's thought. As is known, a group of religious scholars consider the domain of religion limited to otherworldly affairs and agree with so-called religious restrictionism. In their view, the propositions of religion are focused on the happiness and goodness of the human in the hereafter world, while the formulation and organization of earthly affairs is not a part of religious mission. The present study, using a descriptive and analytical method, seeks to critique religious restrictionism with reliance on Imam Khomeini's political views and ideas, and based on the idea of comprehensiveness to need and educatin, support the view saying the realm of religion in all fields of human life.

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Along with the struggle and uprising, "production of meaning" in areas where the ruling power has not been able to gain access has been part of the tradition of the Imams to preserve and develop the Shiite discourse. The research question follows as: how the Shiites were able to maintain and disseminate their political discourse, despite their critical stance on official politics in some historical periods? The findings of the research show that the Imams (as) have used effective strategies in order to maintain and expand the Shiite discourse in the face of various political conditions, and "politics of meaning" has been one of these strategies. The politics of meaning is composed of a chain of signs, each of which is the heritage of one of the Imams and may be repeated in the life of one or more Imams. The semantic implication of the system of signs of the politics of meaning in the life of the Imams (as) has been the crossing of the borders of official power and the guarantee of the Shiite life in the areas of resistance. The method of this paper is to analyze the semantic sign of discourse.

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Shiite political fiqh has gone through various stages so far, so that it can be claimed that from the absence of the last infallible Imam (as) to the Safavid era, "a political proposition", from then until the Islamic Revolution, "a political theory" and in its last stage, "a political system" have been occurred respectively. It has been intended in present study to examine Ayatollah Khoi's political views on the realm of the powers of the Islamic ruler based on the supervision of the jurist, through a descriptive-analytical method. Among the results and findings of the research, it can be pointed out that in addition to expressing the scope of authority of the jurist in the era of absence in the mind of Ayatollah Khoei, the task of government, the fate of government and politics can also be explained. Using the general concept of "hisb", he proves the authority of the jurist over military and armed affairs (Commanderin-Chief of the Armed Forces).

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This article seeks to answer the question: what are the components of resistance economy in Iran Khodro Industry in the political and economic thought of the Supreme Leader and the Holy Quran with fuzzy Delphi technique? In this study, Delphi fuzzy technique as one technique for scientific analysis has been used to reach consensus among panel expert members in finding the components and dimensions of resistance economy of IRI's Automotive Industry. According to the research question, in the thought of resistance economy, the Supreme Leader of the Revolution mentioned 10 main components in resistance economy as: jihadi management, leading economy, meeting customer needs, endogenous economy, strengthening manpower and knowledge and technology, being extroverted, opportune-making, empowering Employees, Economic Jihad, and Cultural Policy-making. The results showed that, given the above components, endogenous economics was recognized as the most important dimension with the components: independence, self-sufficiency, and actualization of domestic capacities.

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Shariati's Opinions on the clergy class and fiqahat have taken different forms during different periods of time. The present research has been intended to study some of theories of Shari'ati`s political thought that clarify the relationship between the clergy class and politics. The findings based on the descriptive-analytical and text-oriented method, show that Shariati, in some of his works, takes such positions in line with the socio-political representation of the clergy, as a necessary legal position in the Shiite political community, in the era of Imam`s absence. In this regard, at first, a general picture of Shariati's intellectual system and the details of his influence from different schools and ideas are presented and then the political position of clergy and politics in the form of the concept of Velayat-e-Faqih in his thought is explained.

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