In modern urbanization, applying information and communication technology in government relationships with citations increase and improve the level and quality of services and public satisfaction. In Iran e-government project has been started many years ago, but due to some barriers or challenges, still is not a successful program. In this study, we try to identify the cause of e-government failure and introduce some solutions. Since both the government and citizens in e-government as providers and users of these services are important; accordingly, this research, studies e-government barriers from the both perspective of authorities and citizens. An in-depth qualitative research method was conducted to answer research questions. 30 semistructured interviews were conducted with governmental authorities and private offices provider of e-government services and citizens in Hormozgan province. Collected data was analyzed by using the 7 step of Colaizzi’ s method with help of MAXQDA software. The findings showed that barriers from the perspective of authorities are in 5 categories including human barriers, technicalstructural barriers, economical barriers, political-legal barriers and cultural barriers. The identified barriers from the perspective of citizens were classified into 4 classes in order of importance embraces human barriers, technical-structural barriers, cultural barriers and economical barriers. Ultimately, some useful solutions were presented to overcome these barriers.