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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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در این وادی و ایام غمزده که نگاه به حرف و اصناف و افراد در جامعه ما بسیار متغیر است برآن شدم که مواردی را به زعم خود در رابطه با جامعه پزشکی برای تذکر همکاران گروه پزشکی به شرح هفتگانه زیر به رشته تحریر در آورم. 1. صعوبت پزشکی: دوره طولانی تحصیلی، کشیک های شبانه و ایام تعطیل، نداشتن تعطیلی بین ترم و تابستانی و نوروزی و حتی روزهای تعطیلی همگانی، مفاد قانونی طرح و ضریب کا و مناطق محروم و الزام کسب امتیاز برای مطب و غیره، همگی بر صعوبت این رشته نسبت به سایر رشته های علمی می افزاید. 2. اتهام های وارده بر حرفه پزشکی: برخی آگاهانه و عده ای ناآگاهانه، نسبت دادن قشر مرفه و سفر خارج برو، فرار مالیاتی، اجتناب از گذاشتن دستگاه پوز در مطب، و اتهام های ناجوانمردانه دیگر را در اذهان و رسان هها و غیره نسبت به این جامعه روا م یدارند. گرچه ممکن است نوادر افرادی از این امور را دارا باشند. ...

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Myomas are the most common benign tumors observed in 20-25% of women in the reproductive age. The incidence of myoma increases with age occurring in about 30% of 40-60 yrs old women. Despite being benign, myomas are associated with high morbidity due to abnormal uterine bleeding and fertility complications. Thus, proper diagnosis and treatment of myoma at any age is essential. Clinical examination by a physician can partially diagnose myoma. For correct management of myoma, accurate diagnosis demonstrating location, size and type of myoma is necessary. This can only be achieved through medical imaging techniques. Today, many different medical imaging techniques are present including two-and three dimensional ultrasonography, Hysterosonography, Hysterosalpingography, CT-scan and MRI. In this study, various types of myomas, its diagnosis and latest methods of treatment are studied. . .

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Background: Cyberspace covers many aspects of human life and tendency to cyberspace can be influenced by cognitive and emotional dimensions. Thus, the aim of this study was modeling structural relationships of meta-cognitive situations with tendency for virtual networks through mediating emotional processing in gifted students. Methods: The research method was descriptive-correlation and in particular structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the present study was all 300 gifted students of Secondary School Sampad Secondary School in 11 experimental fields in the academic year of 2019 in Gorgan. Mojardi, et al (2014) tendency to virtual networks questionnaire, Onil & Abedi (1996) meta-cognitive situations questionnaire and California Test Personality (CTP) were evaluated. Regression equations with SPSS 18 and 23Amos software were used for data analysis. Results: The results showed that there is a significant negative relationship between meta-cognitive situations and emotional processing with tendency for virtual networks. The research model was fitted and validated and explained 0. 330 of variance in tendency for virtual networks by meta-cognitive situations. Emotional processing had a mediating role in the relationship between meta-cognitive situations with tendency for virtual networks. Conclusion: Changes in the tendency for cyberspace based on direct meta-cognitive situations and indirect emotional processing can be explained in gifted students and this study has practical implications for school counselors.

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Background: Dental complaints have been growing in the world. These complaints have led to an increase in dentists’ stress as well as financial and time burden for the community. Hence, a careful examination of complaints can serve as guidance for improving university dental education programs and increasing the awareness of dentists. Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 359 dental treatment files in Isfahan medical records archives (2011-17) were evaluated and the required information was extracted. The data were entered into two separate SPSS files (one based on records and one based on teeth) and analyzed by descriptive statistical test. Results: A rising trend was observed in the rate of complaints from 2011 to 2017. The most treatment procedures complained were endodontics (35. 9%), prosthodontics (31. 5%) and surgery (20. 6%). General dentists (89. 7%), female patients (58. 8%), and posterior teeth (72. 2%) were more common. The prevalence of male dentists (84%) was far more than female counterparts (16%). 32. 9% of complaints were related to treatment in private dental offices and 39. 6% were related to treatment in dental clinics. Conclusion: Dental complaints had a rising trend, and the most commonly reported cases of treatment were endodontics, prosthodontics and surgical procedures.

