Introduction: In Geography science and the related fields, grouping and classification of factors for heavy homogenous and non-homogenous families is necessary. As a whole in total studies especially those of urban and rural, for better understanding of existing features, their reasons and olataining suitable results and finally providing the best approaches, the grouping of inputs and statistical family is necessary. Such works are very important in Iran with more than 62000 villages and hamlets that are distributed on the vast area of the country with different physical conditions, or in the India that there are more than 300000 villages located these. In this research the authers tried to provide a suitable and scientific method based on a quantitative plan from famous American scientist, Walter Rostow, with four effective systems on a geographical area, both a province or a country; and a region, and the authers didnot apply the old methods and plans that gust compares the areas only, despite in the professional studies about villages and rural Geography, the villages are not classified by any scientific methodology. In such Suggestive Approach, the total Basis of Physical conditions, Social factors, Economic forces and political factors that are dominated on the Region and are effective on the whole of subject of a Rural Region and villages are Notable for the Researchers.