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The political development of Hamdanian’s dynasty is explorable from the third century onward. The name of this dynasty in Halab is associated with the appearance of an ample of excellences. They left a great deal of literary and scientific heritage due to their widespread endeavors to the extent that even today they enjoy a high position. It was due to the existence of great scholars that such a cultural revolution took place in Sayf-al-Dowleh’s time. The present article is an attempt to study briefly the excellence of this dynasty and the manner of their assumption of power.

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This paper is to elaborate on different meanings that Muslims ascribed to "Zendigh". The author is to argue that this term has had various meanings to different sects of the Muslim community. Manavi, Zoroastrian, Mazdaist, Polytheist, Convert, Monafiq, etc. are the typical meanings Muslims had conceived of the term.As a result, the term has not had a precise meaning and its usage has not been based on a definite standard. In most cases, because of the negative connotation associated with the term, it was applied to religious opponents -- Muslims or non-Muslims. Thus, contrary to the claim of the Science of Tradition (Hadith), the term has never been used as a prominent emblem for a sect or group of people sharing specific purpose conspiring against Islam.

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What is sufism? Relaxing in patience and freeing oneself from the whole world. As patience has a crucial role in man's spiritual and social perfection, God has spoken about it in various verses of the Quran and has ordered man to have it in different individual and social situations.Patience is considered essential in mysticism and sufism which are profound perceptions of the divine rules of the Quran. This concept has also had a vast and extensive reflection in mystical poetry.The poems which Attar Neishabouri, the well-known mystic and poet of the 12th century have composed are among the unique masterpieces of Persian mystical literature. In these poems, he has described the mysteries of the spiritual journey in the form of codes, symbols, and sometimes various stories and allegories.From Attar's point of view, patience has a significant role in the spiritual journey. Actualizing divine powers and potentialities hidden in man's soul, patience causes man to get free from his limited material self and join the infinite, absolute being.Referring to the outstanding works of Attar such as Divan of poems, Manteq-al-Teir, EHahi Nam-e, Asrar-Nam-e, Mossibat Nam-e, and Mokhtar Nam-e, the writer of this article has tried to illustrate the role and importance of patience in the journey toward God from the view point of this great mystic.

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During the period between the two wars, although some theatre critics were considering the work of the producer more important than the drama text, a few dramatic writers created some poetical plays which derived all their power and influence from accurate poetical texts.Jean Giraudoux occupied an important place amongst masterpieces and his works brought him universal reputation.The fact that a very large public praised his dramatic works in spite of the different levels of their knowledge and the ambiguity of his ideas and intentions raises an important question: What do we expect from a drama? The question is to know if someone who reads or watches a play has to understand clearly all the author's ideas and intentions.This article attempts to answer this important question as far as possible with an analytical look on Giraudoux's most famous play, Intermezzo and also would consider his ideas and those of the critics who have written about his work.

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در این مقاله به بررسی معانی مختلف کلمه "زندیق" نزد مسلمانان پرداخته می شود. نگارنده بر این مدعاست که این اصطلاح معانی مختلفی برای مسلمانان داشته است. مانوی، زردتشتی، مزدکی، مشرک، مرتد، منافق، ... ، از رایج ترین معانی این کلمه نزد مسلمانان می باشد. نتیجه این تحقیق آن است که این کلمه معنا و کاربری دقیق نزد مسلمانان نداشته و در بیشتر موارد به سبب بار معنایی منفی، به مخالفان مذهبی اعم از مسلمان و غیرمسلمان نسبت داده شده است. بنابراین برخلاف ادعای دانشمندان علم حدیث، این کلمه بر گروهی که دارای اهداف و مشخصات خاصی، به خصوص اهداف توطئه آمیز و ضد اسلامی است، دلالت نمی کند.

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Language as a semiotic system serves to establish, maintain or weaken social relations by communicating meaning. According to Lyons (1977) language has three functions: descriptive, expressive and social.In naming, like other linguistic areas, the three aspects of meaning are communicated, though, through social and cultural change, the weight of one aspect may vary compared with the other two.In this paper, it is shown that naming is not just a means of vocation or reference to persons, but Iranians usually express their attitudes through the name they choose for their children. Attempts have been made in this paper to identify different cultural linguistic aspects of the names of girls and boys in Isfahan, and study the changes in naming during 1350-1380 and clarify the cultural trends of the people hidden in their names.We also show how people's new cultural needs determine the name they assign to their children, and how they employ them to play two roles: a) being modern and up-to-date and b) maintain their traditional and historical asset.It seems that the findings of this paper can properly be generalized to Iran as a whole because of continuous cultural linkage due to the significant development of communication.

