Literary works, specially poetic works, are the reflection of the culture of different nations. By studying outstanding poetic works in Farsi, that is, lyrical, didactic and mystrical poetry remaining from the fourth to the middle of the seventh century (A.H), one comes to the conclusion that among the lyrical poetry, Khosro and Shirin has presented the best status for women. In contrast, we find Leili and Majnoon and Varaghe and Golshah in which the unjustified dominance of men and their prejudice make women accept silence, submission, fear, shame, irresolution and finally disappointment and death.Among the didactic and mystrical poetry, Attar's poems set the best condition for women. In the next rank, in Boostan Saadi, women are recognized as diquarrel obedient of men and the belief of manleader will fill all their position. Finally, in Hadighe's Sanayi women are treated, sadly, with the most depelorable contempt.