Medical knowledge is one of the important sciences of civilization. Although womenchr('39')s activity in the field of family health and medical services, such as experimental therapy and even prevention of common diseases can be examined using the knowledge of home medicine, nursing, medical skills in childbirth, etc., but so far an independent study has not been done to highlight their contributions in the mentioned field. The main question is, "what were the scientific skills and experimental endeavors of the women in the history of Islamic civilization in the field of medical knowledge, medical staff and medical activities that led to the promotion of medical knowledge in the Abbasid era? The answer to this question can only be obtained in a descriptive method (based on history) as well as an analytical and inferential method (according to the sources). In fact, the sources are not explicit in providing information about the women, especially their medical services. In the Abbasid era, with the growth of civilization and especially with the emergence of powerful court women, womenchr('39')s scientific endeavors in the development of medical knowledge and the all-round growth of the medical services increased. According to the historical sources, womenchr('39')s efforts in the field of medical and treatment services, with the dedication of medical places and equipment, the establishment of the hospitals, the development of the public health, etc. were very effective in the prosperity of medical knowledge of Islamic civilization.