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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Cellulase products usage in industry is in demand considerably. This enzyme is used in paper, paint, oil and textile industries. Cellulase can convert cellulose to glucose and then glucose can be converted to ethanol which this process can be replaced with fossil fuels. Cellulose is a polysaccharide that can be renewable and may be in future providing fuel for transportation. Cellulase converts cellulose to soluble sugars. One of the most extensively studied organisms is the soft rot fungus Trichoderma reesei. This fungus produces a complete set of cellulolytic enzymes that are able to cleave b- 1, 4- glycosidic bonds present in cellulose or cellulose derivatives. One of the key enzymes in the multi- enzyme complexes is endoglucanase which is purified from different methods. By using the butanol to concentrate this enzyme, we obtained remarkable active enzyme. The amount of cellobiohydrolases are much more than the concentration of endoglucanases (mentioned by several articles) in Trichoderma reesei. In this experiment, we could obtain the concentration of endoglucanases 20% more than cellobiohydrolases.

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استفاده از محصولات آنزیم سلولاز در صنعت بسیار مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. از این آنزیم در صنایع کاغذ سازی، رنگ سازی، روغن کشی و نساجی استفاده می شود. تبدیل سلولز به گلوکز و سپس تبدیل گلوکز به اتانول می تواند جایگزین سوخت های فسیلی شود. سلولز یک پلی ساکارید قابل بازیافت است که شاید در آینده نزدیک بسیاری از فراورده های سوختی لازم مخصوصا برای حمل و نقل را تامین کند. سلولز توسط آنزیم سلولاز تبدیل به قندهای قابل حل می گردد. یکی از موجوداتی که مطالعه زیادی روی آن انجام شده است، قارچی با ریشه نرم به نام تریکو درما رزیی (Trichoderma reesei) می باشد. این قارچ تولید تمام آنزیم های سلولولیتیک مورد نیاز برای شکستن پیوندهای 1-b، -4 گلیکوزیدی در سلولز و مشتقات آن را انجام می دهد. یکی از آنزیم های مهم در کمپلکس چند آنزیمی سلولاز، اندوگلوکاناز است که تخلیص آن از قارچ تریکو درما رزیی با روش های مختلف انجام شده است. تغلیظ این آنزیم با استفاده از بوتانل انجام شد. وقتی از این روش تغلیظ استفاده شود، غلظت آنزیم اندوگلوکانازها تقریبا 10% بیشتر از سلوبیوهیدرولازها می شود و این موضوع مخالف گزارشات قبلی است. برای اثبات آن از ستون کروماتوگرافی DEAE- Sepharose- CL-6B استفاده شد و معلوم گردید که مقدار و فعالیت اندوگلوکانازها خیلی بیشتر است.

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Morphine and other opioid drugs through by increasing brain dopaminergic systems are used to induce dependence and craving. This study investigated the effects of L - dopa as dopamine precursor on creating dependency of morphine. In this study, 56 male mature mice (about 80 days old) with a weight of 30-35 grams were enrolled as the experimental, sham and the control groups. The experimental groups included 5 subgroups treated with either morphine, L - dopa with dose of minimum (750 mg/kg), L - dopa with dose of maximum (1500 mg/kg), morphine+ L - dopa with dose of minimum and morphine+ L - dopa with dose of maximum. Morphine was used for dependency and L - dopa was used as dopamine precursor and CCP method was used to estimate dependency. The data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA using SPSS version 18 Results showed no meaningful difference between the control and the witness groups. However, there was a meaningful difference between the control group with morphine, L - dopa and L - dopa +morphine groups in preferring a location to receive morphine (P³0.01). And also no meaningful difference between the L - dopa +morphine group in preferring the location for receiving the drug compared with the group receiving morphine alone. Morphine through stimulating mesolimbic dopaminergic nerve pathways and L - dopa through increased production of dopamine in the brain is causes increasing CPP.

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Pepsin (E.C. is a juice gastric aspartic proteinase. It belongs to hydrolyses family. Its monomeris structure is consisting of two lobes that they are similar in size and folding. It consists of a single polypeptide chain of molecular weight 34644 Dalton and 327 amino acids. Structural analysis shows that pepsin contains 1.2% basic residues, 13.1% acidic residues, 46.5% polar residues and 39.2% hydrophobic residues. Structural stability of pepsin was investigated by UV-VIS spectrophotometer and spectrophlorimetry. Spectral measurements were made by sodium phosphate buffer (.02M) at pH: 2 and temperatures between 30 and 100oC. It was observed that 1. High considerable enzyme stability, 2. Enzyme stability decreases in the presence of urea at pH: 2. 3. Thermodynamic parameters decline in the presence of urea. 4. Florescence intensity increase in the presence of urea.