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Natural language and philosophical thoughts have profound influences in our current logic. Therefore, the points of view of our great logicians such as Avicenna, Qutb'ddin Razi and Khajeh Nasir Tusi, in some of the fundamental matters are not pure formal and logical, and in some of these logical opinions, we see contradictions that are the consequence of the influences of these non-logical factors.We will consider, in this paper, these influences about extension and intension and their logical position in the current logic.

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After the conquest of Syria, the danger of reoccupying that region by Eastern Roman Empire was great. But, the Empire could not reoccupy Syria. The main reason for that was the social unity of Syrians in that time. Although some valuable information is available, there has not yet been an independent study on the issue. In this article, the writer tries to shed more light on the said unity. In this respect, the background of social instability resulting from the land quarrel in contemporary Syria, Byzantine's political and economic interests there, and the Arab immigration program to Syria will be studied.

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دوره تکوین و رشد خاندان حمدانی از اواسط قرن سوم به بعد قابل بررسی است. نام این خاندان در شاخه حلب با بروز شایستگی های فراوانی مصاف و همراه است. آنان با تلاش گسترده خود میراث بزرگ علمی و ادبی یی به یادگار گذاشتند که تا امروز منابع تاریخی و ادبی از اعتلای آن سخن به میان می آورند. این جهش عظیم فرهنگی به واسطه وجود دانشمندان و فرهیختگانی بود که از گروههای مختلف توانستند آثار فراوانی در خدمت سیف الدوله به جامعه بشری تقدیم کنند. این مقاله ضمن بررسی کوتاه از چگونگی قدرت یابی این خاندان به طور اختصار، به شایستگی های دولت سیف الدوله اشاراتی خواهد داشت.

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This article is going to answer shortly through the recognition of soul and spirit some of the questions which draw man's attention: What is mans' nature and his essence'! Can man's essence be explained logically? To answer these questions, the researcher tries to refer to the different ideas and views among which, the gnostic view is preferred. Consequently, it is mentioned that we cannot be merely named a mental creature with some memory and individual knowledge but our essence is eternal and immortal which cannot be defined logically and rationally. This is due to the fact that we are devoid of contrariety and opposition and that the decadence of four causes is senseless regarding the fact that man's soul is not contrary with its essence.

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فتاح سهیلا

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در سالهای بین دو جنگ جهانی، با آنکه برخی از منتقدان تئاتر اهمیت کارگردانی را بسیار برتر از اهمیت متن نمایشنامه می دانستند، تعدادی از نویسندگان تئاتر نمایشنامه هایی شاعرانه به وجود آوردند که همه توانایی و قدرت تاثیر آنها بر پایه متن های دقیق و بسیار شاعرانه بود. در میان این نویسندگان ژان ژیرودو جایگاهی ویژه دارد، زیرا اولا آثار نمایشی وی به سرعت در شمار شاهکارهای نمایشی جهان قرار گرفت و نویسنده را از شهرتی جهانی برخوردار ساخت و ثانیا روی آوردن گروههای مختلف خواننده و بیننده به آثار نمایشی وی با همه اختلاف سطح آگاهی و دانش آنان، از سویی و نا روشنی مقاصد و مفاهیم مورد نظر نویسنده در نمایشنامه هایش، از سوی دیگر مساله بسیار مهمی را درباره چگونگی انتظار از آثار ادبی و به ویژه تئاتر مطرح می سازد و آن عبارت از طرح این پرسش است که آیا خواننده نمایشنامه یا بیننده نمایش باید اندیشه ها و مقاصد نویسنده را به روشنی دریابد؟ در این جست و جو که با روش اسنادی و کتابخانه ای تهیه گردیده کوشش به عمل آمده است تا با نگاهی تحلیلی به مشهورترین نمایشنامه ژیرودو، "آنتراکت" و نیز با بررسی شیوه کار و چگونگی نظریات نویسنده و همچنین با بهره گیری از نظریات منتقدانی که درباره آثار وی سخن گفته اند به این پرسش مهم تا آنجا که ممکن است پاسخ داده شود.

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Literary works, specially poetic works, are the reflection of the culture of different nations. By studying outstanding poetic works in Farsi, that is, lyrical, didactic and mystrical poetry remaining from the fourth to the middle of the seventh century (A.H), one comes to the conclusion that among the lyrical poetry, Khosro and Shirin has presented the best status for women. In contrast, we find Leili and Majnoon and Varaghe and Golshah in which the unjustified dominance of men and their prejudice make women accept silence, submission, fear, shame, irresolution and finally disappointment and death.Among the didactic and mystrical poetry, Attar's poems set the best condition for women. In the next rank, in Boostan Saadi, women are recognized as diquarrel obedient of men and the belief of manleader will fill all their position. Finally, in Hadighe's Sanayi women are treated, sadly, with the most depelorable contempt.

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