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Background: Telemedicine provides a tele-communication between physician and patient in remote areas for transferring patient information for the purpose of diagnostic and therapeutic services. Teledermatology is a kind of approach for dermatologists that uses high resolution images for diagnosis. In this study we evaluated the agreement between direct (patient-physician) and indirect (telemedicine) dermatologic examination. Methods: This study was performed on selected patients referring to outpatient Dermatology clinic of Loghman Hospital. At the beginning of the study dermatologists were trained for using Dino Lite camera and teledermatology software. In the first stage all patients were visited face to face and diagnosed and then the lesions were captured with Dino Lite camera from 3 angles. After one month the patients were re-evaluated by using the captured pictures from lesions and then second diagnosis was recorded. Diagnosis agreement was evaluated using statistical analysis. Results: During the study 71 patients were enrolled in the study. The results of telemedicine and direct patient examination (patient-physician relationship) were very similar (91% agreement) and only 6 cases did not have diagnostic agreement. Conclusion: The results showed high agreement between telemedicine and clinical examination in diagnosis of skin diseases and therefore confirmed the efficacy of this method.

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Background: The Internet has been able to convert the manner of information seeking and has changed the users’ approach to information particularly in health domain. In this regard, the number of Persian-language websites in health service are increasing. Therefore, information about the variety of services offered by them is very important. The present study was designed to describe the status and distribution of various health services provided by Persian language websites, including informative, consultative, diagnostic and therapeutic services, as well as patient administrative. Methods: In this descriptive study, 619 websites were selected based on a researcher-made checklist. These websites were obtained by Googling 37 keywords. The data were analyzed by SPSS. Results: The results showed that the highest percentage (94. 4%) was related to informative services and the lowest percentage (3. 2%) was related to diagnostic and therapeutic services. In addition, 81. 6% of websites were offline. Moreover, Questions and Answers (61. 2%) and video conferencing (1. 1%) were the most and least frequent routes to communicate with users, respectively. Ultimately, the skin and beauty services (8. 4%), were the most extensive services provided by Persian websites. Conclusion: The results showed that Internet is an excellent platform to provide various health services for Iranians and in Persian language. However, some Internet-based health services, including diagnostic and therapeutic services, still need further development and attention.

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Background: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder characterized by repetitive and stereotypical patterns, and difficulties with social communication and interaction in early childhood. Motor development and dysfunction in children with ASD has been the subject of study in recent years and has attracted much of the attention of researchers. As motor dysfunctions can have a negative impact on the educational, language and socio-cognitive skills, and activity of daily life, there is a need for more studies on motor development in children with ASD. The aim of this research was to compare motor skills in at-risk autism spectrum disorder with ASD and typical development children. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was designed to compare 42 children aged 2 to 5 years (each group n#14) who had inclusion criteria. Data was collected from a convenience sampling through Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS). Data were analyzed using SPSS-21 software. Results: Based on the results of the Kruskal-Wallis analysis, there was significant difference in motor skills in children at-risk autism spectrum disorders compared with typical development children (p = 0. 035). Also, there was a significant difference between children at-risk autism spectrum disorder with ASD (p = 0. 005). Conclusion: The results showed that children with at-risk autism spectrum disorder showed motor skills problems in comparison with typical development children, so in order to improve their motor skills early intervention program is recommended.

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Background: Safety is one of the most important dimensions of care that is provided by surgical personnel. The most commonly used tools in the operating room are electrosurgical devices that can be a threat to patient safety. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge and attitude of the operating room personnel in the use of electrosurgery standards in educational and health centers of the Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. Methods: In this descriptive study, all operating room personnel from the hospitals of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences participated in the study. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire consisting of three sections: demographic information, knowledge section including 20 questions and attitude section including 25. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by content validity and its reliability was confirmed using the alpha Cronbach’ s coefficient (0. 71). The results of qualitative and quantitative variables were reported as percentage and average. Results: The findings showed that the mean age of the subjects was 30. 42 ± 8. 28 years and 78. 35% were women. There was no significant difference between the participants’ demographics and their knowledge and attitude. The mean knowledge of the subjects was 56. 44 ± 4. 54 and the mean attitude was 112. 88 ± 8. 03 (P-value <0. 05). 52. 6% of participants reported that they have not studied the standards for using electrosurgery and 70. 1% have not participated in any workshops on the use of electrocautery. Conclusion: The knowledge and attitude of the operating room personnel in the treatment centers was moderate and not suitable. Considering the potential risks of using electrosurgery such as patient burns and occupational injuries, it is imperative that managers and practitioners pay attention to educational and retraining issues.

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