The human’s fact resembles a deep sea, and human is potentially capable of attaining other levels of understanding, it includes the different Quranic interpretations especially in the Islamic mystical literature. It is also visible in Eighth Chapter, there is a different term, literary terms, there is no mystical, term in an encyclopedia. The goal of the study is to find out examples, terms, and concepts about the “eighth chapter” in order to prove its position in the mystical, literary field. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to the encyclopedia of mystical terms. On the other hand, the study of concepts and terms can connect the science of “word” with other sciences, especially “mystical literature”. This study is to examine the concept of “eighth chapter” to differentiate the various ideas. Actually, the reference is one of “heartly reflection” in the Quranic, mystical field, Besides, there are other types of interpretations including “Anfosi interpretations”, “self-perception interpretation” or “self-interpretations”, hence there are two aspects in the study as follows:Evidences on the “Eighth chapter” meaning to differentiate the various ideas, the analysis to define the concept and term of the “Eighth chapter” in mystical literature and Quranic concepts.