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One of the big problems on Sturgeon Fishes is select of the breeders that have high quality of gametes after hormone injection. So in this research final oocyte maturation index (GVBD) in in vitro for selection of Persian sturgeon broodstock, Acipenser persicus, was studied on 10 females captured from the Caspian Sea during reproduction season. About 150 oocytes from every broodstock, taken by hollow probe, were incubated in incubation media of RM2 containing 10 mg/l of progesterone for induction of the final oocyte maturation and assessment of GVBD index. Results indicated that significant differences in GVBD of the in vitro and in vivo were observed (P<0.01). However, broodstockes with rate of GVBD in in vitro higher than %50 had a significantly better ovulation, fertilization and incubation rates (P<0.05), from those with a GVBD lower than %50. It could be concluded that use from method of assessment of GVBD index under in vitro circumstance was preferable to assessment of GVBD index under in vivo and also nucleus polarization index for selection of suitable broodstock.

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160 one-day-old male broiler chicks (Ross308) in 2 groups of 4 replicates were studied in each group20 chicks for each replicate were used. One group of these birds was rose in normal temperature (NT treatment) and the other group was raised in cold temperature induce PHS and heart failure (CT treatment). Glutathione peroxidase (GPX), superoxide dismutase SOD (, total antioxidant status (TAS) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content of both plasma and liver were determined at days 21 and 42 At the end of the experiment (day42), 2 chicks from each replicate were randomly selected and slaughtered. The heart was removed and the right ventricle was dissected away. The ratio of right ventricle weight to total ventricle weight (RV/TV) was calculated. Results showed that MDA content in plasma and liver of CT birds was greater than that of NT birds at day 21 and 42. GPX activity in plasma and liver of CT birds at day 21&42 and SOD activity in plasma at day 42 were lower than that of NT birds. Furthermore, birds of NT treatment had a higher plasma TAS (P<0.05) at both ages. Moreover, RV/TV ratio at day 42 and mortality in total period were significantly higher in CT birds.

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In this survey, the infection rate of Linguatulaserrata nymphs in mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs), livers and lungs of 400 cattle was studied in different seasons considering their sex and age in Tabriz abattoir. The lymph nodes, livers and lungs were examined macroscopically. A digestion method was also applied for investigation of liver and lung samples. The infection rate of L. serrata nymphs in MLNs and livers was 17.2% and 0.25% respectively. But none of the lung samples were infected. The infection rate in slaughtered cattle significantly increased with age (P<0.05). However, no significant difference was observed between males and females (P>0.05). Moreover, there was not any significant difference in infection rate through the different seasons of the year (P>0.05).

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During the taxonomical investigations of Coleoptera (family: Meloidae) of the Arak County, in spring and summer 2010, 15 species of blister beetles belonging to the two subfamily (Nemognathinae and Meloinae), three tribes (Mylabrini, Lyttini and Nemognathini) and six genus (Hycleus, Mylabris, Alosimus, Calydus, Teratolytta and Nemognatha) were collected and identified. In this study the geographical distribution and identification key of the collected species of blister beetles were considered. This is the first time that Calydus ornaticollis species from Arak and Teratolytta flavipes species from Iran was reported. Morphological characters such as mesosternum, antennae, pronotum, and male reproductive organ were the main identification character that was used.

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160 one-day-old male broiler chicks (Ross308) in 2 groups of 4 replicates were studied in each group20 chicks for each replicate were used. One group of these birds was rose in normal temperature (NT treatment) and the other group was raised in cold temperature induce PHS and heart failure (CT treatment). Glutathione peroxidase (GPX), superoxide dismutase SOD (, total antioxidant status (TAS) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content of both plasma and liver were determined at days 21 and 42 At the end of the experiment (day42), 2 chicks from each replicate were randomly selected and slaughtered. The heart was removed and the right ventricle was dissected away. The ratio of right ventricle weight to total ventricle weight (RV/TV) was calculated. Results showed that MDA content in plasma and liver of CT birds was greater than that of NT birds at day 21 and 42. GPX activity in plasma and liver of CT birds at day 21&42 and SOD activity in plasma at day 42 were lower than that of NT birds. Furthermore, birds of NT treatment had a higher plasma TAS (P<0.05) at both ages. Moreover, RV/TV ratio at day 42 and mortality in total period were significantly higher in CT birds.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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